
#' Implement STV counting system.
#' \code{stv} returns a list containing a data.frame with rows containing detailed results
#' from each round of STV counting, and a vector containing the elected candidates.
#' \code{stv()} first validates \code{x} by running the \code{validateBallots()} function.
#' Once validation is complete, it implements the selected single transferable vote
#' counting method. Each round of counting starts with idetification of active
#' ballots. Then a quota is calculated (currently only supports Droop method 
#' \code{floor(votes/(seats + 1)) + 1} and Hare method \code{floor(votes/seats)}).
#' A tally of each candidate's vote share is obtained using top choices of active ballots, 
#' where a ballot stays active until it runs out of marked choices or gets
#' removed during surplus reallocation. If a candidate reaches the quota, she/he is elected 
#' and associated surplus ballots are reallocated (currently only supports Cambridge and 
#' Fractional methods). If multiple candidates reach the quota, all of them are elected and 
#' their surpluses are all reallocated. If no candidate reaches the quota, then the candidate 
#' with the minimum number of votes is eliminated. If multiple candidates tie for minimum 
#' number of votes, one of them is selected at random and eliminated. The process is repeated 
#' until all of the seats are filled or the number of candidates still in race equals the number
#' of unfilled seats. In the later case, all of the active candidates are elected.
#' @param x a data.frame with rows as ballots and columns as candidates. \code{x}
#'     must pass all checks from \code{validateBallots()}.
#' @param seats a number indicating candidates to elect. (default = 1)
#' @param file a character string naming a file. "" indicates output to the console only (default).
#'     Saves a CSV file. Its name should end with ".csv".
#' @param surplusMethod a character string indicating which method to use for
#'     surplus allocation. Currently supports "Cambridge" (default) and "Fractional".
#' @param quotaMethod a character string indicating which method to use for
#'     calculation of quota. Currently supports "Droop" (default) and "Hare".
#' @return a list consisting of a data.frame with rows containing detailed results from each 
#'     round of STV counting, and a vector of election winners.
#'     For any given round of counting, a row of the detailed information contains: number of 
#'     active ballots, seats to fill, quota, maximum and minimum votes obtained by any candidate, 
#'     who was eliminated (if any), if there was a tie for elimination (if yes, how many tied), 
#'     who was elected (if any), surplus if elected, and each candidate's votes tally for that round.
#' @examples
#' data(ballots)
#' cballots <- cleanBallots(ballots)
#' result <- stv(cballots, seats = 4)
#' names(result)
#' result$elected
#' @export
stv <- function(x, seats = 1, file = "", surplusMethod = "Cambridge", quotaMethod = "Droop") {

  # Ensure supported surpluse and quota methods are selected
  if (!surplusMethod %in% c("Cambridge", "Fractional")) stop("Please set surplusMethod = 'Cambridge' or 'Fractional'. These are currently the only supported methods.")
  if (!quotaMethod %in% c("Droop", "Hare")) stop("Please set quotaMethod = 'Droop' or 'Hare'. These are currently the only supported methods.")

  junk <- validateBallots(x)

  if(seats > ncol(x)) stop("Number of seats must be less than or equal to the number of candidates.")

  # Initialize various things:
  elim <- c()                                  # Store names of eliminated candidates
  elect <- c()                                 # Store names of elected candidates
  if (surplusMethod == "Cambridge") {
    included.ballots <- rep(TRUE, nrow(x))     # Ballots included at a given round
  if (surplusMethod == "Fractional") {
    ballot.weights <- rep(1, nrow(x))          # Each ballot's weight at a given round
  unfilled <- seats                            # Vacant seats at a given round
  Nround <- 0                                  # Current round number

  res <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 9 + ncol(x), nrow = 0))
  names(res) <- c("ballots", "seats.to.fill", "quota", "max.vote.count", "min.vote.count",
                  "elim.cand", "tied.for.elim", "elect.cand", "surplus", names(x))

  # Iteratively elect/eliminate candidates till all seats are filled:
  while (unfilled > 0) {
    Nround <- Nround + 1
    res[Nround, ] <- rep(NA, ncol(res))
    res$seats.to.fill[Nround] <- unfilled
    curr.candidates <- setdiff(names(x), c(elim, elect))

    # Check if #remaining candidates already equal #unfilled seats:
    if (unfilled == length(curr.candidates)) {
      elect <- c(elect, curr.candidates)
      res$elect.cand[Nround] <- paste(curr.candidates, collapse = "; ")
      res$seats.to.fill[Nround] <- 0
      res[Nround, elect] <- "Elected"
      res[Nround, elim] <- "Eliminated"
      res$quota[Nround] <- "Won by elim"

      if (file != "") {
        if (substr(file, nchar(file)-3, nchar(file)) != ".csv") warning("File name provided does not include .csv extention")
        write.table(res, file = file, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)

      return(list("elected" = elect, "details" = res))

    # For remaining candidates, get valid ballots (1. not empty 2. not excluded in prior round)
    if (surplusMethod == "Cambridge") {
      curr.ballots <- (rowSums(!is.na(x[ ,curr.candidates])) > 0) & included.ballots
      ballot.size <- sum(curr.ballots)
    if (surplusMethod == "Fractional") {
      curr.ballots <- rowSums(!is.na(x[ ,curr.candidates])) > 0
      ballot.size <- floor(sum(curr.ballots*ballot.weights))
    res$ballots[Nround] <- ballot.size

    # Calculate Quota:
    if (quotaMethod == "Droop") quota <- floor(ballot.size/(unfilled + 1)) + 1
    if (quotaMethod == "Hare") quota <- floor(ballot.size/unfilled)
    res$quota[Nround] <- quota

    # Get top choice for each valid ballot then tabulate it (i.e. get vote count for each candidate):
    top.choice <- apply(x[ ,curr.candidates], 1, function(i.row) names(x[ ,curr.candidates])[which.min(i.row)])
    top.choice[!curr.ballots] <- NA
    vote.counts <- table(factor(top.choice, levels = curr.candidates))
    if (surplusMethod == "Fractional") {
      for (i in 1:length(vote.counts)) {
        weighted.votes <- (names(vote.counts[i]) == top.choice)*ballot.weights 
        vote.counts[i] <- sum(weighted.votes, na.rm = TRUE)
    res[Nround, names(vote.counts)] <- round(vote.counts, 2)
    res$max.vote.count[Nround] <- round(max(vote.counts), 2)
    res$min.vote.count[Nround] <- round(min(vote.counts), 2)
    res[Nround, elect] <- "Elected"
    res[Nround, elim] <- "Eliminated"

    # Check for elected candidate(s): If quota crossed, surplus distribution.
    #   else: eliminate a candidate and redistribute votes
    if (any(vote.counts >= quota)) {
      curr.elected <- vote.counts[vote.counts >= quota]
      elect <- c(elect, names(curr.elected))
      unfilled <- seats - length(elect)
      res$elect.cand[Nround] <- paste(names(curr.elected), collapse = "; ")
      res$surplus[Nround] <- paste(round(curr.elected - quota, 2), collapse = "; ")

      # Redistribute surplus votes
      for (i in names(curr.elected)) {
        cand.ballots <- which(top.choice == i)
        if (surplusMethod == "Cambridge") {
          included.ballots[sample(cand.ballots, quota)] <- FALSE
        if (surplusMethod == "Fractional") {
          ballot.weights[cand.ballots] <- ballot.weights[cand.ballots]*(vote.counts[i] - quota)/vote.counts[i]
      } # CLOSE surplus realocation

    } else {
      curr.elim <- names(which(vote.counts == min(vote.counts)))
      if (length(curr.elim) > 1) res$tied.for.elim[Nround] <- paste("Yes: ", length(curr.elim), sep = "")
      elim <- c(elim, sample(curr.elim, 1))
      res$elim.cand[Nround] <- tail(elim, 1)
    } # CLOSE elim/elect if-else function

  } # CLOSE while-loop

  if (file != "") {
    if (substr(file, nchar(file)-3, nchar(file)) != ".csv") warning("File name provided does not include .csv extention")
    write.table(res, file = file, sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)

  return(list("elected" = elect, "details" = res))
chandrasaksham/STV documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:24 p.m.