Man pages for ceparman/Core5.3
Core API fucntions

apiGETapiGET - Do a get from the Core ODATA REST API.
apiPOSTapiPOST - Do a POST to the Core ODATA REST API.
apiPUTapiPUT - Do a PUT to the Core ODATA REST API.
attachFileattachFile - Attaches a file to an entity or file attribute.
attributeCleanNameattributeCleanName - converts names to uppercase and replaces...
authBasicauthBasic - Authenticates against the ODATA REST API using...
buildUrlbuildUrl - build URL for call to Core ODATA API.
coreAPIcoreAPI Creates a object of class coreAPI that contains user...
createEntitycreateEntity - Create a new instance of a entity. Used for...
createExperimentcreateExperiment - Create a new instance of an experiment.
createExperimentContainercreateExperimentContainer- Creates a new experiment container...
createExperimentSamplecreateExperimentSample - Create a new experiment sample from...
createSampleLotcreateSampleLot - Creates a lot of a sample.
experimentPublishexperimentPublish Publishes an experiment.
experimentUnPublishexperimentUnPublish UnPublishes an experiment.
getAttachedFilegetAttachedFile - Gets file attached to an attribute on a...
getCellContentsgetCellContents - Gets information about a single container...
getContainerCellIdsgetContainerCellIds - Gets cell ids for a container
getContainerContentsgetContainerContents - Gets information about container...
getEntityAssociations'getEntityAssociations' Get assoication for a context
getEntityByBarcodegetEntityByBarcode - Get an entity by barcode from the Core...
getEntityByNamegetEntityByName - Get an entity by name from the Core LIMS...
getEntityLocationgetEntityLocation - Get location for an entity by barcode...
getEntityMetadatagetEntitMetadata - Get entity metadata.
getEntityProjectgetEntityProject - Get project(s) for an entity by barcode...
getExperimentContainersgetExperimentContainers - Gets experiment containers from...
getExperimentSamplesgetExperimentSamples - Gets experiment sample barcodes from...
getExperimentSamplesAssayDatagetExperimentSamplesAssayData - Gets assay data for an...
getExperimentSamplesAssayFileDatagetExperimentSamplesAssayFileData - Gets file attached as...
getExperimentSamplesIntermediateDatagetExperimentSamplesIntermediateData - Gets intermediate data...
getExperimentSamplesRawDatagetExperimentSamplesRawData - Gets raw data for an experiment...
getWellContentsgetWellContents - Gets information about a single container...
logOutlogOut -Log user out of the LIMS.
ODATAcleanNameODATAcleanName - converts names to ODATA compliant version....
setCellContentssetCellContents - Puts a sample lot in a container Cell.
setExperimentSamplesAssayFileDatasetExperimentSamplesAssayFileData - puts file attached as...
setWellContentssetWellContents - Puts a sample lot in a container well.
updateCellContentsupdateCellContents - Updates amount and concentrations of...
updateEntityAssociations'updateEntityAssociations' Update entity assoications
updateEntityAttributes'updateEntityAttributes' Update entity assoications.
updateEntityLocation'updateEntityLocation'- Update entity location
updateEntityProject'updateEntityProject'- Update entity project association
updateExperimentSampleDataupdateExperimentSampleData - Update experiment sample assay...
updateExperimentSampleRawDataupdateExperimentSampleRawData - Update experiment sample raw...
updateMetadata'updateMetadata' g Updates cached metadata so metadata is up...
ceparman/Core5.3 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:16 a.m.