
compute_mismatches <- function(r){
  index <- dt_npv[,closest(r, (npv0-value)/npv0), by=variable]
  apples_index <- index$V1
  names(apples_index) <- index$variable
  L2_policy <- policies$L2[[apples_index["L2"]]]$D
  L1_policy <- policies$L1[[apples_index["L1"]]]$D
  fixed_policy <- policies$fixed[[apples_index["fixed"]]]$D

  reps <- 1:500
  names(reps) = paste("rep", 1:length(reps), sep="_") # treat as a factor
  seeds <- 1:500
  sims <- list(
    L1_L2 = lapply(reps, function(x) simulate_optim(f, pars, x_grid, h_grid, x0, 
                                                 L1_policy, z_g, z_m, z_i, 
                                                 opt$D, profit=profit, 
                                                 penalty=L2(c2[apples_index["L2"]]), seed=seeds[x])), 
    L2_L1 = lapply(reps, function(x) simulate_optim(f, pars, x_grid, h_grid, x0, 
                                                 L2_policy, z_g, z_m, z_i, 
                                                 opt$D, profit=profit, 
                                                 penalty=L1(c2[apples_index["L1"]]), seed=seeds[x])),
    L2_fixed = lapply(reps, function(x) simulate_optim(f, pars, x_grid, h_grid, x0, 
                                                       L2_policy, z_g, z_m, z_i, 
                                                       opt$D, profit=profit, 
                                                       penalty=fixed(c2[apples_index["fixed"]]), seed=seeds[x])),
    fixed_L2 = lapply(reps, function(x) simulate_optim(f, pars, x_grid, h_grid, x0, 
                                                    fixed_policy, z_g, z_m, z_i, 
                                                    opt$D, profit=profit, 
                                                    penalty=L2(c2[apples_index["L2"]]), seed=seeds[x]))

#Make data tidy (melt), fast (data.tables), and nicely labeled.
  dat <- melt(sims, id=names(sims[[1]][[1]]))  
  dt <- data.table(dat)
  setnames(dt, "L2", "replicate") # names are nice
  setnames(dt, "L1", "penalty_fn") # names are nice
  mismatched <- dt[, sum(profit_fishing - policy_cost), by=penalty_fn ] 
  ignore_when_present <- dt[, sum(profit_fishing_alt - policy_cost_alt), by=penalty_fn] 
  optimal_free <- dt[, sum(profit_fishing_alt), by=penalty_fn]
  # Normalize by the optimal 
  ignore_fraction <- ignore_when_present$V1/optimal_free$V1 # common normalization
  mismatched_fraction <- mismatched$V1/optimal_free$V1

  mismatched <- cbind(mismatched, mismatched_fraction = mismatched_fraction)
  ignore_when_present <- cbind(ignore_when_present, ignore_fraction = ignore_fraction)
  # Name and merge columns
  setnames(ignore_when_present, "V1", "ignore_cost")
  setnames(mismatched, "V1", "mismatched_costs")
  error_costs <- merge(ignore_when_present, mismatched, "penalty_fn")
  # print_npv                             # theoretically acheivable profits under these costs
  # optimal_cost$V1/optimal_free$V1       # actually realized 
  error_costs <- cbind(error_costs, sigma_g = sigma_g, reduction = r)
cboettig/pdg_control documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:10 p.m.