carter-allen/GPA: GPA (Genetic analysis incorporating Pleiotropy and Annotation)

This package provides functions for fitting GPA, a statistical framework to prioritize GWAS results by integrating pleiotropy information and annotation data. In addition, it also includes ShinyGPA, an interactive visualization toolkit to investigate pleiotropic architecture.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorDongjun Chung, Emma Kortemeier, Carter Allen
Bioconductor views Classification Clustering DifferentialExpression GeneExpression Genetics GenomeWideAssociation MultipleComparison Preprocessing SNP Software StatisticalMethod
MaintainerDongjun Chung <>
LicenseGPL (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
carter-allen/GPA documentation built on April 21, 2020, 11:18 a.m.