
Defines functions parseFtBorder getFtBorderFromCssBorder getFtBorderWidthFromCssBorder getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder parseXlBorder getXlBorderFromCssBorder getXlBorderStyleFromCssBorder parseCssBorder parseColor PxToPt parseCssSizeToPx parseCssSizeToPt parseCssString getNextPosition cleanCssValue

Documented in cleanCssValue getFtBorderFromCssBorder getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder getFtBorderWidthFromCssBorder getNextPosition getXlBorderFromCssBorder getXlBorderStyleFromCssBorder parseColor parseCssBorder parseCssSizeToPt parseCssSizeToPx parseCssString parseFtBorder parseXlBorder PxToPt

#' Cleans up a CSS attribute value.
#' \code{cleanCssValue} is a utility function that performs some basic cleanup
#' on CSS attribute values.  Leading and trailing whitespace is removed.  The
#' CSS values "initial" and "inherit" are blocked.  The function is vectorised
#' so can be used with arrays.
#' @param cssValue The value to cleanup.
#' @return The cleaned value.

cleanCssValue <- function(cssValue) {
  if(is.null(cssValue)) return(NULL)
  value <- trimws(cssValue)
  value <- ifelse(endsWith(value, ";"), substr(value, 1, nchar(value)-1), value)
  value <- value[tolower(value) != "initial"]
  value <- value[tolower(value) != "inherit"]

#' Find the first value in an array that is larger than the specified value.
#' \code{getNextPosition} is a utility function that helps when parsing strings
#' that contain delimiters.
#' @param positions An ordered numeric vector.
#' @param afterPosition The value to start searching after.
#' @return The first value in the array larger than afterPosition.

getNextPosition <- function(positions, afterPosition) {
  laterPositions <- positions[positions > afterPosition]
  if(length(laterPositions)==0) return(NULL)
  else return(laterPositions[1])

#' Split a CSS attribute value into a vector/array.
#' \code{parseCssString} is a utility function that splits a string into a
#' vector/array.  The function pays attention to text qualifiers (single and
#' double quotes) so won't split if the delimiter occurs inside a value.
#' @param text The text to split.
#' @param separator The field separator, default comma.
#' @param removeEmptyString TRUE to not return empty string / whitespace values.
#' @return An R vector containing the values from text split up.

parseCssString <- function(text, separator=",", removeEmptyString=TRUE) {
  cText <- trimws(text)
  if(endsWith(cText, ";")) cText <- substr(cText, 1, nchar(cText)-1)
  i <- 1
  iEnd <- nchar(cText)
  quote1 <- gregexpr("'", cText, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  quote2 <- gregexpr("\"", cText, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  sep <- gregexpr(separator, cText, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  ws <- c(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n")
  results <- list()
  while (i <= iEnd) {
    chr <- substr(cText, i, i)
    # message(chr)
    # skip past whitespace
    if(chr %in% ws) {
      i <- i + 1
    else if(chr==separator) { # comma - zero length string
      results[[length(results)+1]] <- ""
      i <- i + 1
    else if(chr=="\"") { # double quotes
      # next double quotes
      j <- getNextPosition(quote2, i)
      # message(paste0("jd=", j))
      if(is.null(j)||(j<=0)) {
        # malformed, just take the rest of the string and break out of the loop
        results[[length(results)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i+1, iEnd))
      else {
        results[[length(results)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i+1, j-1))
        k <- getNextPosition(sep, j)
        if(is.null(k)||(k<=0)) break
        i <- k + 1
    else if(chr=="'") { # single quote
      # next single quote
      j <- getNextPosition(quote1, i)
      # message(paste0("js=", j))
      if(is.null(j)||(j<=0)) {
        # malformed, just take the rest of the string and break out of the loop
        results[[length(results)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i+1, iEnd))
      else {
        results[[length(results)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i+1, j-1))
        k <- getNextPosition(sep, j)
        if(is.null(k)||(k<=0)) break
        i <- k + 1
    else {
      # find next comma
      j <- getNextPosition(sep, i)
      # message(paste0("jc=", j))
      if(is.null(j)||(j<=0)) {
        # malformed, just take the rest of the string and break out of the loop
        results[[length(results)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i, iEnd))
      else {
        results[[length(results)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i, j-1))
        i <- j + 1
  results <- unlist(results)
  if(removeEmptyString) results <- results[nchar(results)>0]

#' Convert a CSS size value into points.
#' \code{parseCssSizeToPt} will take a CSS style and convert it to points.
#' Supported input size units are in, cm, mm, pt, pc, px, em, %.  The following
#' are converted exactly:  in, cm, mm, pt, pc: using 1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm =
#' 72pt = 6pc.  The following are converted approximately:  px, em, %: using
#' approx 1em=16px=12pt and 100%=1em, so approx 25.4mm = 96px
#' @param size A size specified in common CSS units.
#' @return The size converted to points.

parseCssSizeToPt <- function(size) {
  # able to convert in, cm, mm, pt, pc, px, em, %
  # convert exactly:  in, cm, mm, pt, pc: using 1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm = 72pt = 6pc
  # convert approximately:  px, em, %: using approx 1em=16px=12pt and 100%=1em, so approx 25.4mm = 96px
  # references:
  #   https://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/units.en.html
  cSize <- tolower(cleanCssValue(size))
  if(!isTextValue(cSize)) return(NULL)
  # convert named sizes, percentages, em and px
  percent <- NULL
  if(cSize=="xx-small") percent <- 50
  else if(cSize=="x-small") percent <- 60
  else if(cSize=="small") percent <- 80
  else if(cSize=="medium") percent <- 100
  else if(cSize=="large") percent <- 110
  else if(cSize=="x-large") percent <- 150
  else if(cSize=="xx-large") percent <- 200
  else if(endsWith(cSize, "%")&&(nchar(cSize) > 1)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-1))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) percent <- testValue
  else if(endsWith(cSize, "em")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) percent <- 100 * testValue
  else if(endsWith(cSize, "px")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) percent <- testValue * 100 / 16
  if(!is.null(percent)) {
    pt <- round(percent * 12 / 50) / 2 # round to nearest 0.5 pt
    pt <- min(max(pt, 4), 72)
  # convert in, cm, mm
  mm <- NULL
  if(endsWith(cSize, "in")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) mm <- 25.4 * testValue
  if(endsWith(cSize, "cm")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) mm <- 10 * testValue
  if(endsWith(cSize, "mm")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) mm <- testValue
  if(!is.null(mm)) {
    pt <- round(mm * 144 / 25.4) / 2 # round to nearest 0.5 pt
    pt <- min(max(pt, 4), 72)
  # convert pt
  if(endsWith(cSize, "pt")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) {
      pt <- testValue
      pt <- min(max(pt, 4), 72)
  # convert pc
  if(endsWith(cSize, "pc")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) {
      pt <- 12 * testValue
      pt <- min(max(pt, 4), 72)
  # unknown units

#' Convert a CSS size value into pixels
#' \code{parseCssSizeToPx} will take a CSS style and convert it to pixels
#' Supported input size units are in, cm, mm, pt, pc, px, em, %.  The following
#' are converted exactly:  in, cm, mm, pt, pc: using 1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm =
#' 72pt = 6pc.  The following are converted approximately:  px, em, %: using
#' approx 1em=16px=12pt and 100%=1em, so approx 25.4mm = 96px
#' @param size A size specified in common CSS units.
#' @return The size converted to pixels.

parseCssSizeToPx <- function(size) {
  # able to convert in, cm, mm, pt, pc, px, em, %
  # convert exactly:  in, cm, mm, pt, pc: using 1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm = 72pt = 6pc
  # convert approximately:  px, em, %: using approx 1em=16px=12pt and 100%=1em, so approx 25.4mm = 96px
  # references:
  #   https://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/units.en.html
  cSize <- tolower(cleanCssValue(size))
  if(!isTextValue(cSize)) return(NULL)
  # convert named sizes, percentages, em
  percent <- NULL
  if(cSize=="xx-small") percent <- 50
  else if(cSize=="x-small") percent <- 60
  else if(cSize=="small") percent <- 80
  else if(cSize=="medium") percent <- 100
  else if(cSize=="large") percent <- 110
  else if(cSize=="x-large") percent <- 150
  else if(cSize=="xx-large") percent <- 200
  else if(endsWith(cSize, "%")&&(nchar(cSize) > 1)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-1))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) percent <- testValue
  else if(endsWith(cSize, "em")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) percent <- 100 * testValue
  if(!is.null(percent)) {
    px <- round(percent * 16 / 10) / 10 # round to nearest 0.1px
    px <- min(max(px, 0), 768)
  # convert in, cm, mm
  mm <- NULL
  if(endsWith(cSize, "in")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) mm <- 25.4 * testValue
  if(endsWith(cSize, "cm")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) mm <- 10 * testValue
  if(endsWith(cSize, "mm")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) mm <- testValue
  if(!is.null(mm)) {
    px <- round(mm * 960 / 25.4) / 10 # round to nearest 0.1 px
    px <- min(max(px, 0), 768)
  # convert pt
  if(endsWith(cSize, "pt")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) {
      px <- 4 * testValue / 3
      px <- min(max(px, 0), 768)
  # convert pc
  if(endsWith(cSize, "pc")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) {
      px <- 4 * 12 * testValue / 3
      px <- min(max(px, 0), 768)
  # convert px
  if(endsWith(cSize, "px")&&(nchar(cSize) > 2)) {
    testValue <- trimws(substr(cSize, 1, nchar(cSize)-2))
    testValue <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(testValue))
    if(!is.na(testValue)) {
      px <- testValue
      px <- min(max(px, 0), 768)
  # unknown units

#' Convert a number of pixels to points
#' \code{PxToPt} converts pixels to points.
#' 1inch = 72pt = 96px according to W3C.
#' Ref:  https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths
#' @param px The number of pixels convert.
#' @return The corresponding number of points.
PxToPt <- function(px) {
  if(is.null(px)) {
  pt <- round(px * 72 / 96)

#' Convert a CSS colour into a hex based colour code.
#' \code{parseColor} converts a colour value specified in CSS to a hex based
#' colour code.  Example supported input values/formats/named colours are:
#' #0080FF, rgb(0, 128, 255), rgba(0, 128, 255, 0.5) and red, green, etc.
#' @param color The colour to convert.
#' @return The colour as a hex code, e.g. #FF00A0.

parseColor <- function(color) { # returns a colour in the form #[0-9A-F]
  cColor <- cleanCssValue(color)
  if(!isTextValue(cColor)) return(NULL)

  # colour already in hex format?
  check <- grep("#[0-9A-F]{6}", toupper(cColor))
  if((length(check)>0)&&(check==TRUE)) return(toupper(cColor))

  # to lower after above check
  cColor <- tolower(cColor)

  # RGB color?
  if(startsWith(cColor, "rgb(") && endsWith(cColor, ")") && (nchar(cColor) > 5)) {
    s <- substr(cColor, 5, nchar(cColor)-1)
    clrs <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(s, ",")))
    if(length(clrs)==3) {
      clrRed <- suppressWarnings(min(max(as.numeric(clrs[1]), 0), 255))
      clrGreen <- suppressWarnings(min(max(as.numeric(clrs[2]), 0), 255))
      clrBlue <- suppressWarnings(min(max(as.numeric(clrs[3]), 0), 255))
      if((!is.na(clrRed))&&(!is.na(clrGreen))&&(!is.na(clrBlue))) {
                      as.character.hexmode(clrRed, width=2, upper.case=TRUE),
                      as.character.hexmode(clrGreen, width=2, upper.case=TRUE),
                      as.character.hexmode(clrBlue, width=2, upper.case=TRUE)))

  # RGBA color?
  if(startsWith(cColor, "rgba(") && endsWith(cColor, ")") && (nchar(cColor) > 6)) {
    s <- substr(cColor, 6, nchar(cColor)-1)
    clrs <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(s, ",")))
    if(length(clrs)>=3) {
      clrRed <- suppressWarnings(min(max(as.numeric(clrs[1]), 0), 255))
      clrGreen <- suppressWarnings(min(max(as.numeric(clrs[2]), 0), 255))
      clrBlue <- suppressWarnings(min(max(as.numeric(clrs[3]), 0), 255))
      if((!is.na(clrRed))&&(!is.na(clrGreen))&&(!is.na(clrBlue))) {
                      as.character.hexmode(clrRed, width=2, upper.case=TRUE),
                      as.character.hexmode(clrGreen, width=2, upper.case=TRUE),
                      as.character.hexmode(clrBlue, width=2, upper.case=TRUE)))

  # named colours
  if(cColor=="aliceblue") return("#F0F8FF")
  else if(cColor=="antiquewhite") return("#FAEBD7")
  else if(cColor=="aqua") return("#00FFFF")
  else if(cColor=="aquamarine") return("#7FFFD4")
  else if(cColor=="azure") return("#F0FFFF")
  else if(cColor=="beige") return("#F5F5DC")
  else if(cColor=="bisque") return("#FFE4C4")
  else if(cColor=="black") return("#000000")
  else if(cColor=="blanchedalmond") return("#FFEBCD")
  else if(cColor=="blue") return("#0000FF")
  else if(cColor=="blueviolet") return("#8A2BE2")
  else if(cColor=="brown") return("#A52A2A")
  else if(cColor=="burlywood") return("#DEB887")
  else if(cColor=="cadetblue") return("#5F9EA0")
  else if(cColor=="chartreuse") return("#7FFF00")
  else if(cColor=="chocolate") return("#D2691E")
  else if(cColor=="coral") return("#FF7F50")
  else if(cColor=="cornflowerblue") return("#6495ED")
  else if(cColor=="cornsilk") return("#FFF8DC")
  else if(cColor=="crimson") return("#DC143C")
  else if(cColor=="cyan") return("#00FFFF")
  else if(cColor=="darkblue") return("#00008B")
  else if(cColor=="darkcyan") return("#008B8B")
  else if(cColor=="darkgoldenrod") return("#B8860B")
  else if(cColor=="darkgray") return("#A9A9A9")
  else if(cColor=="darkgrey") return("#A9A9A9")
  else if(cColor=="darkgreen") return("#006400")
  else if(cColor=="darkkhaki") return("#BDB76B")
  else if(cColor=="darkmagenta") return("#8B008B")
  else if(cColor=="darkolivegreen") return("#556B2F")
  else if(cColor=="darkorange") return("#FF8C00")
  else if(cColor=="darkorchid") return("#9932CC")
  else if(cColor=="darkred") return("#8B0000")
  else if(cColor=="darksalmon") return("#E9967A")
  else if(cColor=="darkseagreen") return("#8FBC8F")
  else if(cColor=="darkslateblue") return("#483D8B")
  else if(cColor=="darkslategray") return("#2F4F4F")
  else if(cColor=="darkslategrey") return("#2F4F4F")
  else if(cColor=="darkturquoise") return("#00CED1")
  else if(cColor=="darkviolet") return("#9400D3")
  else if(cColor=="deeppink") return("#FF1493")
  else if(cColor=="deepskyblue") return("#00BFFF")
  else if(cColor=="dimgray") return("#696969")
  else if(cColor=="dimgrey") return("#696969")
  else if(cColor=="dodgerblue") return("#1E90FF")
  else if(cColor=="firebrick") return("#B22222")
  else if(cColor=="floralwhite") return("#FFFAF0")
  else if(cColor=="forestgreen") return("#228B22")
  else if(cColor=="fuchsia") return("#FF00FF")
  else if(cColor=="gainsboro") return("#DCDCDC")
  else if(cColor=="ghostwhite") return("#F8F8FF")
  else if(cColor=="gold") return("#FFD700")
  else if(cColor=="goldenrod") return("#DAA520")
  else if(cColor=="gray") return("#808080")
  else if(cColor=="grey") return("#808080")
  else if(cColor=="green") return("#008000")
  else if(cColor=="greenyellow") return("#ADFF2F")
  else if(cColor=="honeydew") return("#F0FFF0")
  else if(cColor=="hotpink") return("#FF69B4")
  else if(cColor=="indianred") return("#CD5C5C")
  else if(cColor=="indigo") return("#4B0082")
  else if(cColor=="ivory") return("#FFFFF0")
  else if(cColor=="khaki") return("#F0E68C")
  else if(cColor=="lavender") return("#E6E6FA")
  else if(cColor=="lavenderblush") return("#FFF0F5")
  else if(cColor=="lawngreen") return("#7CFC00")
  else if(cColor=="lemonchiffon") return("#FFFACD")
  else if(cColor=="lightblue") return("#ADD8E6")
  else if(cColor=="lightcoral") return("#F08080")
  else if(cColor=="lightcyan") return("#E0FFFF")
  else if(cColor=="lightgoldenrodyellow") return("#FAFAD2")
  else if(cColor=="lightgray") return("#D3D3D3")
  else if(cColor=="lightgrey") return("#D3D3D3")
  else if(cColor=="lightgreen") return("#90EE90")
  else if(cColor=="lightpink") return("#FFB6C1")
  else if(cColor=="lightsalmon") return("#FFA07A")
  else if(cColor=="lightseagreen") return("#20B2AA")
  else if(cColor=="lightskyblue") return("#87CEFA")
  else if(cColor=="lightslategray") return("#778899")
  else if(cColor=="lightslategrey") return("#778899")
  else if(cColor=="lightsteelblue") return("#B0C4DE")
  else if(cColor=="lightyellow") return("#FFFFE0")
  else if(cColor=="lime") return("#00FF00")
  else if(cColor=="limegreen") return("#32CD32")
  else if(cColor=="linen") return("#FAF0E6")
  else if(cColor=="magenta") return("#FF00FF")
  else if(cColor=="maroon") return("#800000")
  else if(cColor=="mediumaquamarine") return("#66CDAA")
  else if(cColor=="mediumblue") return("#0000CD")
  else if(cColor=="mediumorchid") return("#BA55D3")
  else if(cColor=="mediumpurple") return("#9370DB")
  else if(cColor=="mediumseagreen") return("#3CB371")
  else if(cColor=="mediumslateblue") return("#7B68EE")
  else if(cColor=="mediumspringgreen") return("#00FA9A")
  else if(cColor=="mediumturquoise") return("#48D1CC")
  else if(cColor=="mediumvioletred") return("#C71585")
  else if(cColor=="midnightblue") return("#191970")
  else if(cColor=="mintcream") return("#F5FFFA")
  else if(cColor=="mistyrose") return("#FFE4E1")
  else if(cColor=="moccasin") return("#FFE4B5")
  else if(cColor=="navajowhite") return("#FFDEAD")
  else if(cColor=="navy") return("#000080")
  else if(cColor=="oldlace") return("#FDF5E6")
  else if(cColor=="olive") return("#808000")
  else if(cColor=="olivedrab") return("#6B8E23")
  else if(cColor=="orange") return("#FFA500")
  else if(cColor=="orangered") return("#FF4500")
  else if(cColor=="orchid") return("#DA70D6")
  else if(cColor=="palegoldenrod") return("#EEE8AA")
  else if(cColor=="palegreen") return("#98FB98")
  else if(cColor=="paleturquoise") return("#AFEEEE")
  else if(cColor=="palevioletred") return("#DB7093")
  else if(cColor=="papayawhip") return("#FFEFD5")
  else if(cColor=="peachpuff") return("#FFDAB9")
  else if(cColor=="peru") return("#CD853F")
  else if(cColor=="pink") return("#FFC0CB")
  else if(cColor=="plum") return("#DDA0DD")
  else if(cColor=="powderblue") return("#B0E0E6")
  else if(cColor=="purple") return("#800080")
  else if(cColor=="rebeccapurple") return("#663399")
  else if(cColor=="red") return("#FF0000")
  else if(cColor=="rosybrown") return("#BC8F8F")
  else if(cColor=="royalblue") return("#4169E1")
  else if(cColor=="saddlebrown") return("#8B4513")
  else if(cColor=="salmon") return("#FA8072")
  else if(cColor=="sandybrown") return("#F4A460")
  else if(cColor=="seagreen") return("#2E8B57")
  else if(cColor=="seashell") return("#FFF5EE")
  else if(cColor=="sienna") return("#A0522D")
  else if(cColor=="silver") return("#C0C0C0")
  else if(cColor=="skyblue") return("#87CEEB")
  else if(cColor=="slateblue") return("#6A5ACD")
  else if(cColor=="slategray") return("#708090")
  else if(cColor=="slategrey") return("#708090")
  else if(cColor=="snow") return("#FFFAFA")
  else if(cColor=="springgreen") return("#00FF7F")
  else if(cColor=="steelblue") return("#4682B4")
  else if(cColor=="tan") return("#D2B48C")
  else if(cColor=="teal") return("#008080")
  else if(cColor=="thistle") return("#D8BFD8")
  else if(cColor=="tomato") return("#FF6347")
  else if(cColor=="turquoise") return("#40E0D0")
  else if(cColor=="violet") return("#EE82EE")
  else if(cColor=="wheat") return("#F5DEB3")
  else if(cColor=="white") return("#FFFFFF")
  else if(cColor=="whitesmoke") return("#F5F5F5")
  else if(cColor=="yellow") return("#FFFF00")
  else if(cColor=="yellowgreen") return("#9ACD32")
  else return(NULL)

#' Parse a CSS border value.
#' \code{parseCssBorder} parses the CSS combined border declarations (i.e.
#' border, border-left, border-right, border-top, border-bottom) and returns a
#' list containing the width, style and color as separate elements.
#' @param text The border declaration to parse.
#' @return A list containing three elements: width, style and color.

parseCssBorder <- function(text) {
  # parses a combined border declaration,
  # e.g. 1:  border: thin solid #FF00BB
  # e.g. 2:  border-left: thin solid red
  # e.g. 3:  border-left: 2px solid rgb(0, 255, 0)
  # does not currently support specifying different values for different sides,
  # e.g. (not supported): border: thin thick solid thin red blue

  cText <- trimws(text)
  if(!isTextValue(cText)) return(NULL)

  if(endsWith(cText, ";")) cText <- substr(cText, 1, nchar(cText)-1)
  i <- 1
  iEnd <- nchar(cText)
  space <- gregexpr("[ \t\r\n]", cText)[[1]]
  closeBracket <- gregexpr(")", cText, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  ws <- c(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n")
  parts <- list()
  while (i <= iEnd) {
    chr <- substr(cText, i, i)
    # message(chr)
    # skip past whitespace
    if(chr %in% ws) {
      i <- i + 1
    else {
      # find next space
      j <- getNextPosition(space, i)
      # message(paste0("sp=", j))
      if(is.null(j)||(j<=0)) {
        # malformed, just take the rest of the string and break out of the loop
        parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i, iEnd))
      else {
        word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, j-1))
        if(startsWith(tolower(word), "rgb(")) {
          k <- getNextPosition(closeBracket, i)
          word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, k))
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- k + 1
        else if(startsWith(tolower(word), "rgba(")) {
          k <- getNextPosition(closeBracket, i)
          word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, k))
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- k + 1
        else {
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- j + 1
  parts <- unlist(parts)
  parts <- parts[nchar(parts)>0]

  # get width, style and color
  borderWidth <- NULL
  borderStyle <- NULL
  borderColor <- NULL
  allowedWidths <- c("thin", "medium", "thick")
  allowedStyles <- c("none", "hidden", "dotted", "dashed", "solid", "double", "groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset")
  for(i in 1:length(parts)) {
    # examine each part
    part <- tolower(cleanCssValue(parts[i]))
    if(!isTextValue(part)) next
    # width?
    if(is.null(borderWidth)) {
      if(part %in% allowedWidths) borderWidth <- part
      else {
        numericalWidth <- parseCssSizeToPx(part)
        if(!is.null(numericalWidth)) borderWidth <- numericalWidth
    # style
    if(is.null(borderStyle)) {
      if(part %in% allowedStyles) borderStyle <- part
    # color
    if(is.null(borderColor)) {
      color <- parseColor(part)
      if(!is.null(color)) borderColor <- color
  if(!isTextValue(borderStyle)) return(NULL)
  if(is.null(borderWidth)&&is.null(borderStyle)&&is.null(borderColor)) return(NULL)
  result <- list(width=borderWidth, style=borderStyle, color=borderColor)

#' Convert CSS border values to those used by the openxlsx package.
#' \code{getXlBorderStyleFromCssBorder} takes border parameters expressed as a
#' list (containing elements: width and style) and returns a border style that
#' is compatible with the openxlsx package.
#' @param border A list containing elements width and style.
#' @return An openxlsx border style.

getXlBorderStyleFromCssBorder <- function(border) {
  # border is a return value from the parseCssBorder() function
  if(!isTextValue(border)) return(NULL)
  cssBorderStyle <- border[["style"]]
  cssBorderWidth <- border[["width"]]
  if(!isTextValue(cssBorderStyle)) return(NULL)
  if(!isTextValue(cssBorderWidth)) cssBorderWidth <- "thin"
  if(cssBorderStyle %in% c("none", "hidden", "initial", "inherit")) return(NULL)
  if(cssBorderStyle %in% c("groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset")) cssBorderStyle <- "solid"
  if(cssBorderStyle=="solid") {
    if(cssBorderWidth=="thin") return("thin")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="medium") return("medium")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="thick") return("thick")
    else {
      numericalWidth <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(cssBorderWidth))
      if(is.na(numericalWidth)) return("thin")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1) return("hair")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1.5) return("thin")
      else if(numericalWidth < 2.5) return("medium")
      else return("thick")
  else if(cssBorderStyle=="dotted") {
    if(cssBorderWidth=="thin") return("dotted")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="medium") return("mediumDashDot")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="thick") return("mediumDashDot")
    else {
      numericalWidth <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(cssBorderWidth))
      if(is.na(numericalWidth)) return("dotted")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1) return("dotted")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1.5) return("mediumDashDot")
      else if(numericalWidth < 2.5) return("mediumDashDot")
      else return("mediumDashDot")
  else if(cssBorderStyle=="dashed") {
    if(cssBorderWidth=="thin") return("dashed")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="medium") return("mediumDashed")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="thick") return("mediumDashed")
    else {
      numericalWidth <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(cssBorderWidth))
      if(is.na(numericalWidth)) return("dashed")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1) return("dashed")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1.5) return("mediumDashed")
      else if(numericalWidth < 2.5) return("mediumDashed")
      else return("mediumDashed")
  else if(cssBorderStyle=="double") {
    if(cssBorderWidth=="thin") return("thin")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="medium") return("double")
    else if(cssBorderWidth=="thick") return("double")
    else {
      numericalWidth <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(cssBorderWidth))
      if(is.na(numericalWidth)) return("thin")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1) return("thin")
      else if(numericalWidth < 1.5) return("double")
      else if(numericalWidth < 2.5) return("double")
      else return("double")

#' Convert CSS border style values to those used by the openxlsx package.
#' \code{getXlBorderFromCssBorder} parses the CSS combined border declarations
#' (i.e. border, border-left, border-right, border-top, border-bottom) and
#' returns a list containing an openxlsx border style and color as separate
#' elements.
#' @param text The border declaration to parse.
#' @return A list containing two elements: style and color.

getXlBorderFromCssBorder <- function(text) {
  cssBorder <- parseCssBorder(text)
  if(is.null(cssBorder)) return(NULL)
  xlBorderStyle <- getXlBorderStyleFromCssBorder(cssBorder)
  if(is.null(xlBorderStyle)&&is.null(cssBorder[["color"]])) return(NULL)
  return(list(style=xlBorderStyle, color=cssBorder[["color"]]))

#' Parse an xl-border value.
#' \code{parseXlBorder} parses the combined xl border declarations (i.e.
#' xl-border, xl-border-left, xl-border-right, xl-border-top, xl-border-bottom)
#' and returns a list containing style and color as separate elements.
#' @param text The border declaration to parse.
#' @return A list containing two elements: style and color.

parseXlBorder <- function(text) {
  # parses a combined border declaration,
  # e.g. 1:  xl-border: thin #FF00BB
  # e.g. 2:  xl-border-left: thin red
  # e.g. 3:  xl-border-left: dashed rgb(0, 255, 0)
  # does not currently support specifying different values for different sides,
  # e.g. (not supported): xl-border: thin thick red blue

  cText <- trimws(text)
  if(!isTextValue(cText)) return(NULL)

  if(endsWith(cText, ";")) cText <- substr(cText, 1, nchar(cText)-1)
  i <- 1
  iEnd <- nchar(cText)
  space <- gregexpr("[ \t\r\n]", cText)[[1]]
  closeBracket <- gregexpr(")", cText, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  ws <- c(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n")
  parts <- list()
  while (i <= iEnd) {
    chr <- substr(cText, i, i)
    # message(chr)
    # skip past whitespace
    if(chr %in% ws) {
      i <- i + 1
    else {
      # find next space
      j <- getNextPosition(space, i)
      # message(paste0("sp=", j))
      if(is.null(j)||(j<=0)) {
        # malformed, just take the rest of the string and break out of the loop
        parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i, iEnd))
      else {
        word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, j-1))
         if(startsWith(tolower(word), "rgb(")) {
          k <- getNextPosition(closeBracket, i)
          word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, k))
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- k + 1
        else if(startsWith(tolower(word), "rgba(")) {
          k <- getNextPosition(closeBracket, i)
          word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, k))
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- k + 1
        else {
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- j + 1
  parts <- unlist(parts)
  parts <- parts[nchar(parts)>0]

  # get width, style and color
  borderStyle <- NULL
  borderColor <- NULL
  allowedStyles <- c("none", "thin", "medium", "dashed", "dotted", "thick", "double", "hair", "mediumDashed", "dashDot", "mediumDashDot", "dashDotDot", "mediumDashDotDot", "slantDashDot")
  for(i in 1:length(parts)) {
    # examine each part
    part <- tolower(cleanCssValue(parts[i]))
    # style
    if(is.null(borderStyle)) {
      if(part %in% allowedStyles) borderStyle <- part
    # color
    if(is.null(borderColor)) {
      color <- parseColor(part)
      if(!is.null(color)) borderColor <- color
  if(is.null(borderStyle)&&is.null(borderColor)) return(NULL)
  result <- list(style=borderStyle, color=borderColor)

#' Convert CSS border style values to those used by the flextable package.
#' \code{getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder} takes border parameters expressed as a
#' list (must contain an element named style) and returns a border style that
#' is compatible with the flextable package.
#' @param border A list containing an element named style.
#' @return A flextable border style.

getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder <- function(border) {
  # border is a return value from the parseCssBorder() function
  if(!isTextValue(border)) return(NULL)
  cssBorderStyle <- border[["style"]]
  if(!isTextValue(cssBorderStyle)) return(NULL)
  if(cssBorderStyle %in% c("none", "hidden", "initial", "inherit")) return(NULL)
  if(cssBorderStyle %in% c("groove", "ridge", "inset", "outset")) cssBorderStyle <- "solid"
  if(cssBorderStyle=="solid") return("solid")
  else if(cssBorderStyle=="dotted") return("dotted")
  else if(cssBorderStyle=="dashed") return("dashed")
  else if(cssBorderStyle=="double") return("solid")

#' Convert CSS border width to those used by the flextable package.
#' \code{getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder} takes border parameters expressed as a
#' list (must contain an element named style) and returns a border style that
#' is compatible with the flextable package.
#' @param border A list containing an element named style.
#' @return A flextable border style.

getFtBorderWidthFromCssBorder <- function(border) {
  # border is a return value from the parseCssBorder() function
  if(!isTextValue(border)) return(NULL)
  cssBorderWidth <- border[["width"]]
  if(cssBorderWidth %in% c("none", "hidden", "initial", "inherit")) return(NULL)
  if(cssBorderWidth=="thin") return(2)
  else if(cssBorderWidth=="medium") return(4)
  else if(cssBorderWidth=="thick") return(6)
  else if(isNumericValue(cssBorderWidth)) return(cssBorderWidth)

#' Convert CSS border values to those used by the flextable package.
#' \code{getXlBorderFromCssBorder} parses the CSS combined border declarations
#' (i.e. border, border-left, border-right, border-top, border-bottom) and
#' returns a list containing an openxlsx border style and color as separate
#' elements.
#' @param text The border declaration to parse.
#' @return A list containing two elements: width, style and color.

getFtBorderFromCssBorder <- function(text) {
  cssBorder <- parseCssBorder(text)
  if(is.null(cssBorder)) return(NULL)
  ftBorderStyle <- getFtBorderStyleFromCssBorder(cssBorder)
  ftBorderWidth <- getFtBorderWidthFromCssBorder(cssBorder)
  if(is.null(ftBorderStyle)&&is.null(cssBorder[["color"]])&&is.null(ftBorderWidth)) return(NULL)
  return(list(style=ftBorderStyle, color=cssBorder[["color"]], width=ftBorderWidth))

#' Parse an ft-border value.
#' \code{parseFtBorder} parses the combined ft border declarations (i.e.
#' ft-border, ft-border-left, ft-border-right, ft-border-top, ft-border-bottom)
#' and returns a list containing width, style and color as separate elements.
#' @param text The border declaration to parse.
#' @return A list containing two elements: width, style and color.

parseFtBorder <- function(text) {
  # parses a combined border declaration,
  # e.g. 1:  ft-border: thin solid #FF00BB
  # e.g. 2:  ft-border-left: thin dotted red
  # e.g. 3:  ft-border-left: medium dashed rgb(0, 255, 0)
  # does not currently support specifying different values for different sides,
  # e.g. (not supported): ft-border: thin thick red blue

  cText <- trimws(text)
  if(!isTextValue(cText)) return(NULL)

  if(endsWith(cText, ";")) cText <- substr(cText, 1, nchar(cText)-1)
  i <- 1
  iEnd <- nchar(cText)
  space <- gregexpr("[ \t\r\n]", cText)[[1]]
  closeBracket <- gregexpr(")", cText, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  ws <- c(" ", "\t", "\r", "\n")
  parts <- list()
  while (i <= iEnd) {
    chr <- substr(cText, i, i)
    # message(chr)
    # skip past whitespace
    if(chr %in% ws) {
      i <- i + 1
    else {
      # find next space
      j <- getNextPosition(space, i)
      # message(paste0("sp=", j))
      if(is.null(j)||(j<=0)) {
        # malformed, just take the rest of the string and break out of the loop
        parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- trimws(substr(cText, i, iEnd))
      else {
        word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, j-1))
        if(startsWith(tolower(word), "rgb(")) {
          k <- getNextPosition(closeBracket, i)
          word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, k))
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- k + 1
        else if(startsWith(tolower(word), "rgba(")) {
          k <- getNextPosition(closeBracket, i)
          word <- trimws(substr(cText, i, k))
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- k + 1
        else {
          parts[[length(parts)+1]] <- word
          i <- j + 1
  parts <- unlist(parts)
  parts <- parts[nchar(parts)>0]

  # get width, style and color
  borderWidth <- NULL
  borderStyle <- NULL
  borderColor <- NULL
  allowedStyles <- c("none", "solid", "dotted", "dashed")
  for(i in 1:length(parts)) {
    # examine each part
    part <- tolower(cleanCssValue(parts[i]))
    # width?
    if(is.null(borderWidth)) {
      numericalWidth <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(part))
      if(!is.null(numericalWidth)) borderWidth <- numericalWidth
    # style
    if(is.null(borderStyle)) {
      if(part %in% allowedStyles) borderStyle <- part
    # color
    if(is.null(borderColor)) {
      color <- parseColor(part)
      if(!is.null(color)) borderColor <- color
  if(is.null(borderWidth)&&is.null(borderStyle)&&is.null(borderColor)) return(NULL)
  result <- list(width=borderWidth, style=borderStyle, color=borderColor)
cbailiss/basictabler documentation built on July 2, 2021, 1:16 a.m.