Man pages for chandlerzuo/mbasic
Matrix Based Analysis for State-space Inference and Clustering.

averageMGCCompute the average mappability and GC scores over a set of...
bkng_meanCompute the background means.
ChIPInputMatchMatch the ChIP files with input files.
generateReadMatricesMap the reads for each pair of matched ChIP and input files...
generateSyntheticDataGenerate synthetic BED data, M and GC files.
MBASICBayesian clustering model for a state-space matrix.
MBASIC.binaryBayesian clustering model for binary state matrix with prior...
MBASIC.binary.allBayesian clustering model for binary state matrix with prior...
MBASICFit-classAn S-4 class containing the model fit information for MBASIC...
MBASIC.fullSimultaneously fitting MBASIC model for different numbers of...
MBASIC.MADBayesMAD-Bayes method to fit the MBASIC model.
MBASIC.MADBayes.fullMAD-Bayes method to fit the MBASIC model.
MBASIC.pipelineThe pipeline for fitting a MBASIC model for sequencing data.
MBASIC.simSimulate data for the general MBASIC model.
MBASIC.sim.binarySimulate data for the MBASIC model with binary states.
MBASIC.sim.stateSimulate the state matrix for general MBASIC models.
MBASIC.stateBayesian clustering model for a state-space matrix.
plot-methodsPlot the state probability for a fitted MBASIC model.
readReadsRead sequencing reads from either a BAM or a BED file.
write.outWrite the message to an output file.
chandlerzuo/mbasic documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:24 p.m.