
#' attachFile - Attaches a file to an entity or file attribute.
#' \code{attachFile}  Attaches a file to an entity or file attribute.
#' @param coreApi coreApi object with valid jsessionid
#' @param barcode User provided barcode as a character string
#' @param filename name to use for the attached file
#' @param filepath path to the file to attach
#' @param targetAttributeName - if included the name if the attribute to attach the file to.  Must be in all caps.
#' @param useVerbose Use verbose communication for debugging
#' @export
#' @return RETURN returns a list $entity contains entity information, $response contains the entire http response
#' @examples
#' api<-CoreAPI("PATH TO JSON FILE")
#' login<- CoreAPI::authBasic(api)
#' modifiedItem<-CoreAPI::attachFile(response$coreApi,barcode,filename,
#'          filepath,targetAttributeName="",useVerbose=FALSE)
#' CoreAPI::logOut(login$coreApi )
#' }
#'@author Craig Parman ngsAnalytics, ngsanalytics.com
#'@description \code{attachFile} Attaches a file to entity identified by barcode.  Note: This function uses the JSON API.

attachFile <-
  function (coreApi,
            targetAttributeName = "",
            useVerbose = FALSE)

    if (!file.exists(filepath)) {
        print("Unable to find file on local OS")
      call. = FALSE)


    sdkCmd <- jsonlite::unbox("file-attach")

    data <- list(
      targetEntityBarcode = jsonlite::unbox(barcode),
      targetEntityId = jsonlite::unbox(""),
      name = jsonlite::unbox(filename),
      targetAttributeName = jsonlite::unbox(targetAttributeName),
      fileContentTypeOverride = jsonlite::unbox("")

    responseOptions <- c("CONTEXT_GET", "MESSAGE_LEVEL_WARN")
    logicOptions <- "EXECUTE_TRIGGERS"
    typeParam <- jsonlite::unbox("FILE")

    request <-
        request = list(
          sdkCmd = sdkCmd,
          data = data,
          typeParam = typeParam,
          responseOptions = responseOptions,
          logicOptions = logicOptions

    headers <- c("Content-Type" = "multipart/related")

    form <- list(
      json = jsonlite::toJSON(request),
      fileData = httr::upload_file(filepath, type = "image/png")

    body <- list(json = jsonlite::toJSON(request),
                 fileData = httr::upload_file(filepath))

    cookie <-
      c(JSESSIONID = coreApi$jsessionId,
        AWSELB = coreApi$awselb)

    response <-
        paste0(coreApi$scheme, "://", coreApi$coreUrl, "/sdk"),
        body = body,
        httr::verbose(data_out = FALSE),
        httr::add_headers("Content-Type" = "multipart/form-data"),


    #check for general HTTP error in response

    if (httr::http_error(response)) {
        print("json API file-attach call failed")
      call. = FALSE)


    list(entity = httr::content(response)$response$data,
         response = response)

ceparman/CoreAPI documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:59 p.m.