knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
You will want to read this vignette if you are interested in contributing to {pegboard}, or if you would like to understand how to fine-tune the transition of a lesson from the styles infrastructure to The Workbench (see, or if you want to know how to better inspect the output of some of {pegboard}'s accessors. In this vignette, I assume that you are familiar with writing R functions and that R will default to passing an object's value to a function and not a reference (though if you do not understand that last part, do not worry, I will try to dispell this).
The {pegboard} package is an enhancement of the {tinkr} package, which transforms Markdown to XML and back again. XML is a markup language that is derived from HTML designed to handle structured data. A more modern format for storing and transporting data on the web is JSON, but the advantage of using XML is that we are able to use the XPath language to parse it (more on that later). Moreover, because XML has the same structure as HTML, it can be parsed using the same tools, which is advantageous for a suite of packages that transforms Markdown to HTML. This transformation is facilitated by the {commonmark} for transforming Markdown to XML and {xslt} for transforming XML to Markdown.
During the lesson transition, I was often faced with situations that required
me to perform intricate replacements in documents while preserving the structure.
One such example is transitioning the "workshop" or "overview" lessons that did
not have any episodes and relied on separate child documents to separate out
redundant elements. Let's say we had a file called
and two other
files called
that look like this:
## Setup Instructions ### Python {% include} ### R {% include %}
Install _python_ from **anaconda**
Install _R_ from **CRAN**
The output of
when its rendered would include the text from both
, but the thing is, the {% include %}
are a syntax that is specific to Jekyll. Instead, for The Workbench, we wanted
to use the R Markdown child document
so that
would look like this:
## Setup Instructions ### Python ```r ``` ### R ```r ```
setup_file <- tempfile(fileext=".md") stp <- "## Setup Instructions ### Python {% include} ### R {% include %} " writeLines(stp, setup_file)
By using the following function (originally in lesson-transition/datacarpentry/ecology-workshop.R), it was possible:
child_from_include <- function(from, to = NULL) { to <- if (is.null(to)) fs::path_ext_set(from, "Rmd") else to rlang::inform(c(i = from)) ep <- pegboard::Episode$new(from) # find all the {% include file.ext %} statements includes <- xml2::xml_find_all(ep$body, ".//md:text[starts-with(text(), '{% include')]", ns = ep$ns) # trim off everything but our precious file path f <- gsub("[%{ }]|include", "", xml2::xml_text(includes)) # give it a name fname <- paste0("include-", fs::path_ext_remove(f)) # make sure the file path is correct f <- sQuote(fs::path("files", f), q = FALSE) p <- xml2::xml_parent(includes) # remove text node xml2::xml_remove(includes) # change paragraph node to a code block and add chunk attributes xml2::xml_set_name(p, "code_block") xml2::xml_set_attr(p, "language", "r") xml2::xml_set_attr(p, "child", f) xml2::xml_set_attr(p, "name", fname) fs::file_move(from, to) ep$write(fs::path_dir(to), format = "Rmd") } writeLines(readLines(setup_file)) # show the file child_from_include(setup_file) writeLines(readLines(fs::path_ext_set(setup_file, "Rmd"))) # show the file
This is only a small peek of what is possible with XML data and if you are familiar with R, some of this may seem like strange syntax. If you would like to understand a bit more, read on.
Each Episode
object contains a field (you can think of each field as a list
element) called $body
, which contains an {xml2} document. This is the core of
the Episode
object and every function works in some way with this field.
For the casual R user (and even for the more experienced), the way you use this
package may seem a little strange. This is because in R, functions will not
have side effects, but the vast majority of methods in the Episode
will modify the object itself and this all has to do with the way XML data is
handled in R by the {xml2} package.
Normally in R, when you pass data to a function, it will make a copy of the data and then apply the function to the copy of the data:
x <- 1:10 f <- function(x) { # insert 99 after the fourth position in a vector return(append(x, 99, after = 4)) } print(f(x)) # note that x is not modified print(x)
When working with XML in R, the {xml2} package is unparalleled, but it leads to surprising outcomes because when you modify content within an XML object, you are modifying the object in place:
x <- xml2::read_xml("<a><b></b></a>") print(x) f <- function(x, new = "c") { xml2::xml_add_child(x, new, .where = xml2::xml_length(x)) return(x) } y <- f(x) # note that x and y are identical print(x) print(y)
It gets a bit stranger when you consider that in the above code, y
and x
exactly the same object as shown with the fact that if I manipulate y
, then
will also be modified:
f(y, "d") print(y) print(x)
I can even extract child elements from the XML document and manipulate those
and have them be reflected in the parent. For example, if I extract the second
child of the document, and then apply the cool="verified"
attribute to the
child, it will be reflected in the parent document.
child <- xml2::xml_child(x, 2) xml2::xml_set_attr(child, "cool", "verified") print(child) print(x) print(y)
This persistance lends itself very well to using the {R6} package for creating objects that work in a more object-oriented way (where methods belong to classes instead of the other way around). If you are familiar with how Python methods work, then you will be mostly familiar with how the {R6} objects behave. It is worthwhile to read the {R6} introduction vignette if you want to understand how to program and modify this package.
In the example above, you notice that I use xml2::xml_child()
to extract child
nodes, but the real power of XML comes with searching for items using XPath
syntax for traversing the XML nodes where I would be able to do one of the
following to get the child called "c"
xml2::xml_find_first(x, ".//c") xml2::xml_find_first(x, "/a/c")
The next section will cover a bit of XPath and provide some resources on how to practice and learn because this comes in very handy to quickly traverse the XML nodes without relying on loops.
In the section, we will talk about XPath syntax, but it will be non-exhaustive. Unfortunately, good tutorials on the web are few and far between, but here are some that can help:
It's important to remember that an XML document is a tree-like structure that
is similar to directories or folders on your computer. For example, if you look
at the source directory structure of this package, you would see a folder
called R/
and a nested folder called tests/testhat/
. If you started from
the root directory of this package, you would list the R files in the R/
folder with ls R/*.R
similarly, if you wanted to list the R files in the
folder, you would us ls tests/testthat/*.R
. In this
respect, XPath has a very similar syntax: to enter the next level of nesting,
you add a slash (/
). For example, let's take a look a what the file structure
would look like in XML form:
x <- '<ROOT> <R> <file ext="R">one</file> <file ext="R">two</file> </R> <tests> <testthat> <data> <file ext="txt">test-data</file> </data> <file ext="R">test-one</file> <file ext="R">test-two</file> </testthat> </tests> </ROOT>' writeLines(c("```xml", x, "```")) xml <- xml2::read_xml(gsub("\\n", "", x))
The XPath syntax to find all files in the the R and testthat folders would be
the same if you started from the root: R/file
xml2::xml_find_all(xml, "R/file") xml2::xml_find_all(xml, "tests/testthat/file")
However, XPath has one advantage that normal command line syntax doesn't have:
you can short-cut paths, so if we wanted to find all files in any given folder,
you can use the double slash (//
) to recursively search through nesting. By
habit, I will normally use the precede these slashes with a dot (.
) so that
I can be sure to start with the node that I have in my variable:
xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//file")
Of course, this method finds all files, so if you wanted to filter them, you
can use the bracket notation to create filters for our selection based on the
attribute, which are prefixed by @
. With the bracket notation, you add
brackets to a node selection with a condition. In this case, we want to test
that the extension is 'R', so we would use [@ext='R']
xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//file[@ext='R']")
In this scheme, I've put the file names as the text of the nodes, so we can use the bracket notation again with XPath functions to filter for only files that contain "one"
xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//file[@ext='R'][contains(text(), 'one')]")
If I only wanted to extract source files that contain "one", I could also use
the parent::
XPath axis:
xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//file[@ext='R'][contains(text(), 'one')][parent::R]")
Note that if I used a slash (/
) instead of square brackets for the parent, I
would get the parent back:
xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//file[@ext='R'][contains(text(), 'one')]/parent::R")
As you an see, many times, an XPath query can get kind of hairy, which is why I often like to compose it into different parts during programming with {glue}:
predicate <- "[@ext='R'][contains(text(), 'one')]" XPath <- glue::glue(".//file{predicate}/parent::R") xml2::xml_find_all(xml, XPath)
In the next section, I will discuss how to extract and manipulate XML that comes from Markdown with namespaces.
The XML from markdown transformation is fully handled by the {commonmark}
package, which has the convenient commonmark::markdown_xml()
function. For
example, this is how how the following markdown is processed:
This is a bunch of [example markdown]( 'for example') text - this - is - a **list**
This is a bunch of example markdown text
- this
- is
- a list
md <- c("This is a bunch of [example markdown]( 'for example') text", "", "- this", "- is", "- a **list**" ) xml_txt <- commonmark::markdown_xml(paste(md, collapse = "\n")) class(xml_txt) writeLines(xml_txt)
You can see that it has successfully parsed the markdown into a paragraph and a list and then the various elements within.
Now here's the catch: The commonmark markdown always starts with this basic
skeleton which has the root node of <document
. The xmlns
attribute defines the
default XML namespace:
lines <- strsplit(commonmark::markdown_xml("hi"), "\n")[[1]][-(4:6)] writeLines(append(lines, "\nMARKDOWN CONTENT HERE\n", after = 3))
In many XML applications, namespaces will come with prefixes, which are defined
in the xmlns
attribute (e.g. xmlns:svg=""
). If a
node has a namespace, it needs to be selected with the namespace prefix like
so: .//svg:circle
. For default namespaces, the same rule applies, but the
question becomes: how do you know what the namespace prefix is? In {xml2}, the
default namespace always begins with d1
and increments up as new namespaces
are added. You can inspect the namespace with xml2::xml_ns()
xml <- xml2::read_xml(xml_txt) xml2::xml_ns(xml)
Thus, the XPath query you would use to select a paragraph would be
# with namespace prefix xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//d1:paragraph")
Of course, having a default namespace in {xml2} has some drawbacks in that adding new nodes will duplicate the namespace with a different identifier, so one way we have avoided this in {tinkr} (the package that does the basic conversion) is to define a namespace with a prefix in a function so that we can use it when querying:
tinkr::md_ns() xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//md:paragraph", ns = tinkr::md_ns())
It's also important to remember that all nodes will require this namespace
prefix, so if we wanted to only select paragraphs that were inside of a list,
we would need to specify use .//md:list//md:paragraph
xml2::xml_find_all(xml, ".//md:list//md:paragraph", ns = tinkr::md_ns())
One of the reasons why we created pegboard was to handle markdown content that also included fenced divs, but we needed a way to programmatically label and extract them without affecting the stylesheet that is used to translate the XML back to Markdown (not covered in this tutorial). To acheive this we place nodes under a different namespace around the fences and define our own namespace.
Here's an example:
This is markdown with fenced divs ::: discussion This is a discussion ::: ::: spoiler This is a spoiler that is hidden by default :::
When it's parsed by commonmark, the fenced divs are treated as paragraphs:
md <- 'This is markdown with fenced divs ::: discussion This is a discussion ::: ::: spoiler This is a spoiler that is hidden by default ::: ' fences <- xml2::read_xml(commonmark::markdown_xml(md)) fences
In {pegboard}, we have an internal function called label_div_tags()
that will
allow us to label and parse these tags without affecting the markdown document:
pb <- asNamespace("pegboard") pb$label_div_tags(fences) fences
Note that we have defined a <dtag>
XML node that is defined under the pegboard
namespace. These sandwich the nodes that we want to query and allow us to use
to search for specific tags:
ns <- pb$get_ns() ns # both md and pegboard namespaces tinkr::find_between(fences, ns = ns, pattern = "pb:dtag[@label='div-1-discussion']")
This is automated in the get_divs()
internal function:
This is but a short introduction to using XML with {pegboard}. You now have the basics of what the structure of XML is, how to use XPath (with further resources), how to use XPath with namespaces, and how we use namespaces in {pegboard} to allow us to parse specific items. It is a good idea to practices working with XPath because it is useful not only for working with XML representations of markdown documents, but it is also heavily used for post-processing of HTML in both {pkgdown} and the {sandpaper} packages.
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.