
Defines functions plot.weibull.dir plot.weibull.hist plot.weibull

Documented in plot.weibull

plot.weibull <- 
function(x, type=c("hist", "dir"), show.ak=FALSE, ...) {
	# this is not really the way the S3 system should work, is it?
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if(type=="hist") plot.weibull.hist(x, type, show.ak, ...)
	else if(type=="dir") plot.weibull.dir(x, type, show.ak, ...)

plot.weibull.hist <- 
function(x, type, show.ak, ...) {
### plotting fitted weibull distribution from weibull object
	wb <- x	
	if(is.null(attr(wb, "call")$mast)) stop("Source mast object of ", substitute(wb), " could not be found")
	mast <- get(attr(wb, "call")$mast)
	v.set <- attr(wb, "call")$v.set
	subset <- attr(wb, "call")$subset
	unit <- attr(mast$sets[[v.set]]$data$v.avg, "unit")
	# subset
	start.end <- subset.int(mast$timestamp, subset)
	start <- start.end[1]
	end <- start.end[2]
	plot.param <- list(...)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col")) colset <- plot.param$col
	else colset <- "#3182BD"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.lab")) col.lab <- plot.param$col.lab
	else col.lab <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.axis")) col.axis <- plot.param$col.axis
	else col.axis <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.leg")) col.leg <- plot.param$col.leg
	else col.leg <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.ticks")) col.ticks <- plot.param$col.ticks
	else col.ticks <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.box")) col.box <- plot.param$col.box
	else col.box <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="border")) border <- plot.param$border
	else border <- "white"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="line")) line <- plot.param$line
	else line <- "#E41A1C"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="lty")) lty <- plot.param$lty
	else lty <- 1
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="lwd")) lwd <- plot.param$lwd
	else lwd <- 1.2
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex")) cex <- plot.param$cex
	else cex <- 1
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex.lab")) cex.lab <- plot.param$cex.lab
	else cex.lab <- cex
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex.axis")) cex.axis <- plot.param$cex.axis
	else cex.axis <- cex
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex.leg")) cex.leg <- plot.param$cex.leg
	else cex.leg <- cex-0.2
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="x.intersp")) x.intersp <- plot.param$x.intersp
	else x.intersp <- 0.4
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="y.intersp")) y.intersp <- plot.param$y.intersp
	else y.intersp <- 0.8
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="bty.leg")) bty.leg <- plot.param$bty.leg
	else bty.leg <- "n"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="pos.leg")) pos.leg <- plot.param$pos.leg
	else pos.leg <- "topright"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="breaks")) breaks <- plot.param$breaks
	else breaks <- seq(0, ceiling(max(mast$sets[[v.set]]$data$v.avg[start:end], na.rm=TRUE)), 1)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="xlab")) xlab <- plot.param$xlab
	else xlab <- paste0("Wind speed [", unit, "]")
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="ylab")) ylab <- plot.param$ylab
	else ylab <- "Frequency [%]"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="xlim")) xlim <- plot.param$xlim
	else xlim <- range(breaks)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="ylim")) ylim <- plot.param$ylim/100
	else ylim <- NULL
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="mar")) mar <- plot.param$mar
	else mar <- c(4.5,4.5,1,1)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="mgp")) mgp <- plot.param$mgp
	else mgp <- c(2.2,0.7,0)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="las")) las <- plot.param$las
	else las <- 1
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="bty")) bty <- plot.param$bty
	else bty <- "o"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="legend")) legend <- plot.param$legend
	else legend <- TRUE
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="leg.text")) leg.text <- plot.param$leg.text
	else leg.text <- c("measured", "Weibull")
	density <- hist(mast$sets[[v.set]]$data$v.avg[start:end], breaks=breaks, plot=FALSE)$density
	# prepare plot
	old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
	# plot
	par(mar=mar, mgp=mgp, las=las, bty="n")
	hist(mast$sets[[v.set]]$data$v.avg[start:end], breaks=breaks, axes=FALSE, freq=FALSE, col=colset, border=border, main=NULL, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, cex.lab=cex.lab, col.lab=col.lab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
	box(bty=bty, col=col.box)
	axis(1, col=col.ticks, col.axis=col.axis, cex.axis=cex.axis)
	if(!is.null(ylim)) axis(2, at=seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], 0.02), labels=seq(ylim[1]*100, ylim[2]*100, 2), col=col.ticks, col.axis=col.axis, cex.axis=cex.axis)
	else axis(2, at=seq(0, floor(max(density)*100)/100, 0.02), labels=seq(0, floor(max(density)*100), 2), col=col.ticks, col.axis=col.axis, cex.axis=cex.axis)
	x <- NULL # just to satisfy R CMD check
	shape <- tail(wb$k, 1)
	scale <- tail(wb$A, 1)
	curve(dweibull(x, shape=shape, scale=scale), col=line, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, add=TRUE)
	if(legend) {
		if(show.ak) leg.text <- c(leg.text[1], paste0(leg.text[2], " (A:", round(tail(wb$A, 1), digits=1), ", k:", round(tail(wb$k, 1), digits=1), ")"))
		legend(pos.leg, legend=leg.text, col=c(border, line), lty=c(NA, lty), lwd=c(NA, lwd), pch=c(22, NA), pt.bg=c(colset, NA), bty=bty.leg, cex=cex.leg, text.col=col.leg, x.intersp=x.intersp, y.intersp=y.intersp)

plot.weibull.dir <-
function(x, type, show.ak, ...) {
### plotting fitted weibull distribution per direction sector from weibull object
	if(is.null(attr(x, "call")$mast)) stop("Source mast object of ", substitute(x), " could not be found")
	mast <- get(attr(x, "call")$mast)
	v.set <- attr(x, "call")$v.set
	subset <- attr(x, "call")$subset
	num.sectors <- length(x$A)-1
	# subset
	start.end <- subset.int(mast$timestamp, subset)
	start <- start.end[1]
	end <- start.end[2]
	# prepare plot
	old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
	plot.param <- list(...)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col")) colset <- plot.param$col
	else {
		colset <- c(rep("gray45", num.sectors), "#E41A1C")
		if(num.sectors==4) colset <- c("#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3", "#FF7F00", "#E41A1C")
		if(num.sectors==8) colset <- c("#377EB8", "#41B6C4", "#4DAF4A", "#9970AB", "#984EA3", "#F781BF", "#FF7F00", "#A6761D", "#E41A1C")
		if(num.sectors==12) colset <- c("#08519C", "#3182BD", "#74C476", "#006D2C", "#31A354", "#9E9AC8", "#54278F", "#756BB1", "#FED976", "#FD8D3C", "#FEB24C", "#6BAED6", "#E41A1C")
		if(num.sectors==16) colset <- c("#08519C", "#3182BD", "#41B6C4", "#74C476", "#006D2C", "#31A354", "#9970AB", "#9E9AC8", "#54278F", "#756BB1", "#F781BF", "#FED976", "#FD8D3C", "#FEB24C", "#A6761D", "#6BAED6", "#E41A1C")
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.lab")) col.lab <- plot.param$col.lab
	else col.lab <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.axis")) col.axis <- plot.param$col.axis
	else col.axis <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.leg")) col.leg <- plot.param$col.leg
	else col.leg <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.ticks")) col.ticks <- plot.param$col.ticks
	else col.ticks <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="col.box")) col.box <- plot.param$col.box
	else col.box <- "black"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="lty")) lty <- plot.param$lty
	else {
		lty <- c(rep(5, num.sectors), 1)
		if(num.sectors==4) lty <- c(5, 5, 5, 5, 1)
		if(num.sectors==8) lty <- c(5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1)
		if(num.sectors==12) lty <- c(5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 1)
		if(num.sectors==16) lty <- c(5, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="lwd")) lwd <- plot.param$lwd
	else lwd <- c(rep(1.2, num.sectors), 2)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex")) cex <- plot.param$cex
	else cex <- 1
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex.lab")) cex.lab <- plot.param$cex.lab
	else cex.lab <- cex
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex.axis")) cex.axis <- plot.param$cex.axis
	else cex.axis <- cex
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="cex.leg")) cex.leg <- plot.param$cex.leg
	else cex.leg <- cex-0.2
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="xlim")) xlim <- plot.param$xlim
	else xlim <- c(0, ceiling(max(mast$sets[[v.set]]$data$v.avg[start:end], na.rm=TRUE)))
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="ylim")) ylim <- plot.param$ylim
	else ylim <- NULL
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="x.intersp")) x.intersp <- plot.param$x.intersp
	else x.intersp <- 0.4
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="y.intersp")) y.intersp <- plot.param$y.intersp
	else y.intersp <- 0.8
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="bty.leg")) bty.leg <- plot.param$bty.leg
	else bty.leg <- "n"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="pos.leg")) pos.leg <- plot.param$pos.leg
	else pos.leg <- "topright"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="xlab")) xlab <- plot.param$xlab
	else xlab <- paste0("Wind speed [m/s]")
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="ylab")) ylab <- plot.param$ylab
	else ylab <- "Frequency [%]"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="mar")) mar <- plot.param$mar
	else mar <- c(4.5,4.5,1,1)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="mgp")) mgp <- plot.param$mgp
	else mgp <- c(2.5,0.7,0)
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="las")) las <- plot.param$las
	else las <- 1
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="bty")) bty <- plot.param$bty
	else bty <- "o"
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="legend")) legend <- plot.param$legend
	else legend <- TRUE
	if(any(names(plot.param)=="leg.text")) leg.text <- plot.param$leg.text
	else leg.text <- NULL
	v <- seq(0, xlim[2], 0.1)
	if(is.null(ylim)) {
		limax <- c()
		for(i in 1:(num.sectors+1)) {
			limax <- append(limax, max(dweibull(v, shape=x$k[i], scale=x$A[i]), na.rm=TRUE))
		ylim <- c(0, 100*max(limax))
	# plot
	par(mar=mar, mgp=mgp, las=las, bty="n")
	plot(x=v, y=100*dweibull(v, shape=x$k[num.sectors], scale=x$A[num.sectors]), axes=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type="l", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=colset[num.sectors], lty=lty[num.sectors], lwd=lwd[num.sectors], col.lab=col.lab, cex.lab=cex.lab)
	box(bty=bty, col=col.box)
	axis(1, col=col.ticks, col.axis=col.axis, cex.axis=cex.axis)
	axis(2, col=col.ticks, col.axis=col.axis, cex.axis=cex.axis)
	for(i in 1:(num.sectors-1)) {
		lines(x=v, y=100*dweibull(v, shape=x$k[i], scale=x$A[i]), col=colset[i], lty=lty[i], lwd=lwd[i])
	lines(x=v, y=100*dweibull(v, shape=x$k[num.sectors+1], scale=x$A[num.sectors+1]), col=colset[num.sectors+1], lty=lty[num.sectors+1], lwd=lwd[num.sectors+1])
	if(legend) {
		if(is.null(leg.text)) leg.text <- attr(x, "row.names") 
		if(show.ak) leg.text <- paste0(leg.text, " (A:", round(x$A, digits=1), ", k:", round(x$k, digits=1), ")")
		legend(pos.leg, legend=leg.text, col=colset, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, bty=bty.leg, cex=cex.leg, text.col=col.leg, x.intersp=x.intersp, y.intersp=y.intersp)
chgrl/bReeze documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 2:27 a.m.