## This is the R implementation of FISTA, based on
## https://people.rennes.inria.fr/Cedric.Herzet/Cedric.Herzet/Sparse_Seminar/Entrees/2012/11/12_A_Fast_Iterative_Shrinkage-Thresholding_Algorithmfor_Linear_Inverse_Problems_(A._Beck,_M._Teboulle)_files/Breck_2009.pdf
## Author: Xin Chen
## 03/21/2018

#' Title R Implementation of the FISTA algorithm with linesearch
#' solves the problem min_x \eqn{\mathrm{min}_x f(x) + g(x)}
#' @param x0 initial guess of the solution
#' @param abstol convergence criteria
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iterations
#' @param f
#' @param f_grad
#' @param g_prox
#' @param g
#' @return optimal solution x
#' @export
#' @examples
FISTA = function(x0, f, g, f_grad, g_prox, ABSTOL = 1e-8, maxiter = 1000){
        lambda = 1
        beta = 0.5

        y = x0
        xprev = x0
        h.fast_optval = rep(0, maxiter)
        t = 1
        tnext = t

        for(k in 1:maxiter){
                # y = x + (k/(k+3)) * (x - xprev)

                # line search
                        grad_y = f_grad(y)
                        x = g_prox(y - lambda * grad_y, lambda)
                        if (f(x) <= f(y) + sum(grad_y * (x - y)) + (1/(2*lambda)) * sum((x-y)^2))
                        lambda = beta * lambda

                # compute objective function value
                h.fast_optval[k] = f(x) + g(x)

                # FISTA iteration
                tnext = (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * t^2)) / 2
                y = x + (t - 1) / tnext * (x - xprev)
                xprev = x

                # stop if converged
                if ( k > 1)
                        if (abs(h.fast_optval[k] - h.fast_optval[k-1]) < ABSTOL)
        return(list(x = x, objvals = h.fast_optval[1:k]))

# proximal of L1 norm
prox_L1 = function(x, threshold) {
        return(sapply(x, function(x)
                sign(x) * max(abs(x) - threshold, 0)))

# Elastic Net regularizer in  the form of
# lambda.EN * ( alpha.EN * ||x||_1 + (1 - alpha.EN) / 2 * ||x||_2^2)

regularizer_EN = function(x, lambda.EN, alpha.EN){
        lambda.EN * ( alpha.EN * sum(abs(x)) + (1 - alpha.EN) / 2 * sum(x^2))

# proximal of the Elastic Net regularizer in the form of
# lambda.EN * ( alpha.EN * ||x||_1 + (1 - alpha.EN) / 2 * ||x||_2^2)
prox_EN = function(x, lambda, lambda.EN, alpha.EN){
        1 / (1 + lambda * (1 - alpha.EN) * lambda.EN) * prox_L1(x, lambda * alpha.EN * lambda.EN)

# cost function of MSE

mse = function(x, A, b){
        0.5 * sum((A %*% x - b)^2)

# grad of mse

mse_grad = function(x, A, b){
        t(A) %*% A %*% x - t(A) %*% b

# Negative loglikelihood of glm gamma for fixed shape parameter
nll_gamma_glm = function(x, A, b, shape){
        n.vars = length(x)
        linear_predictor <- A %*% x
        # rate = shape / mean:
        rate <- shape / exp(linear_predictor)
        # sum of negative log likelihoods:
        -sum(dgamma(b, rate = rate, shape = shape,
                    log = TRUE)) / length(b)

# the gradient of nll_gamma_glm

nll_gamma_glm_grad = function(x, A, b, shape){
        scale_vec = exp(A %*% x) / shape
        t(A) %*% ( shape - b / scale_vec) / length(b)

# find the smallest lambda that makes solution zero for Gamma_GLM_EN
# note the normalizing factor N

find_lambda_max_Gamma_GLM_EN = function(A,

# generate vector of candidate lambdas

generate_lambda_grid = function(A, b, alpha, shape,
                                n.lambda = 100,
                                min.lambda.ratio = 1e-4
        lambda_max = find_lambda_max_Gamma_GLM_EN(A, b, alpha, shape)
        lambdas = 10^(seq(log10(lambda_max * min.lambda.ratio), log10(lambda_max), length.out = n.lambda))

# NLL of gamma glm to be used for optim
# the last coeff is the shape, rest is linear coeffs
# x input data, y output data

nll_gamma_optim = function(coeffs, x, y){
        n.vars = length(coeffs)
        # a = coeffs[1]
        shape = coeffs[n.vars]
        b = coeffs[1:(n.vars - 1)]
        linear_predictor <- x %*% b
        # rate = shape / mean:
        rate <- shape / exp(linear_predictor)
        # sum of negative log likelihoods:
        -sum(dgamma(y, rate = rate, shape = shape,
                    log = TRUE)) / length(y)

# MLE of gamma GLM with shape unknown using optim BFGS
# x0 should contain nvar + 1 elements, last one must be positive

fit_glm_gamma = function(x0, x, y){
        res.optim = optim(x0, nll_gamma_optim, x = x, y = y, method = "BFGS")

# wrapper function to fit glmGammaNet for fixed shape, lambda.EN and alpha.EN

glmGammaNet = function(x0, A, b, lambda.EN, shape0, alpha.EN = 0.5, ABSTOL = 1e-8, maxiter = 1000){
        # First fit mle without regularization to estimate shape parameter
        # res.glm.gamma = fit_glm_gamma(c(rep(0, ncol(A)), 1), A, b)
        # res.glm.gamma.coeffs = res.glm.gamma$par
        # x0 = head(res.glm.gamma.coeffs, length(res.glm.gamma.coeffs) - 1)
        # shape0 = tail(res.glm.gamma.coeffs, 1)
        f = function(x){
                nll_gamma_glm(x, A, b, shape0)

        f_grad = function(x){
                nll_gamma_glm_grad(x, A, b, shape0)

        f_grad_num = function(x){
                grad(f, x)

        g = function(x){
                regularizer_EN(x, lambda.EN = lambda.EN, alpha.EN = alpha.EN)

        g_prox = function(x, lambda){
                prox_EN(x, lambda = lambda, lambda.EN = lambda.EN, alpha.EN = alpha.EN)
        res.FISTA = FISTA(x0, f, g, f_grad, g_prox, ABSTOL = ABSTOL, maxiter = maxiter)
        return(list(x = res.FISTA$x, shape = shape0, objvals = res.FISTA$objvals))

# cross validation for glmGammaNet

cv.glmGammaNet = function(A, b, ..., alpha.EN = 0.5, nfolds = 10,
                          nlambda = 100, ABSTOL = 1e-8,
                          maxiter = 1000, min.lambda.ratio = 1e-4){
        # First fit mle without regularization to estimate shape parameter
        res.glm.gamma = fit_glm_gamma(c(rep(0, ncol(A)), 1), A, b)
        res.glm.gamma.coeffs = res.glm.gamma$par
        x0 = head(res.glm.gamma.coeffs, length(res.glm.gamma.coeffs) - 1)
        shape0 = tail(res.glm.gamma.coeffs, 1)
        lambda.EN.vec = generate_lambda_grid(A, b, alpha.EN,
                                             shape0, n.lambda = nlambda,
                                             min.lambda.ratio = min.lambda.ratio)
        NLL_vec = rep(Inf, nlambda)
        NLL_sds = rep(Inf, nlambda)
        for(i in 1:nlambda){
                lambda.EN = lambda.EN.vec[i]
                NLLs = rep(Inf, nfolds)
                for(k in 1:nfolds){
                        train.idx = sample(1:length(b), length(b) * (nfolds - 1) / nfolds)
                        A.train = A[train.idx,]
                        b.train = b[train.idx]
                        A.test = A[-train.idx,]
                        b.test = b[-train.idx]
                        train.fit = glmGammaNet(x0,
                                                lambda.EN = lambda.EN,
                                                shape0 = shape0,
                                                alpha.EN = alpha.EN,
                                                ABSTOL = ABSTOL,
                                                maxiter = maxiter)
                        NLLs[k] = nll_gamma_glm(train.fit$x, A.test, b.test, shape0)
                NLL_vec[i] = mean(NLLs)
                NLL_sds[i] = sd(NLLs)
        best.idx = which.min(NLL_vec)
        # best.idx = sort(NLL_vec, index.return = TRUE)$ix[smallest.idx]
        best.lambda.EN = lambda.EN.vec[best.idx]
        best.fit = glmGammaNet(x0, A, b,
                               lambda.EN = best.lambda.EN,
                               shape0 = shape0,
                               alpha.EN = alpha.EN,
                               ABSTOL = ABSTOL,
                               maxiter = maxiter)
        return(list(x = best.fit$x,
                    best.idx = best.idx,
                    best.lambda.EN = best.lambda.EN,
                    shape = shape0,
                    lambda.EN.vec = lambda.EN.vec,
                    NLL_vec = NLL_vec,
                    NLL_sds = NLL_sds))
chenx26/glmGammaNet documentation built on May 5, 2019, 12:29 p.m.