#' Get code blocks from xml document
#' @param body an xml document from a jekyll site
#' @param type a full or partial string of a code block attribute from Jekyll
#' without parenthesis.
#' @param attr what attribute to query in search of code blocks. Default is
#' @@ktag, which will search for "\{: \<type\>".
#' @details This uses the XPath function `fn:starts-with()` to search for the
#' code block and automatically includes the opening brace, so regular
#' expressions are not allowed. This is used by the `$code`, `$output`, and
#' `$error` elements of the [Episode] class.
#' @return an xml nodeset object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' e <- Episode$new(fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "17-scope.md"))
#' get_code(e$body)
#' get_code(e$body, ".output")
#' get_code(e$body, ".error")
get_code <- function(body, type = ".language-", attr = "@ktag") {
# TODO: the code blocks for pure Jekyll lessons and the Rmarkdown lessons
# (python-novice-gapminder and r-novice-inflammation, respectively) will be
# different, namely that the RMarkdown code blocks will have attributes
# according to the RMarkdown specification while the Jekyll blocks will simply
# be code blocks.
# Namespace for the document is listed in the attributes
ns <- NS(body)
# Find the end of the challenge block ----------------------------------------
block <- glue::glue(".//{ns}code_block")
if (is.null(attr)) {
challenge <- block
} else if (is.null(type)) {
challenge <- glue::glue("{block}[{attr}]")
} else {
type <- if (attr == "@ktag") glue::glue("{: <type>", .open = "<", .close = ">") else type
predicate <- glue::glue("starts-with({attr},'{type}')")
challenge <- glue::glue("{block}[{predicate}]")
# Combine and search ---------------------------------------------------------
xml2::xml_find_all(body, challenge)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.