#' Calculate SR from mvr
#' Mostly edited and made to work by Y. Uwadaira of \code{plsropt} package.
#' Validated with the values from MATLAB's PLS toolbox v8.1.1.
#' @param mvr pls model from pls package
#' @param ncomp ncomp
#' @export

SR <- function(mvr) {
  # X-variable
  X <- mvr$model[[2]]
  X <- apply(X, 2, function(x)
    x - mean(x)) # mean-centering
  if (!is.null(mvr$scale)) {
    X <- apply(X, 2, function(x)
      x / sd(x)) # scaling
  SelR_all <- list()
  for (n in 1:mvr$ncomp) {
    ncomp <- n
    # projection of the rows of X onto the normalized regression coefficients vector
    # t_TP is proportional on the predicted values, yhat
    b <- as.matrix(mvr$coefficients[, 1, ncomp])
    t_TP <- X %*% (b / norm(b))
    # loading, p_TP, are obtained by projecting the columns of X onto the obtained score vector, t_TP
    p_TP <- t(X) %*% (t_TP / c(t(t_TP) %*% t_TP))
    SelR <- c()
    for (i in 1:ncol(X)) {
      E_TPi <- as.matrix(X[, i]) - as.matrix(p_TP[i] * t_TP)
      V_ex <- var(t_TP %*% p_TP[i]) # explained variance
      V_re <- var(E_TPi) # residual variance
      if (is.nan(V_ex/V_re)) {
        SelR <- c(SelR, 0)
      else SelR <- c(SelR, V_ex/V_re)
    SelR_all[[n]] <- SelR 
  SR <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, SelR_all)
  rownames(SR) <- paste("Comp", 1:mvr$ncomp)
  colnames(SR) <- dimnames(mvr$loadings)[[1]]
chengvt/cheng documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:52 p.m.