
Defines functions rdf_serialize

Documented in rdf_serialize

#' Serialize an RDF Document
#' @inheritParams rdf_parse
#' @inheritParams rdf_query
#' @param doc file path to write out to. If null, will write to character.
#' @param namespace a named character containing the prefix to namespace bindings. \code{names(namespace)} are the prefixes, whereas \code{namespace} are the namespaces
#' @param prefix (optional) for backward compatibility. See \code{namespace}. It contains the matching prefixes to the namespaces in \code{namespace} and is set automatically if you provide \code{namespace} as a named character vector.
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{redland::serializeToFile}
#' @return rdf_serialize returns the output file path `doc` invisibly.
#'   This makes it easier to use rdf_serialize in pipe chains with
#'   \code{\link{rdf_parse}}.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importClassesFrom redland Serializer
#' @importMethodsFrom redland setNameSpace serializeToFile freeSerializer
#' @export
#' @examples
#' infile <- system.file("extdata", "dc.rdf", package="redland")
#' out <- tempfile("file", fileext = ".rdf")
#' some_rdf <- rdf_parse(infile)
#' rdf_add(some_rdf,
#'     subject = "http://www.dajobe.org/dave-beckett",
#'     predicate = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type",
#'     object = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person")
#' rdf_serialize(some_rdf, out)
#' ## With a namespace
#' rdf_serialize(some_rdf,
#'           out,
#'           format = "turtle",
#'           namespace = c(dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/",
#'           foaf = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")
#'           )
#' readLines(out)
rdf_serialize <- function(rdf,
                          doc = NULL,
                          format = c("guess",
                          namespace = NULL,
                          prefix = names(namespace),
                          base = getOption("rdf_base_uri", "localhost://"),
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if(format == "guess" & !is.null(doc)){
    format <- guess_format(doc)
  ## redlands doesn't support jsonld. So write as nquads and then transform
  jsonld_output <- format == "jsonld"
    format <- "nquads"
  mimetype <- rdf_mimetypes[format]
  serializer <-
    new("Serializer", rdf$world,
        name = format, mimeType = mimetype)
  if(!is.null(namespace) && is.character(namespace) && length(namespace) >= 1 && length(namespace) == length(prefix)){
    ix = 1:length(namespace)
    for (i in ix) {
                            namespace = namespace[i],
                            prefix = prefix[i]) 
    doc <- redland::serializeToCharacter(serializer, rdf$world, 
                                         rdf$model, baseUri = base, ...)
  } else {
    status <-
      redland::serializeToFile(serializer, rdf$world, 
                               rdf$model, doc, baseUri = base, ...)
    has_jsonld <- requireNamespace("jsonld", quietly = TRUE)
    if (!has_jsonld) {
      stop("please install the jsonld package to use this functionality.")
    txt <- paste(readLines(doc), collapse = "\n")
    if(length(txt) > 0){ ## don't attempt to write empty file into json
      json <- jsonld::jsonld_from_rdf(txt,
                                      options = list(
                                        base = base,
                                        format = "application/nquads"))
      compact_json <- jsonld::jsonld_compact(json, "{}")
      writeLines(compact_json, doc)
cboettig/rdflib documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 8:57 p.m.