
Defines functions zbrt fit_zbrt catchParam Sdistrib

Documented in zbrt

# Helper function
Sdistrib = function(n, s_mean) {
  nv = 0 ; n.redo = 0
  while(nv < n) {
    n.redo = n.redo+1
    if(s_mean<=0.5) {
      si1 = fGarch::rsnorm(n*n.redo, mean=max(s_mean,0)-0.072, sd=0.189, xi=0.763)
      si = si1[si1>0 & si1<1]
    } else if(s_mean>0.5) {
      si1 = fGarch::rsnorm(n*n.redo, mean=max(s_mean,0)+0.179, sd=0.223, xi=0.904)
      si = si1[si1>0 & si1<1] }
    if(length(si)>n) si = sample(si,n);
    nv = length(si) }
  return (si)

# Compute predictors for the Zhou-BRT catch-only stock assessment model
catchParam <- function(catchData) {
  sid = unique(as.character(catchData$stock))
  n.stock = length(sid)
  para = matrix(NA, n.stock, 57)
  n.ab = 7  # number of years at the beginning and ending time series
  a=b=a0=b0=matrix(0, n.stock, n.ab)
  for(i in 1:n.stock) {
    stk = sid[i]
    dat = subset(catchData, stock==stk)
    yr = dat$yr-min(dat$yr) +1
    midYr = mean(yr)
    C = dat$catch/max(dat$catch)   # regressions are based on scaled catch
    C05max = sum(C[-length(C)]>0.5)
    Cmean = mean(C)
    nyr = length(yr)
    nyrToCmax = min(yr[C==max(C)]-yr[1]+1)
    nyrToCmaxR = nyrToCmax/nyr
    nyrAfterCmax = nyr-nyrToCmax
    yr.cent = yr-midYr           # regressions are based on centred year
    line0 = stats::lm(C~yr.cent)
    yr1.cent = yr[1:nyrToCmax]-mean(yr[1:nyrToCmax])
    line1 = stats::lm(C[1:nyrToCmax]~yr1.cent)
    yr2.cent = yr[nyrToCmax:nyr]-mean(yr[nyrToCmax:nyr])
    line2 = stats::lm(C[nyrToCmax:nyr]~yr2.cent)
    aa0 = summary(line0)$coeff[1]; bb0 = summary(line0)$coeff[2]    #all yr
    aa1 = summary(line1)$coeff[1]; bb1 = summary(line1)$coeff[2]    #before Cmax
    aa2 = summary(line2)$coeff[1]; bb2 = summary(line2)$coeff[2]    #after Cmax
    for (j in 1:n.ab){ # periodical regressions
      yrLast.cent = yr[(nyr-j):nyr]-mean(yr[(nyr-j):nyr])
      l.last = stats::lm(C[(nyr-j):nyr]~yrLast.cent)                   # last several years
      a[i,j] = summary(l.last)$coeff[1];
      yrBegin.cent = yr[1:(j+1)]-mean(yr[1:(j+1)])
      l.begin = stats::lm(C[1:(j+1)] ~ yrBegin.cent)                  # beginning several years
      a0[i,j] = summary(l.begin)$coeff[1]
      b0[i,j] = summary(l.begin)$coeff[2]
    # segmented regression: use yr and breakpoint is between 0-1
    f = tryCatch(segmented::segmented(line0, seg.Z=~yr, psi=list(yr=stats::median(yr))) , error=function(err) {})
      a.spline = NA; b1.spline = NA; b2.spline = NA; breakPoint = NA
      a.spline = summary(f)$coef[1]
      b1.spline = summary(f)$coef[2]
      slp= segmented::slope(f)
      b2.spline = slp$yr[2]
      # breakPoint = (round(f$psi.history[[5]],0)-yr[1] +1)/nyr # ORIGINAL ZHOU CODE
      breakPoint = (round(f$psi[2],0)-yr[1] +1)/nyr # CHRIS CODE ONCE TOM BARNES SHOWS NOT WORKING
    para[i,] = c(aa0, aa1, aa2, bb0, bb1, bb2, a[i,], b[i,], a0[i,], b0[i,], a.spline, b1.spline,b2.spline, breakPoint, C[1:n.ab], C[(nyr-n.ab): nyr], Cmean, nyrToCmaxR, nyr, C05max)
  }   # end params
  colnames(para) = c('a.AllYr', 'a.BfMax', 'a.AfMax', 'b.AllYr', 'b.BfMax', 'b.AfMax', paste('a.LsY',1:n.ab, sep=""), paste('b.LsY',1:n.ab, sep=""), paste("a.BgY", 1:n.ab, sep = ""), paste('b.BgY', 1:n.ab, sep=""), 'a.seg', 'b1.seg', 'b2.seg','breakPoint',  paste('c.BgY',1:n.ab, sep=""), paste('c.LsY', n.ab:0, sep=""), 'Cmean','nyrToCmaxR','nyr', 'C05max')
  para = data.frame(stock=sid, para)

# Fit the Zhou-BRT catch-only stock assessment model
fit_zbrt <- function(year, catch){

  # Calculate predictors
  catchData <- data.frame(stock="Dummy", yr=year, catch=catch)
  sessPar <- catchParam(catchData)

  # Center the first 37 predictors
  sessParCent <- scale(sessPar[,2:38], center=BRTmodelP8$parMean, scale=F)

  # Assemble the prediction data
  stockName <- unique(as.character(catchData$stock))
  nstk <- length(stockName)
  predDat <- data.frame(stock=stockName, sessParCent, sessPar[,39:57])

  # Estimate saturation (S) using 8-predictor and 37-predictor models
  s8 <- gbm::predict.gbm(BRTmodelP8$model, predDat, n.trees=BRTmodelP8$model$gbm.call$best.trees, type="response")
  s38 <- gbm::predict.gbm(BRTmodelP38$model, predDat, n.trees=BRTmodelP38$model$gbm.call$best.trees, type="response")

  # Bias correct 8-predictor model
  slr8.a <- BRTmodelP8$slr[[1]]; slr8.b = BRTmodelP8$slr[[2]];
  sBC8 <- (s8-slr8.a)/slr8.b
  sBC8[sBC8<=0] <- 0.01

  # Bias correct 38-predictor model
  slr38.a <- BRTmodelP38$slr[[1]]; slr38.b = BRTmodelP38$slr[[2]];
  sBC38 <- (s38-slr38.a)/slr38.b
  sBC38[sBC38<=0] <- 0.01

  # Average saturation predictions
  s <- data.frame(s8=sBC8, s38=sBC38, s=mean(sBC8, sBC38))

#' Zhou-BRT catch-only stock assessment model
#' Estimates saturation (B/K) and stock status (B/BMSY) time series from a
#' time series of catch using the boosted regression tree (BRT) model from Zhou et al. 2017.
#' Note: B/BMSY is equal to saturation times two.
#' @param year A time series of years
#' @param catch A time series of catch
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \item{ts}{A data frame with a time series of saturation and B/BMSY estimates.
#' S8 and S38 correspond to the saturation estimates from the 8- and 38-predictor models, respectively.
#' S, the best estimate of saturation, is the mean of these two predictions.
#' B/BMSY is this estimate doubled (B/BMSY = S * 2). High and low values correspond to the
#' upper and lower 95\% confidence intervals, respectively.}
#' \item{method}{Name of the method}
#' @details Zhou et al. 2017 use boosted regression tree models (Zhou-BRT)
#' trained on the RAM Legacy Database to estimate saturation (i.e., 1 - depletion = 0.5*B/BMSY)
#' from 56 catch history statistics, the most important of which are linear
#' regression coefficients for the whole catch time series, the subseries before
#' and after the maximum catch, and in recent years. Ultimately, saturation is
#' estimated as the average of the saturation values predicted by two reduced
#' and bias-corrected BRT models (8 and 38 predictors each). B/BMSY is estimated as saturation doubled.
#' @references Zhou S, Punt AE, Yimin Y, Ellis N, Dichmont CM, Haddon M, Smith DC, Smith ADM
#' (2017) Estimating stock depletion level from patterns of catch history. \emph{Fish and Fisheries}.
#' \url{http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/faf.12201/abstract}
#' @examples
#' # Fit zBRT model to catch time series and plot output
#' output <- zbrt(year=TIGERFLAT$yr, catch=TIGERFLAT$catch)
#' plot_dlm(output)
#' # Extract time series from output
#' ts <- output[["ts"]]
#' @export
zbrt <- function(year, catch){

  # Perform a few error checks
  if(sum(is.na(catch))>0){stop("Error: NA in catch time series. Fill or interpolate.")}

  # Create dataframe with S estimates
  d <- data.frame(year=year, catch=catch, s8=NA, s38=NA,
                  s=NA, s_lo=NA, s_hi=NA, bbmsy=NA, bbmsy_lo=NA, bbmsy_hi=NA)

  # Loop through years and estimate S
  # zBRT requires 7 years of data
  for(i in nrow(d):10){
    yr_use <- d$year[1:i]
    catch_use <- d$catch[1:i]
    s_out <- fit_zbrt(year=yr_use, catch=catch_use)
    d[i, c("s8", "s38", "s")] <- s_out
    # Bootstrap confidence interval
    s_draws <- Sdistrib(10000, s_out$s)
    d$s_lo[i] <- stats::quantile(s_draws, probs=0.025)
    d$s_hi[i] <- stats::quantile(s_draws, probs=0.975)

  # Calculate B/BMSY from S
  d$bbmsy <- s2bbmsy(d$s)
  d$bbmsy_lo <- s2bbmsy(d$s_lo)
  d$bbmsy_hi <- s2bbmsy(d$s_hi)
  ts <- d
  output <- list(ts=ts, method="zBRT")

cfree14/datalimited2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 2:26 p.m.