#' Compile a tree model
#' Compile one of the models available in this
#' package.
#' @param model The model to compile, see the
#' default args for a list of available models.
#' @return A [stan_model] object
#' @md
#' @export
compile_models <-
function(model = c("effect_diffusion_tree", "simple_hierarchical")){
model <- match.arg(model)
paste0(model, ".stan"))
, package = "hierarchyTrees")
#' Check the data requirements for a stan model
#' Parse out the data block from a stan model and
#' report the required data
#' @param model The stan model to inspect
#' @return a character vector of required data
#' @export
get_data_requirements <-
split1 <- function(...) unlist(strsplit(...))
## Extract code Remove Comments
code <-
model@model_code %>%
split1("\n") %>%
sub("/.*", "", .) %>%
paste0(collapse = "\n")
## Find the data block
data_block <-
code %>%
sub(".*?data\\{", "", ., perl = TRUE) %>%
split1("") %>%
Reduce(function(acc, ch){
if(acc$done) # If the data block is done return
return(acc) # sadly executes for each remaining char
if(ch == "{") # Notice if an internal block opens
acc$open <- acc$open + 1
if(ch == "}"){
if(acc$open > 0){ # Notice if an internal block closes
acc$open <- acc$open - 1
} else { # Notice the end of the data block
acc$done <- TRUE
} else { # Accumulate a data block character
acc$stack <- c(acc$stack, ch)
# return the accumulator
, .
, list(stack = character(0) # empty char stack
, open = 0 # 0 internal blocks open
, done = FALSE)) # not done yet
## Reassemble the data block
data_block <-
data_block$stack %>%
paste0(collapse = "") %>%
split1("\n") %>%
sub("^ +", "", .) %>%
sub(" *; *", "", .) %>%
Filter(function(st) st != "", .)
sub("([^ ]*) ([^[]*)(.*)", "\\1|\\2|\\3", data_block) %>%
strsplit("\\|") %>%
data.frame(type = strs[1], name = strs[2], arr_size = strs[3]
, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
) %>%
#' Create a data skeleton for a model
#' Take the results of [get_data_requirements]
#' and produce a skeleton list object to be passed to
#' stan. If the requirements table has a value column
#' it will be include as the contents of the list. Otherwise
#' list elements are initialized to NA.
#' @param req The data requirements table
#' @return A list with length equal to the number of rows
#' in `reqs` with names equal to the `name` column of
#' `reqs` and values initialized to either the contents
#' of the `value` column if it exists or NAs.
#' @md
#' @export
requirements_to_skeleton <-
reqs$value <- NA
reqs$value %>%
as.list %>%
#' Fix node names and plot a tree
#' Fix node names then plot the tree
#' @param tree A tree to plot
#' @return NULL invisibly
#' @export
fix_names_and_plot <- function(tree){
ex_tree <- Clone(tree)
nodes <- ex_tree$Get("name")
new_names <- setNames(make.names(nodes, unique = TRUE), nodes)
fix_node_names <- function(tree, new_names){
tree$name <- new_names[tree$name]
if(is.null(tree$children) || length(tree$children) == 0)
walk(tree$children, fix_node_names, new_names)
fix_node_names(ex_tree, new_names)
plot(ex_tree, output = "visNetwork")
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