
#' Train PLS for train dataset by cross-validation
#' Train PLS for train dataset by cross-validation. This is different from trainPLS as 
#' you have to specify the preprocessing method manually.
#' @param x predictor matrix
#' @param y prediction target vector
#' @param maxncomp maximum ncomp for calculation
#' @param cvsegments refer to mvrCv's segments argument
#' @param round round numbers
#' @param reduceVar variable reduction using VIP
#' @param cycles cycles for variable reduction
#' @param ncomp `auto`,`manual` or `fixed`
#' @param fixedncomp fixed numerical value
#' @param prepro preprocessing method. Choose from c("mc", "norm_mc","au"). Default to "mc" if not specified.
#' @param threshold threshold for selecting ncomp
#' @import pls
#' @export
trainPLS2 <- function(x, y, newx = NULL, newy = NULL, maxncomp = 20, cvsegments = 10, round = 2, reduceVar = TRUE, 
                      cycles = 3, ncomp = c("auto", "manual", "fixed"), fixedncomp = NULL, prepro = c("mc", "norm_mc","au"),
                      threshold = 0.02, saveModel = FALSE){
    ## set up
    result_list <- list()
    model <- list() 
    if (length(prepro) == 3) prepro <- "mc"
    if ((!is.null(newx)) & (!is.null(newy))) newdata <- TRUE else newdata <- FALSE
    if (length(ncomp) == 3) ncomp <- "auto"
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (maxncomp > nrow(x)) maxncomp <- nrow(x) - 1
    ## creating a function to select ncomp and return statistical values from the model
    calStats <- function(model, newx, newy){
        ## selecting ncomp depending on each problem.
        if (ncomp == "auto"){
            ncomp <- find_ncomp2(model, threshold = threshold)
        } else if (ncomp == "fixed"){
            if (is.null(fixedncomp)) break
            ncomp <- fixedncomp
        } else {
            plot(model, ncomp = 1:maxncomp, plottype = "validation", type = "b", main = paste("Model", r), cex.lab = 1.3, ylab = "RMSECV", legendpos = "topright") 
            cat("Model", r, ": ")
            ncomp <- as.numeric(readline("Select ncomp: "))
        localresult <- data.frame(preprocessing = pre,                     
                                  nvar = dim(model$model[[2]])[2],                      
                                  ncomp = ncomp,                                         
                                  R2C = round(getR2(model, ncomp = ncomp, estimate = "train", showprint = FALSE), round),                      
                                  RMSEC = round(getRMSE(model, ncomp = ncomp, estimate = "train", showprint = FALSE), round),                      
                                  R2CV = round(getR2(model, ncomp = ncomp, estimate = "CV", showprint = FALSE), round),                      
                                  RMSECV = round(getRMSE(model, ncomp = ncomp, estimate = "CV", showprint = FALSE), round))
        if (newdata){
            localresult_p <- data.frame(R2P = round(getR2(model, ncomp = ncomp, estimate = "test", newx = newx, newy = newy, showprint = FALSE), round),
                                        RMSEP = round(getRMSE(model, ncomp = ncomp, newx = newx, newy = newy, estimate = "test", showprint = FALSE), round),
                                        RPD = round(calRPD2(model, ncomp = ncomp, newx = newx, newy = newy), round))
            localresult <- cbind(localresult, localresult_p)
    ## building models
    if (prepro %in% "mc"){
        # model 1: mean-centering
        r <- 1 # row number
        pre <- "Mean-centering"
        model[[r]] <- plsr(y ~ x, ncomp = maxncomp, validation = "CV", method = "oscorespls", segments = cvsegments)
        result_list[[r]] <- calStats(model[[r]], newx = newx, newy = newy)
        if (reduceVar){
            if (!exists("VIP")) call_VIP()
            for (cycle in 1:cycles){
                # mean-centering
                r <- 1 + cycle  # row number
                pre <- "Mean-centering"
                VIP_value <- t(VIP(model[[r-1]]))[,result_list[[r-1]]$ncomp]
                index <- which(VIP_value > 1)
                x <- model[[r-1]]$model[[2]]
                x_reduced <- x[,index, drop = FALSE]
                newx <- newx[,index]
                if (dim(x_reduced)[2] < maxncomp) newncomp <- dim(x_reduced)[2] else newncomp <- maxncomp
                if (dim(x_reduced)[2] == 0) stop(paste0("The number of variables reaches zero after ", cycle, " cycles."))
                model[[r]] <- plsr(y ~ x_reduced, ncomp = newncomp, validation = "CV", method = "oscorespls", segments = cvsegments)
                result_list[[r]] <- calStats(model[[r]], newx = newx, newy = newy)

    } else if (prepro %in% "norm_mc"){
        # model 2: norm + mean-centering
        r <- 1 # row number
        pre <- "Norm + Mean-centering"
        model[[r]] <- plsr(y ~ normalize(x), ncomp = maxncomp, validation = "CV", method = "oscorespls", segments = cvsegments)
        result_list[[r]] <- calStats(model[[r]], newx = newx, newy = newy)
        if (reduceVar){
            if (!exists("VIP")) call_VIP()
            for (cycle in 1:cycles){
                # norm + mean-centering
                r <- 1 + cycle  # row number
                pre <- "Norm + Mean-centering"
                VIP_value <- t(VIP(model[[r-1]]))[,result_list[[r-1]]$ncomp]
                index <- which(VIP_value > 1)
                x <- model[[r-1]]$model[[2]]
                x_reduced <- x[,index]
                newx <- newx[,index]
                if (dim(x_reduced)[2] < maxncomp) newncomp <- dim(x_reduced)[2] else newncomp <- maxncomp
                if (dim(x_reduced)[2] == 0) stop(paste0("The number of variables reaches zero after ", cycle, " cycles."))
                model[[r]] <- plsr(y ~ x_reduced, ncomp = newncomp, validation = "CV", method = "oscorespls", segments = cvsegments)
                result_list[[r]] <- calStats(model[[r]], newx, newy)
    } else if (prepro %in% "au"){
        # model 3: autoscale
        r <- 1 # row number
        pre <- "Autoscale"
        index <- which(colSums(x) == 0)
        if (length(index) == 0) x_nozero <- x else x_nozero <- x[,-index] # get rid of columns with sum = 0
        model[[r]] <- plsr(y ~ x_nozero, ncomp = maxncomp, validation = "CV", method = "oscorespls", segments = cvsegments, scale = TRUE)
        result_list[[r]] <- calStats(model[[r]], newx = newx, newy = newy)
        if (reduceVar){
            if (!exists("VIP")) call_VIP()
            for (cycle in 1:cycles){
                # autoscale
                r <- 1 + cycle # row number
                pre <- "Autoscale"
                VIP_value <- t(VIP(model[[r-1]]))[,result_list[[r-1]]$ncomp]
                index <- which(VIP_value > 1)
                x <- model[[r-1]]$model[[2]]
                x_reduced <- x[,index]
                newx <- newx[,index]
                if (dim(x_reduced)[2] < maxncomp) newncomp <- dim(x_reduced)[2] else newncomp <- maxncomp
                if (dim(x_reduced)[2] == 0) stop(paste0("The number of variables reaches zero after ", cycle, " cycles."))
                model[[r]] <- plsr(y ~ x_reduced, ncomp = newncomp, validation = "CV", method = "oscorespls", segments = cvsegments, scale = TRUE)
                result_list[[r]] <- calStats(model[[r]], newx, newy)
    ## variable reduction
    result <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, result_list)
    if (saveModel) output <- list(result = result, model_list = model) else {
        output <- result
chengvt/cheng documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:52 p.m.