
###   Purpose:   R6 Class representing Document status objects
###   started:   2016/04/18 (pvr)
### ############################################################ ###

#' @title R6 Class Representing Document Status Objects
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @description
#' \code{R6ClassDocuStatus} objects can be used to represent the status
#' of a given document. A core requirement is that the different status
#' records should be persistent across different compilation runs. That
#' makes it necessary to store the intermediate states of an \code{R6ClassDocuStatus}
#' object in a file. Given that requirement we must have methods for
#' reading status information from a file and for writing status information
#' to a file. Furthermore, we need a method to add a document status record
#' and we must be able to display all document status records as a table.
#' @export R6ClassDocuStatus
#' @usage R6ClassDocuStatus$new()
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for managing the status of a document.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples
#' r6objDocuStat <- R6ClassDocuStatus$new()
#' r6obj_docstat$set_current_status(psVersion = "0.0.908",
#'                                  psStatus  = "New version of setting document status",
#'                                  psProject = "rmddochelper")
#' \dontrun{
#' r6objDocuStat$writeStatusToFile()
#' r6objDocuStat$knitr_kable()
#' }
#' @field version current version of the document
#' @field status_colnames vector of column names shown in the document table
#' @field status_history dataframe with the document history read from the history file
#' @field history_file name of the file containing the document history
#' @section Public Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new()}}{This method instantiates an object of class R6ClassDocuStatus}
#'   \item{\code{initialize(psFormat)}}{Initialization after creating the instance. Reads history file if it exists}
#'   \item{\code{include_doc_stat(psTitle)}}{Saves updated document status to the status file.
#'               Write section header psTitle for document status and write
#'               markdown table containing the document status.}
#'   \item{\code{set_current_status(psVersion, psDate, psAuthor, psProject)}}{Main method for setting status
#'               information in a Rmarkdown source document. Status information consists of version, date,
#'               author, status description and project. All theses components are passed to the method as arguments.
#'               In case there exists document status history, it is assumed that it is available in
#'               private$status_history. If status history is not empty, the current status is row-bound to the
#'               status history. If the version number of the current status already exists, then we assume that
#'               an existing entry should be updated. The date of a status entry is only updated, if it is explicitly
#'               set as method argument psDate, otherwise, the existing date is used.}
#' }
#' @section Private Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{writeStatusToFile()}}{Writes current status and history
#'               to a tab-separated file. Tab-separated format is chosen, because TAB-characters
#'               are less likely to occur in any of the table fields. File encoding is set
#'               to "UTF-8" in order to preserve German Umlauts}
#'   \item{\code{readStatusFromFile()}}{Document status history is read
#'               from the history file.}
#'   \item{\code{readCsv2StatusFromFile()}}{Reading method for old csv2
#'               formatted status history files. This is mainly used for converting history
#'               files from old csv2 format to new tab-separated format.}
#'   \item{\code{knitr_kable}}{Complete status history is written to a table using
#'         \code{knitr::kable} to convert the dataframe into a markdown-table}
#'   \item{\code{auto_increment()}}{Autoincrementing minor version number}
#' }
R6ClassDocuStatus <- R6::R6Class(classname = "R6ClassDocuStatus",
                                 public    = list(
                                   initialize = function(psFormat = "tab") {
                                     'Initialisation of a new document status object.'
                                     if (file.exists(private$history_file)) {
                                       if (psFormat == "csv2"){
                                       } else {
                                   set_current_status = function(psVersion = private$auto_increment(),
                                                                 psDate = NULL, #as.character(Sys.Date()),
                                                                 psAuthor = Sys.info()[["user"]],
                                                                 psStatus = NULL,
                                                                 psProject = "NA"){
                                     ### # create local copy of data
                                     sDate <- psDate
                                     ### # in case date is not specified, use Sys.Date()
                                     if (is.null(sDate))
                                       sDate <- as.character(Sys.Date())
                                     ### # in case status is not null, add status, o/w do nothing
                                     if (!is.null(psStatus)) {
                                       dfCurStatus <- data.frame(Version = psVersion,
                                                                 Date = sDate,
                                                                 Author = psAuthor,
                                                                 Status = psStatus,
                                                                 Project = psProject,
                                                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                                       ### # in case there is no history read from the file, just use current status
                                       if (is.null(private$status_history)){
                                         private$status_history <- dfCurStatus
                                       } else {
                                         ### # in case psVersion already exists in private$status_history$Version,
                                         ### #  update other fields
                                         if (is.element(psVersion, private$status_history$Version)){
                                           nUpdateRow <- which(psVersion == private$status_history$Version)
                                           ### # if psDate is not passed as argument, use old version of date
                                           sHistoryDate <-sDate
                                           if (is.null(psDate)){
                                             sHistoryDate <- private$status_history$Date[nUpdateRow]
                                           private$status_history[nUpdateRow,] <- dfCurStatus[1,]
                                           private$status_history$Date[nUpdateRow] <- sHistoryDate
                                         } else {
                                           private$status_history <- rbind(private$status_history,
                                                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)



                                   setStatusColnames = function(psStatusColnames){
                                     private$status_colnames <- psStatusColnames
                                   getStatusColnames = function(){
                                   setTitle = function(pstitle){
                                     private$stitle  <- pstitle
                                   include_doc_stat = function(psTitle = NULL){
                                     ### # write complete status to file
                                     ### # get the title in case it got changed
                                     if (!is.null(psTitle)){
                                       stitle <- psTitle
                                     } else {
                                       stitle <- private$stitle
                                     ### # write title to document
                                     cat(stitle,"\n", sep = "")
                                     ### # convert status dataframe to a table
                                 private   = list(version         = "0.0.900",
                                                  status_colnames = c("Version", "Date", "Author","Status","Project"),
                                                  status_history  = NULL,
                                                  history_file    = "DOCUMENTSTATUS",
                                                  stitle          = "# Document Status",
                                                  get_version_col = function(pdfStatus){
                                                    return(which(tolower(names(pdfStatus)) == "version"))
                                                  auto_increment = function(){
                                                    if (is.null(private$status_history)){
                                                      sCurVersion <- private$version
                                                    } else {
                                                      sCurVersion <- private$status_history[nrow(private$status_history),"Version"]
                                                    vVersionComp <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(sCurVersion,
                                                                                    split = ".",
                                                                                    fixed = TRUE)))
                                                    vVersionComp[3] <- vVersionComp[3] + 1
                                                    return(paste(as.character(vVersionComp), collapse = "."))
                                                  writeStatusToFile = function(){
                                                    ### # write complete status history to history file
                                                                file = private$history_file,
                                                                quote = FALSE,
                                                                sep = "\t",
                                                                row.names = FALSE,
                                                                fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
                                                  readStatusFromFile = function(){
                                                    private$status_history <- read.table(file = private$history_file,
                                                                                         header = TRUE,
                                                                                         row.names = NULL,
                                                                                         sep = "\t",
                                                                                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                                                                         fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
                                                  readCsv2StatusFromFile = function(){
                                                    private$status_history <- read.csv2(file = private$history_file,
                                                                                        row.names = NULL,
                                                                                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                                                                        fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
                                                  knitr_kable = function(){
                                                    ### # in case different column titles are specified, we change it
                                                    dfDocStatus <- private$status_history
                                                    names(dfDocStatus) <- private$status_colnames
charlotte-ngs/rmddochelper documentation built on June 27, 2019, 1:22 a.m.