
#' @import glmnet SGL Matrix genlasso

lambda_estimate =  function(modelXlist, modelYlist, penalty, single_rule, alpha,
                            num_lambda1, num_lambda2, num_single_rule_lambda,
                            lambda1, lambda2){
  lambda_estimate = NULL

  #need to estimate lambda1?
  if (single_rule == FALSE &
      penalty != "fused"){
    if (is.null(lambda1)){
      if (penalty != "SGL+SL")
        q = length(modelXlist)
        p = dim(modelXlist[[1]])[2]

        x = as.matrix(bdiag(modelXlist))
        y = unlist(modelYlist)
        total_n = length(y)

        x = sqrt(total_n) * x; y = sqrt(total_n) * y

        data = list(x = x, y = y)
        SGL_lambda = SGL(data = data, index = rep(1 : p, q),
                         alpha = alpha, standardize = FALSE, nlam = num_lambda1)$lambdas
        lambda1 = SGL_lambda

        lambda_estimate$lambda1 = lambda1
      } else
        q = length(modelXlist)
        p = dim(modelXlist[[1]])[2]

        y = unlist(modelYlist)
        total_n = length(y)
        y       = sqrt(total_n) * y

        dm <- make_design_matrix_sgl_fused(modelXlist, tau0 = 1.0)
        x  <- sqrt(total_n) * dm$design

        data = list(x = x, y = y)

        SGL_model = SGL(data = data, index = rep(1 : p, q + 1), min.frac = 0.05,
                        nlam = num_lambda1, alpha = alpha, standardize = FALSE)
        lambda_estimate$lambda1 <- SGL_model$lambdas

  #need to estimate lambda2?
  if (single_rule == FALSE &
      penalty %in% c("fused", "lasso+fused", "GL+fused", "SGL+fused")){
    if  (is.null(lambda2)){
      q = length(modelXlist)
      p = dim(modelXlist[[1]])[2]

      x = as.matrix(bdiag(modelXlist))
      y = unlist(modelYlist)
      D = NULL
      for (i in 2:q)
        for (j in 1:(i-1)){
          newrow = numeric(q)
          newrow[i] = -1
          newrow[j] = 1
          D = rbind(D, newrow)
      D = as.matrix(bdiag(replicate(p, D, simplify = FALSE)))

      genlasso_lambda = genlasso(y = y, X = x, D = D)$lambda
      lambda2 = quantile(genlasso_lambda, probs = seq(1, 0, -1 / (num_lambda2 - 1)), names = FALSE)

      lambda_estimate$lambda2 = lambda2

  #need to estimate single_rule_lambda?
  if (single_rule == TRUE){
    x = do.call(rbind, modelXlist)
    y = unlist(modelYlist)
    total_n = length(y)

    x = sqrt(total_n) * x; y = sqrt(total_n) * y

    lasso_lambda = glmnet(x = x, y = y, family = "gaussian",
                         standardize = FALSE, intercept  = FALSE,
                         nlambda = num_single_rule_lambda)$lambda
    single_rule_lambda = lasso_lambda

    lambda_estimate$single_rule_lambda = single_rule_lambda

chenshengkuang/mpersonalized documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:16 p.m.