
Defines functions kmeansvar

Documented in kmeansvar

#' @export
#' @name kmeansvar
#' @title k-means clustering of variables
#' @description Iterative relocation algorithm of k-means type which performs a
#' partitionning of a set of variables.  Variables can be quantitative,
#' qualitative or a mixture of both. The center of a cluster of variables is a
#' synthetic variable but is not a 'mean' as for classical k-means. This
#' synthetic variable is the first principal component calculated by PCAmix.
#' PCAmix is defined for a mixture of qualitative and quantitative variables
#' and includes ordinary principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple
#' correspondence analysis (MCA) as special cases. The homogeneity of a
#' cluster of variables is defined as the sum of the correlation ratio (for
#' qualitative variables) and the squared correlation (for quantitative
#' variables) between the variables and the center of the cluster, which is in
#' all cases a numerical variable. Missing values are replaced by means for
#' quantitative variables and by zeros in the indicator matrix for qualitative
#' variables.
#' @param X.quanti a numeric matrix of data, or an object that can be coerced to such a matrix
#' (such as a numeric vector or a data frame with all numeric columns).
#' @param X.quali a categorical matrix of data, or an object that can be coerced to such a matrix
#' (such as a character vector, a factor or a data frame with all factor columns).
#' @param init either the number of clusters or an initial partition (a vector
#' of integers indicating the cluster to which each variable is allocated).
#' If \code{init} is a number, a random set of (distinct) columns in
#' \code{X.quali} and \code{X.quanti} is chosen as the initial cluster
#' centers.
#' @param iter.max the maximum number of iterations allowed.
#' @param nstart if \code{init} is a number, \code{nstart} corresponds with
#' the number of random sets used in the process.
#' @param matsim boolean, if 'TRUE', the matrices of similarities between
#' variables in same cluster are calculated.
#' @return 
#' \item{var}{a list of matrices of squared loadings i.e. for each
#' cluster of variables, the squared loadings on first principal component of
#' PCAmix. For quantitative variables (resp. qualitative), squared loadings
#' are the squared correlations (resp. the correlation ratios) with the first
#' PC (the cluster center).} 
#' \item{sim}{a list of matrices of similarities
#' i.e. for each cluster, similarities between their variables.  The
#' similarity between two variables is defined as a square cosine: the square
#' of the Pearson correlation when the two variables are quantitative; the
#' correlation ratio when one variable is quantitative and the other one is
#' qualitative; the square of the canonical correlation between two sets of
#' dummy variables, when the two variables are qualitative. \code{sim} is
#''NULL if \code{matsim} is FALSE.} 
#' \item{cluster}{a vector of integers
#' indicating the cluster to which each variable is allocated.} 
#' \item{wss}{the within-cluster sum of squares for each cluster: the sum of the correlation
#' ratio (for qualitative variables) and the squared correlation (for
#' quantitative variables) between the variables and the center of the
#' cluster.} 
#' \item{E}{the pourcentage of homogeneity which is accounted by the
#' partition in k clusters.} 
#' \item{size}{the number of variables in each
#' cluster.} 
#' \item{scores}{a n by k numerical matrix which contains the k
#' cluster centers. The center of a cluster is a synthetic variable: the first
#' principal component calculated by PCAmix.  The k columns of \code{scores}
#' contain the scores of the n observations units on the first PCs of the k
#' clusters.} 
#' \item{coef}{a list of the coefficients of the linear
#' combinations defining the synthetic variable of each cluster.}
#' @details If the quantitative and qualitative data are in a same dataframe, the function
#' \code{splitmix} can be used to extract automatically the qualitative and the quantitative
#' data in two separated dataframes.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{splitmix}}, \code{\link{summary.clustvar}},\code{\link{predict.clustvar}}
#' @references Chavent, M., Liquet, B., Kuentz, V., Saracco, J. (2012),
#' ClustOfVar: An R Package for the Clustering of Variables. Journal of
#' Statistical Software, Vol. 50, pp. 1-16.
#' @keywords cluster multivariate
#' @examples
#' data(decathlon)
#' #choice of the number of clusters
#' tree <- hclustvar(X.quanti=decathlon[,1:10])
#' stab <- stability(tree,B=60)
#' #a random set of variables is chosen as the initial cluster centers, nstart=10 times
#' part1 <- kmeansvar(X.quanti=decathlon[,1:10],init=5,nstart=10)
#' summary(part1)
#' #the partition from the hierarchical clustering is chosen as initial partition
#' part_init<-cutreevar(tree,5)$cluster
#' part2<-kmeansvar(X.quanti=decathlon[,1:10],init=part_init,matsim=TRUE)
#' summary(part2)
#' part2$sim
kmeansvar <- function(X.quanti=NULL, X.quali=NULL, init,iter.max=150,nstart=1,matsim=FALSE)
  cl <- match.call()
  rec <- PCAmixdata::recod(X.quanti,X.quali, rename.level=TRUE)
  X.quanti <- rec$X.quanti
  X.quali <- rec$X.quali
  n <- rec$n
  p <- rec$p		#total number of variables
  p1 <- rec$p1	#number of numerical variables
  X <- rec$X 		#data matrix (mixed if necessary)
  Xn <- rec$Xn	#data matrix without any replication
  Z <- rec$Z		#data matrix for input in SVD
  indexj <- rec$indexj #variables indices in columns of Z
  G <- rec$G		#dummy variables if X.quanti non null
  Gcod <- rec$Gcod	
  sqcc <- function(X1,X2) {
    n <- nrow(X1)
    r <- ncol(X1)
    s <- ncol(X2)
    m <- which.min(c(n,r,s))
    if (m==1) {
      A1 <- X1%*%t(X1)/n
      A2 <- X2%*%t(X2)/n
      A <- A1%*%A2
      e <- eigen(A)
      sim <- Re(e$values[2]) 
    } else {
      V12 <- t(X1)%*%X2/n
      V21 <- t(X2)%*%X1/n
      if (m==2) V<-V12%*%V21
      if (m==3) V<-V21%*%V12
      e <- eigen(V)
      sim <- Re(e$values[2]) 
  eta2 <- function(x, gpe) {
    moyennes <- tapply(x, gpe, mean)
    effectifs <- tapply(x, gpe, length)
    varinter <- (sum(effectifs * (moyennes - mean(x))^2))
    vartot <- (var(x) * (length(x) - 1))
    res <- varinter/vartot
  partinit <- function(centers)
    A <- matrix(NA,p,k)
    #only quantitative data
    if (p1==p) {
      A <- (t(Z)%*%Z[,centers]/n)^2
      part <- apply(A,1,which.max)
    #only qualitative data
    if (p1==0) {
      for (g in 1:k) {
        X1 <- Gcod[,which(indexj==centers[g])]
        for (j in 1:p) {
          X2 <- Gcod[,which(indexj==j)]
          A[j,g] <- sqcc(X1,X2)
      part <- apply(A,1,which.max)
    #a mixture of both
    if (p1 %in% 1:(p-1)) {
      nc1 <- length(centers[which(centers<=p1)])
      nc2 <- k-nc1
      if (nc1 != 0) {
        A[1:p1,1:nc1] <- t(Z[,1:p1])%*%Z[,centers[1:nc1]]/n
        for (g in 1:nc1) {
          for (j in (p1+1):p) A[j,g] <- eta2(X.quanti[,centers[g]],X.quali[,(j-p1)])
      if (nc2 != 0) {
        for (g in (nc1+1):k) {
          for (j in 1:p1) A[j,g] <- eta2(X.quanti[,j], X.quali[,centers[g]-p1])
          X1 <- Gcod[,which(indexj==centers[g])-p1]
          for (j in (p1+1):p)  {
            X2 <- Gcod[,which(indexj==j)-p1]
            A[j,g] <- sqcc(X1,X2)
      part <- apply(A,1,which.max)
  if (missing(init)) 
    stop("'init' must be a number or a vector")
  if (length(init) == 1) {
    k <- init 
    repeat {
      centers <- sort(sample.int(p, k))
      part <- as.factor(partinit(centers))
      if (length(levels(part))==k) 
  } else {
    if (!is.integer(init))
      stop("init must be a vector of integer")
    if (nstart!=1)
      stop("nstart must be equal to one")
    part <- as.factor(init)
    k <- length(levels(part))
    if (p < k) 
      stop("more cluster centers than variables")
    if (length(which(init>k))> 0)
      stop("clusters must be numbered from 1 to k")
    if (p != length(part)) 
      stop("the length of init must be equal to the number of variables")
  do_one <- function(part)
    A <- matrix(NA,p,k)
    iter <- 0
    diff <- TRUE
    while ((iter< iter.max) && diff)
      iter <- iter+1
      #Representation step
      for (i in 1:length(indexj))
        indexk[i] <- part[indexj[i]]
      latent.var <- matrix(NA,n,k)
      for (g in 1:k) {
        Zclass <- Z[,which(indexk==g)]
        latent <- clusterscore(Zclass)
        latent.var[,g] <- latent$f
        sv[g] <- latent$sv 
      #Affectation step
      if (p1>0) {
        scorestand <- sweep(latent.var,2,STATS=sv,FUN="/")
        A[1:p1,]<-	(t(Z[,1:p1])%*%scorestand/n)^2
      if (p1!=p)	{
        for (g in 1:k){
          sl.qual <- function(col) {
      part2 <- apply(A,1,which.max)
      diff <- !all(part==part2)
      part <- part2
    wss <- sv^2 #within cluster sum of squares
  res <- do_one(part)
  if (nstart >= 2) {
    best <- sum(res$wss)
    for (i in 2:nstart) {
      repeat {
        centers <- sort(sample.int(p, k))
        part <- as.factor(partinit(centers))
        if (length(levels(part))==k) 
      res2 <- do_one(part)
      if ((z <- sum(res2$wss)) > best) {
        res <- res2
        best <- z}
  part <- res$part
  iter <- res$iter
  names(part) <- colnames(X)
  res <- descript(part,rec,matsim)
  res$call <- cl
  res$iter <- iter
  res$rec <- rec
  class(res) <- "clustvar"
chavent/ClustOfVar documentation built on Nov. 7, 2019, 2:19 p.m.