#' Convert a volume tree to a data.frame
#' Extract the name, label, and volumes for each node of the
#' tree. The volumes are then expanded out creating a
#' `data_frame` with n x v rows where n is the number of
#' rows and v is the number of volumes
#' @param vol_tree The volume tree of interest
#' @param filterFun which nodes to include in the tree, defaults
#' to isLeaf, all can be included with `function(n) TRUE`
#' @return A `data_frame` with the volume tree
#' @md
#' @export
tree_to_volume_frame <-
function(vol_tree, filterFun = isLeaf){
max_depth <-
vol_tree$Get("level") %>%
parents <-
rep("", max_depth) %>%
setNames(paste0("level", seq_len(max_depth))) %>%
as.list %>%
rep_last <- function(x, len){
xlen <- length(x)
if(xlen < len)
x <- c(x, rep(x[xlen], len - xlen))
vf <-
vol_tree$Get(filterFun = filterFun
, function(node){
node_attrs <-
data_frame(name = node$name
, parent =
, node$parent$name
, NA)
, gparent =
, node$parent$parent$name
, NA)
, volume = list(as.numeric(node$volumes))
, ind = list(as.character(1:length(node$volumes)))
, is_leaf = isLeaf(node))
depth <- node$level
node_path <- parents
node_path[1,] <- rep_last(node$path, max_depth)
cbind(node_attrs, node_path)
, simplify = FALSE
, traversal = "post-order") %>%
bind_rows %>%
#' Associate metadata with a volume tree frame
#' Take a volume tree frame generated by [tree_to_volume_frame]
#' and associated metadata. The rows of metadata should correspond
#' to the order of the volumes in the original volume tree.
#' @param vol_frame the volume frame
#' @param metadata the metadata frame
#' @return the tagged data frame
#' @export
tag_volume_frame <-
function(vol_frame, metadata){
metadata_munged <-
metadata %>% mutate(ind = as.character(seq_len(n())))
inner_join(vol_frame, metadata_munged, by = "ind") %>%
group_by(name) %>%
mutate(scaled_vol = as.numeric(scale(volume))
, mean_vol = mean(volume)
, sd_vol = sd(volume)) %>%
#' Find the parent indices for each node
#' Walks the tree in pre-order extracting the index
#' of the parent for each structure.
#' @param tree The tree of interest
#' @return An integer vector with parent indices
#' @export
parent_index <-
names <- tree$Get("name")
parent_name <- tree$Get(function(n) n$parent$name)
node_ind <- seq_along(names) %>% setNames(names)
parent_ind <- node_ind[parent_name]
parent_ind[is.na(parent_ind)] <- 0
names(parent_ind) <- names
#' Get node numbers
#' Take a vector of node names and return their index according
#' to a tree walked in pre-order.
#' @param x a vector of node names
#' @param tree a tree to get the index from
#' @return a vector with length x containing the node indices
#' @export
node_numbers <-
function(x, tree){
names <- tree$Get("name")
inds <- seq_along(names) %>% setNames(names)
#' Convert a tree and metadata into useable data for ept
#' data
#' This was the original incarnation, now out of date.
#' @param tree The tree containing volumes
#' @param metadata The metadata necessary, requires `SEX` as
#' the covariate.
#' @return a list containing the requiste data for fitting an
#' ept model.
#' @export
tree_to_ept_data <- function(tree, metadata, justLeaves = FALSE){
hvf <- tree_to_volume_frame(tree, function(n) TRUE)
hvft <- tag_volume_frame(hvf, metadata)
leaves <- tree$Get("name", filterFun = isLeaf)
nodes <- tree$Get("name")
sds <-
hvft %>%
group_by(name) %>%
summarize(sd_vol = sd_vol[1]) %>%
with( setNames(sd_vol, name) )
hvf_sub <- hvft %>% filter(is_leaf)
} else {
hvf_sub <- hvft
hept_data <-
lst(N = nrow(hvf_sub)
, P = 2
, R = 1
, NNodes = length(unique(hvft$name))
, y = hvf_sub$scaled_vol
, node_number = node_numbers(hvf_sub$name, tree)
, node_parent = parent_index(tree)
, parent_ind = match(node_parent, unique(node_parent))
, NParents = length(unique(node_parent))
, model_matrix = model.matrix(~ SEX, data = hvf_sub)
, ranint_matrix = matrix(as.integer(as.factor(hvf_sub$ID)))
, ranint_sizes = as.array(max(ranint_matrix))
, Ranint_max = max(ranint_sizes)
, ranint_shape = 1
, lkj_shape = 1
, tau_shape = 2
, tau_rate = 3
, pi_conc = 1
, sig_model_shape = 1
list(hvft = hvf_sub
, hept = hept_data
, sds = sds[nodes]
#' Convert a volume tree to a data.frame
#' Extract the name, label, and volumes for each node of the
#' tree. The volumes are then expanded out creating a
#' `data_frame` with n x v rows where n is the number of
#' rows and v is the number of volumes
#' @param vol_tree The volume tree of interest
#' @param filterFun which nodes to include in the tree, defaults
#' to isLeaf, all can be included with `function(n) TRUE`
#' @return A `data_frame` with the volume tree
#' @md
#' @export
tree_to_volume_frame_new <-
function(vol_tree, filterFun = isLeaf){
max_depth <-
vol_tree$Get("level") %>%
parents <-
rep("", max_depth) %>%
setNames(paste0("p", rev(seq_len(max_depth) - 1))) %>%
as.list %>%
rep_last <- function(x, len){
xlen <- length(x)
if(xlen < len)
x <- c(x, rep(x[xlen], len - xlen))
vf <-
vol_tree$Get(filterFun = filterFun
, function(node){
node_attrs <-
data_frame(name = node$name
, parent =
, node$parent$name
, NA)
, gparent =
, node$parent$parent$name
, NA)
, volume = list(as.numeric(node$volumes))
, ind = list(as.character(1:length(node$volumes)))
, is_leaf = isLeaf(node))
depth <- node$level
node_path <- parents
node_path[1,] <- rep_last(node$path, max_depth)
cbind(node_attrs, node_path)
, simplify = FALSE
, traversal = "post-order") %>%
bind_rows %>%
mutate(bv = list(vol_tree$volumes)) %>%
#' Convert a tree and metadata into useable data for hierarchical
#' modelling
#' @param tree The tree containing volumes
#' @param metadata The metadata necessary, requires `SEX` as
#' the covariate.
#' @param scale Whether or not to centre/scale the volumes
#' @param justLeaves Whether to filter down the data to
#' just the leaf volume (default true)
#' @return a list containing the requisite data for
#' fitting either flat models or effect diffusion models.
#' @export
tree_to_edt_data <-
function(tree, metadata, scale = FALSE, justLeaves = TRUE
, model_formula = ~ group
hvf <- tree_to_volume_frame_new(tree, function(n) TRUE)
hvft <- tag_volume_frame(hvf, metadata)
leaves <- tree$Get("name", filterFun = isLeaf)
nodes <- tree$Get("name")
sds <-
hvft %>%
group_by(name) %>%
summarize(sd_vol = sd_vol[1]) %>%
with( setNames(sd_vol, name) )
hvf_sub <- hvft %>% filter(is_leaf)
} else {
hvf_sub <- hvft
hept_data <-
lst(N = nrow(hvf_sub)
, P = 2
, R = 1
, NNodes = length(unique(hvft$name))
, y = `if`(scale, hvf_sub$scaled_vol, hvf_sub$volume)
, node_number = node_numbers(hvf_sub$name, tree)
, node_parent = parent_index(tree)
, parent_ind = match(node_parent, unique(node_parent))
, NParents = length(unique(node_parent))
, model_matrix = model.matrix(model_formula, data = hvf_sub)
, ranint_matrix = matrix(as.integer(as.factor(hvf_sub$ID)))
, ranint_sizes = as.array(max(ranint_matrix))
, Ranint_max = max(ranint_sizes)
, ranint_shape = 1
, lkj_shape = 1
, tau_shape = 2
, tau_rate = 3
, pi_conc = 1
, sig_model_shape = 1
list(vol_frame = hvf_sub
, stan_list = hept_data
, sds = sds[nodes]
#' @describeIn tree_to_edt_data deprecated old variant
#' @export
tree_to_ept_data_new <- tree_to_edt_data
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