
Defines functions get_recommendations_all get_recommendations get_featured_playlists get_new_releases get_category_playlists get_category get_categories

Documented in get_categories get_category get_category_playlists get_featured_playlists get_new_releases get_recommendations get_recommendations_all

#' @title Get a list of Spotify categories
#' @param df Should the results be formatted as a data frame?
#' If \code{FALSE}, the full response JSON will be returned as a list; defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/}{Web API authorization Guide} for more details.
#' Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame of results containing album data.
#' See \url{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/browse/get-list-categories/} for more information.
#' @importFrom dplyr select everything
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export

get_categories <- function(authorization = get_spotify_access_token(),
                           df = TRUE) {

    url <- 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/browse/categories'

    params <- list(
        access_token = authorization

    res <- RETRY(verb = 'GET', url, query = params, encode = 'json', terminate_on = c(401, 403, 404))

    res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)

    if(df) res <- res$categories$items %>%
        select(.data$id, .data$name, everything())


#' @title Get a single category used to tag items
#' @description Get a single category used to tag items in Spotify (on, for example,
#' the Spotify player’s “Browse” tab).
#' @param category_id Required. The \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/#spotify-uris-and-ids}{Spotify ID} for the category.
#' @param country Optional. A country: an
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code}. Provide this parameter to ensure that the category exists for a particular country.
#' @param locale Optional. The desired language, consisting of an
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1}{ISO 639-1} language code and an
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code}, joined by an underscore. For example: \code{es_MX}, meaning "Spanish (Mexico)". Provide this parameter if you want the category strings returned in a particular language. Note that, if \code{locale} is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, the category strings returned will be in the Spotify default language (American English).
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/}{Web API authorization guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}
#' @return
#' Returns a list of results containing category information. See \url{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/users-profile/get-current-users-profile/} for more information.
#' @export

get_category <- function(category_id,
                         country = NULL,
                         locale = NULL,
                         authorization = get_spotify_access_token()) {

    validate_parameters ( country = country,
                          locale = locale )

    base_url <- 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/browse/categories'
    url <- str_glue('{base_url}/{category_id}')

    params <- list(
        country = country,
        locale = locale,
        access_token = authorization
    res <- RETRY('GET', url,
                 query = params,
                 encode = 'json',
                 terminate_on = c(401, 403, 404))


    res <- fromJSON(content(res,
                            as = 'text',
                            encoding = 'UTF-8'),
                    flatten = TRUE) %>%
        as_tibble ()


#' @title Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category
#' @param category_id Required. The
#' \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/#spotify-uris-and-ids}{Spotify ID} for the category.
#' @param country Optional. A country: an
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code}.
#' @param limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return.
#' Defaults to \code{20}. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.
#' @param offset Optional. The index of the first item to return.
#' Defaults to \code{0}, the first object. Use with \code{limit} to get the next set of items.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service.
#' See the \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/}{Web API authorization guide} for more details.
#' Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}
#' @param include_meta_info Optional. Boolean indicating whether to include full result, with meta information such as \code{"total"}, and
#' \code{"limit"}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @importFrom stringr str_glue
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame of results containing category playlists.
#' See \url{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/users-profile/get-current-users-profile/} for more information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_category_playlists('party', country = 'BR')
#' }
#' @export

get_category_playlists <- function(category_id = "party",
                                   country = NULL,
                                   limit = 20,
                                   offset = 0,
                                   authorization = get_spotify_access_token(),
                                   include_meta_info = FALSE ) {

    validate_parameters ( country = country,
                          offset = offset,
                          limit = limit,
                          include_meta_info = include_meta_info)

    base_url <- 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/browse/categories'
    query_url <- str_glue('{base_url}/{category_id}/playlists')

    params <- list(
        country = country,
        limit = limit,
        offset = offset,
        access_token = authorization

    res <- RETRY('GET', query_url,
                 query = params,
                 encode = 'json', terminate_on = c(401, 403, 404))


    res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'),
                    flatten = TRUE)

    if (is.null(res$playlists) | length(res$playlists)==0) {
      stop("No playlist was returned.")

    playlists <- res$playlists

    if (!include_meta_info) {
        playlists <- playlists$items


#' @title Get new releases
#' @description Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify (shown, for example,
#' on a Spotify player’s “Browse” tab).
#' @param country Optional. A country: an
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code}.
#' Provide this parameter if you want the list of returned items to be relevant to a
#' particular country. If omitted, the returned items will be relevant to all countries.
#' @param limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.
#' @param offset Optional. The index of the first item to return. Default: 0 (the first object). Use with \code{limit} to get the next set of items.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/}{Web API authorization guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}
#' @param include_meta_info Optional. Boolean indicating whether to include full result, with meta information such as \code{"country"}, \code{"offset"}, and \code{"limit"}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame of results containing new releases. \cr
#' See \url{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/#category-browse} for more information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Get new Swedish music
#' get_new_releases(country = 'SE', limit = 5)
#' }

get_new_releases <- function(country = NULL,
                             limit = 20,
                             offset = 0,
                             authorization = get_spotify_access_token(),
                             include_meta_info = FALSE) {

    validate_parameters ( country = country,
                          offset = offset,
                          limit = limit,
                          include_meta_info = include_meta_info)

    base_url <- 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/browse/new-releases'

    params <- list(
        country = country,
        limit = limit,
        offset = offset,
        access_token = authorization

    res <- RETRY('GET', base_url, query = params, encode = 'json', terminate_on = c(401, 403, 404))


    res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text',
                            encoding = 'UTF-8'),
                    flatten = TRUE)

    albums <- res$albums
    if (!include_meta_info) {
        albums <- albums$items


#' @title Get list of Spotify featured playlists
#' @description Get a list of Spotify featured playlists
#' (as shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s ‘Browse’ tab)
#' @param locale Optional. The desired language, consisting of an
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1}{ISO 639-1} language code and
#' an \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code}, joined by an underscore. For example: \code{es_MX}, meaning "Spanish (Mexico)". Provide this parameter if you want the category strings returned in a particular language. Note that, if \code{locale} is not supplied, or if the specified language is not available, the category strings returned will be in the Spotify default language (American English). The \code{locale} parameter, combined with the \code{country} parameter, may give odd results if not carefully matched. For example \code{country=SE&locale=de_DE} will return a list of categories relevant to Sweden but as German language strings.
#' @param country Optional. A country: an
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code}.
#' Provide this parameter if you want the list of returned items to be relevant to a particular country. If omitted, the returned items will be relevant to all countries.
#' @param timestamp Optional.
#' A timestamp in \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601}{ISO 8601 format}:
#' \code{yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss}. Use this parameter to specify the user’s local time to get
#' results tailored for that specific date and time in the day.
#' If not provided, the response defaults to the current UTC time.
#' Example: “2014-10-23T09:00:00” for a user whose local time is 9AM.
#' If there were no featured playlists (or there is no data) at the specified time,
#' the response will revert to the current UTC time.
#' @param limit Optional. The maximum number of items to return.
#' Default to \code{20}. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.
#' @param offset Optional. The index of the first item to return.
#' Defaults to \code{0}, i.e., the first object.
#' Use with \code{limit} to get the next set of items.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/}{Web API authorization guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}
#' @param include_meta_info Optional. Boolean indicating whether to include full result, with meta information such as \code{"total"}, and \code{"limit"}. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame of results containing featured playlists. \cr
#' See \url{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/users-profile/get-current-users-profile/} for more information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Get Flemish-Dutch playlists from Belgium:
#' get_featured_playlists(
#'    country = 'BE',
#'    locale = "nl_BE" )
#' }

get_featured_playlists <- function(locale = NULL,
                                   country = NULL,
                                   timestamp = NULL,
                                   limit = 20,
                                   offset = 0,
                                   authorization = get_spotify_access_token(),
                                   include_meta_info = FALSE) {

    validate_parameters ( country = country,
                          offset = offset,
                          limit = limit,
                          locale = locale,
                          include_meta_info = include_meta_info

    base_url <- 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/browse/featured-playlists'

    params <- list(
        locale = locale,
        country = country,
        timestamp = timestamp,
        limit = limit,
        offset = offset,
        access_token = authorization

    res <- RETRY('GET', base_url, query = params, encode = 'json', terminate_on = c(401, 403, 404))


    res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text',
                            encoding = 'UTF-8'),
                    flatten = TRUE)

    res$playlists$message <- res$message
    playlists <- res$playlists

    if (!include_meta_info) {
        playlists <- playlists$items


#' @title Create a playlist-style listening experience based on seed artists, tracks and genres.
#' @description All parameters are optional, but at least one of
#' \code{seed_artists}, \code{seed_tracks} and \code{seed_genres} must be given.
#' @param limit Optional. The target size of the list of recommended tracks. For seeds with unusually small pools or when highly
#' restrictive filtering is applied, it may be impossible to generate the requested number of recommended tracks. Debugging information for
#' such cases is available in the response. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100.
#' @param market Optional.
#' An \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code} or the string \code{from_token}.
#' Provide this parameter if you want to apply
#' \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/track-relinking-guide/}{Track Relinking}.
#' Because \code{min_*}, \code{max_*} and \code{target_*} are applied to pools before relinking,
#' the generated results may not precisely match the filters applied. Original, non-relinked tracks
#' are available via the \code{linked_from} attribute of
#' the \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/track-relinking-guide/}{relinked track response}.
#' @param max_acousticness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' acousticness.
#' @param max_danceability Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' danceability.
#' @param max_duration_ms Optional. Integer indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' duration in milliseconds.
#' @param max_energy Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' energy.
#' @param max_instrumentalness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' instrumentalness.
#' @param max_key Optional. Integer ranging from 1 to 12 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' key.
#' @param max_liveness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' liveness.
#' @param max_loudness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' loudness.
#' @param max_mode Optional. Integer ranging from 0 to 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' mode.
#' @param max_popularity Optional. Integer ranging between 0 and 100 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' popularity.
#' @param max_speechiness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' speechiness.
#' @param max_tempo Optional. Numeric value indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' tempo.
#' @param max_time_signature Optional. Integer indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' time signature.
#' @param max_valence Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard ceiling on recommended tracks' valence.
#' @param min_acousticness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' acousticness.
#' @param min_danceability Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' danceability.
#' @param min_duration_ms Optional. Integer indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' duration in milliseconds.
#' @param min_energy Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' energy.
#' @param min_instrumentalness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' instrumentalness.
#' @param min_key Optional. Integer ranging from 1 to 12 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' key.
#' @param min_liveness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' liveness.
#' @param min_loudness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' loudness.
#' @param min_mode Optional. Integer ranging from 0 to 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' mode.
#' @param min_popularity Optional. Integer ranging between 0 and 100 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' popularity.
#' @param min_speechiness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' speechiness.
#' @param min_tempo Optional. Numeric value indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' tempo.
#' @param min_time_signature Optional. Integer indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' time signature.
#' @param min_valence Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a hard floor on recommended tracks' valence.
#' @param target_acousticness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' acousticness. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_danceability Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' danceability. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_duration_ms Optional. Integer indicating a target value for recommended tracks' duration in milliseconds. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_energy Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' energy. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_instrumentalness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' instrumentalness. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_key Optional. Integer ranging from 1 to 12 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' key. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_liveness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' liveness. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_loudness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' loudness. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_mode Optional. Integer ranging from 0 to 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' mode. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_popularity Optional. Integer ranging between 0 and 100 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' popularity. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_speechiness Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' speechiness. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_tempo Optional. Numeric value indicating a target value for recommended tracks' tempo. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_time_signature Optional. Integer indicating a target value for recommended tracks' time signature. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param target_valence Optional. Numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating a target value for recommended tracks' valence. Tracks with the attribute values nearest to the target values will be preferred. For example, you might request \code{target_energy = 0.6} and \code{target_danceability = 0.8}. All target values will be weighed equally in ranking results.
#' @param seed_artists A character vector of
#' \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/#spotify-uris-and-ids}{Spotify IDs} for seed artists. Up to 5 seed values may be provided in any combination of \code{seed_artists}, \code{seed_tracks} and \code{seed_genres}.
#' @param seed_genres A character vector of any genres in the set of
#' \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/browse/get-recommendations/#available-genre-seeds}{available genre seeds}. Up to 5 seed values may be provided in any combination of \code{seed_artists}, \code{seed_tracks} and \code{seed_genres}.
#' @param seed_tracks A character vector of
#' \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/#spotify-uris-and-ids}{Spotify IDs} for a seed track. Up to 5 seed values may be provided in any combination of \code{seed_artists}, \code{seed_tracks} and \code{seed_genres}.
#' @param authorization Required. A valid access token from the Spotify Accounts service. See the \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/}{Web API authorization guide} for more details. Defaults to \code{spotifyr::get_spotify_access_token()}
#' @param include_seeds_in_response Optional. Boolean for whether to include seed object in response. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame of results recommendations. See the official
#' \href{https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/#category-search}{Spotify Web API documentation} for more information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_recommendations(market = 'SE', seed_genres = 'rock')
#' }
#' @family personalization functions
#' @export

get_recommendations <- function(limit = 20,
                                market = NULL,
                                seed_artists = NULL,
                                seed_genres = NULL,
                                seed_tracks = NULL,
                                max_acousticness = NULL,
                                max_danceability = NULL,
                                max_duration_ms = NULL,
                                max_energy = NULL,
                                max_instrumentalness = NULL,
                                max_key = NULL,
                                max_liveness = NULL,
                                max_loudness = NULL,
                                max_mode = NULL,
                                max_popularity = NULL,
                                max_speechiness = NULL,
                                max_tempo = NULL,
                                max_time_signature = NULL,
                                max_valence = NULL,
                                min_acousticness = NULL,
                                min_danceability = NULL,
                                min_duration_ms = NULL,
                                min_energy = NULL,
                                min_instrumentalness = NULL,
                                min_key = NULL,
                                min_liveness = NULL,
                                min_loudness = NULL,
                                min_mode = NULL,
                                min_popularity = NULL,
                                min_speechiness = NULL,
                                min_tempo = NULL,
                                min_time_signature = NULL,
                                min_valence = NULL,
                                target_acousticness = NULL,
                                target_danceability = NULL,
                                target_duration_ms = NULL,
                                target_energy = NULL,
                                target_instrumentalness = NULL,
                                target_key = NULL,
                                target_liveness = NULL,
                                target_loudness = NULL,
                                target_mode = NULL,
                                target_popularity = NULL,
                                target_speechiness = NULL,
                                target_tempo = NULL,
                                target_time_signature = NULL,
                                target_valence = NULL,
                                authorization = get_spotify_access_token(),
                                include_seeds_in_response = FALSE) {

    if (length(seed_artists) + length(seed_tracks) + length(seed_genres) > 5) {
        stop("Too many seed values. Up to 5 seed values may be provided in any combination of seed_artists, seed_tracks and seed_genres")

    if ( all(is.null(seed_artists), is.null(seed_genres), is.null(seed_tracks)) ) {
        stop ( "At least one of seed_artists, seed_genres or seed_tracks must be given." )

    if (!is.null(market)) {


    base_url <- 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/recommendations'

    params <- list(
        limit = limit,
        market = market,
        seed_artists = paste(seed_artists, collapse = ','),
        seed_genres = paste(seed_genres, collapse = ','),
        seed_tracks = paste(seed_tracks, collapse = ','),
        max_acousticness = max_acousticness,
        max_danceability = max_danceability,
        max_duration_ms = max_duration_ms,
        max_energy = max_energy,
        max_instrumentalness = max_instrumentalness,
        max_key = max_key,
        max_liveness = max_liveness,
        max_loudness = max_loudness,
        max_mode = max_mode,
        max_popularity = max_popularity,
        max_speechiness = max_speechiness,
        max_tempo = max_tempo,
        max_time_signature = max_time_signature,
        max_valence = max_valence,
        min_acousticness = min_acousticness,
        min_danceability = min_danceability,
        min_duration_ms = min_duration_ms,
        min_energy = min_energy,
        min_instrumentalness = min_instrumentalness,
        min_key = min_key,
        min_liveness = min_liveness,
        min_loudness = min_loudness,
        min_mode = min_mode,
        min_popularity = min_popularity,
        min_speechiness = min_speechiness,
        min_tempo = min_tempo,
        min_time_signature = min_time_signature,
        min_valence = min_valence,
        target_acousticness = target_acousticness,
        target_danceability = target_danceability,
        target_duration_ms = target_duration_ms,
        target_energy = target_energy,
        target_instrumentalness = target_instrumentalness,
        target_key = target_key,
        target_liveness = target_liveness,
        target_loudness = target_loudness,
        target_mode = target_mode,
        target_popularity = target_popularity,
        target_speechiness = target_speechiness,
        target_tempo = target_tempo,
        target_time_signature = target_time_signature,
        target_valence = target_valence,
        access_token = authorization

    res <- RETRY('GET', base_url, query = params, encode = 'json', terminate_on = c(401, 403, 404))
    res <- fromJSON(content(res, as = 'text', encoding = 'UTF-8'), flatten = TRUE)
    if (!include_seeds_in_response) {
        res <- res$tracks


#' @title Get recommendations for unlimited vector of track IDs
#' @description Get recommendations for a submitted vector of track IDs, with no limit on the number of seed tracks
#' @details This is a wrapper for the \code{\link{get_recommendations}} function, which provides a workaround for
#' the limit of 5 seed tracks per recommendation call. The function splits a supplied vector
#' of track IDs into subsets of length 5, then applies a  \code{\link{get_recommendations}} call,
#' 5 tracks at a time. This should generate a data frame of recommended tracks, with
#' length equal to the supplied vector of track ids.
#' @param track_ids
#' A vector containing the IDs of the tracks you'd like recommendations for
#' @param valence
#' The target valence for the recommendations
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame containing binded recommendations from the Spotify API in a
#' single data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_recommendations_all(
#'    track_ids = c("5VIpLopHgolKcSSj7JPCMA", "3QRGYDFFUVb4qneE4DX1gR")
#'    )
#' }
#' @family personalization functions
#' @export

get_recommendations_all <- function(track_ids, valence = NULL) {

    get_recs <- function(i, ids, vec_length, valence) {
        start <- i
        end <- ifelse(i + 4 > vec_length, vec_length, i+4)
        seeds <- ids[c(start:end)]
        recs <- get_recommendations(limit = end + 1 - start,
                                    seed_tracks = seeds,
                                    target_valence = valence)

    tracks_length <- length(track_ids)

    tracks_seq <- seq(from = 1,
                      to = tracks_length,
                      by = 5)

    all_recs <- map_df(tracks_seq,
                       ~ get_recs(.x, track_ids, tracks_length, valence))
charlie86/spotifyr documentation built on Dec. 31, 2022, 11:35 a.m.