#' @name rc_pool
#' @title Pools columns for aggregated analysis of fields with like data
#' @description For each variable root provided, all column names in the
#' record_data containing that root will be pooled into a single column and
#' appended to the end of the dataframe. To see which columns have been pooled,
#' run the command \code{attributes([YOUR_DATA_FRAME])$pooled_vars} on the
#' returned dataframe.
#' Additionally, exact (i.e. full name) matching can be performed with the
#' \code{fields_list} argument. Fields provided in this argument will be
#' searched for in all columns. If both arguments are provided,
#' \code{fields_list} will be applied first.
#' Furthermore, if the columns selected to be pooled contain more than one
#' data point per row, the first data point will be used. In this case, pooling is
#' likely inappropriate and the pooled columns should be reviewed. However, if for
#' some reason pooling is still desirable and all data points should be kept,
#' use \code{make_repeat = TRUE} to convert the pooled variables into repeats.
#' @details The intention of this function is to correct for inefficient
#' REDCap project design where the same data measurement has been assigned to
#' multiple variables. For example, if the variables "visit_1_weight" and
#' "visit_2_weight" have been used to collect weight at different visits rather
#' than re-using the same variable, they can be pooled into a single column using
#' the \code{var_root} "weight". This is often desirable for analysis.
#' @param record_data Dataframe. Records data export from REDCap. For the
#' purposes of this function, only quantitative data will be kept.
#' @param var_roots Character. Vector of strings to search for within column names of
#' record_data. For each variable root provided, all column names containing the
#' root will be pooled into a single column. Regular expressions may be used.
#' @param fields_list List. A list in the format \code{list(new_column = c("old","column","names"))}.
#' Unlike \code{var_roots}, the column names provided here will be matched exactly.
#' In addition, if both \code{var_roots} and \code{fields_list} are provided,
#' \code{fields_list} will be applied first.
#' @param make_repeat Logical. Determines whether the pooled columns will be converted
#' into repeat instruments. Default is \code{TRUE}. This option is useful for when
#' there are same-row data points within columns to be pooled. In the future, this
#' will be implemented automatically on an as-needed basis.
#' @param id_field Character. Field name corresponding to the 'record_id' field.
#' @author Marcus Lehr
#' @export
rc_pool <- function(record_data, var_roots = NULL, fields_list = NULL,
make_repeat = TRUE,
id_field = getOption("redcap_bundle")$id_field) {
# Checks ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get ID field names
id_field = getID(id_field = id_field,
record_data = record_data)
rc_fields = c('redcap_event_name','redcap_repeat_instrument','redcap_repeat_instance')
rc_factors = c(id_field, rc_fields)
validate_args(required = c('record_data'),
record_data = record_data,
var_roots = var_roots,
fields_list = fields_list,
make_repeat = make_repeat,
id_field = id_field)
if (is.null(var_roots) & is.null(fields_list))
stop("At least one of either var_roots or fields_list must be provided.")
# Check for errors in fields_list
if (!is.null(fields_list)) {
# Drop fields not found in record_data
fields_bad = lapply(fields_list, function(x) x[!x %in% names(record_data)]) %>% unlist()
# Notify of bad field names
if (length(fields_bad) > 0) {
message("The following supplied fields were not found in record_data and will be dropped:\n",
paste(fields_bad, collapse = ', '))
fields_list = lapply(fields_list, function(x) setdiff(x, fields_bad))
# If search terms are used as names in fields_list, the record of changed columns will be overwritten
if (!is.null(var_roots))
if (any(var_roots %in% names(fields_list)))
stop("Search terms specified in var_roots cannot exist in names(fields_list)")
# Instantiate list to log the affected fields
fields_changed = data.frame()
# Repeat method -----------------------------------------------------------
if (make_repeat) {
# Add missing (repeat) columns. There must be a cleaner way to do this..
if (!all(rc_fields %in% names(record_data))) {
rc_cols = matrix(ncol = length(setdiff(rc_fields,names(record_data)))) %>% as.data.frame()
names(rc_cols) = setdiff(rc_fields,names(record_data))
record_data = cbind(record_data,rc_cols) %>% dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(rc_factors),dplyr::everything())
# Empty columns will be of type logical and cause join conflicts
record_data = dplyr::mutate_at(record_data, dplyr::vars(dplyr::contains('repeat')), as.character)
if (!is.null(fields_list)) {
for (f in 1:length(fields_list)) {
# Get column names
cols = intersect(fields_list[[f]], names(record_data))
# Prevent nested pooling
cols = setdiff(cols, fields_changed$pooled_vars)
if (length(cols) > 1) {
# Note the variables which will be changed
fields_changed = rbind(fields_changed, data.frame(pooled_vars = names(fields_list)[f]),rc_vars = cols)
# Collect data to be converted, remove empty rows
pool_data = record_data[c(rc_factors, cols)] %>% dplyr::filter_at(cols,dplyr::any_vars(!is.na(.)))
if (nrow(pool_data) > 0) {
# Melt and fill in repeat columns
pool_data = suppressWarnings(reshape2::melt(pool_data, id.vars = rc_factors, na.rm = T))
pool_data$redcap_repeat_instrument = names(fields_list[f])
pool_data = pool_data %>% dplyr::mutate(redcap_repeat_instance = as.character(variable)) %>%
dplyr::rename(!!names(fields_list[f]) := value) %>% dplyr::select(-variable)
# Remove unnecessary repeat instruments to minimize row additions
# Repeats will be removed for each event in which the pooled variable only occurs once
pool_data = pool_data %>% dplyr::group_by_at(c('redcap_event_name','redcap_repeat_instrument')) %>%
dplyr::select(-!!id_field,-!!fields_list[f]) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::left_join(pool_data,., by = c('redcap_event_name','redcap_repeat_instrument')) %>%
dplyr::mutate(redcap_repeat_instrument = ifelse(n==1, NA, redcap_repeat_instrument),
redcap_repeat_instance = ifelse(n==1, NA, redcap_repeat_instance),
redcap_repeat_instrument = as.character(redcap_repeat_instrument),
redcap_repeat_instance = as.character(redcap_repeat_instance)) %>%
# Add back to data and remove original columns
record_data = record_data %>% dplyr::select(-!!cols) %>% dplyr::full_join(pool_data, by = rc_factors) %>%
else if (length(cols)==1) warning("Only a single column was found for field '", paste(f), "'. Please ensure that all names in the
fields_list match a column name.")
else if (length(cols)==0) warning("No columns were found for field '", paste(f), "'. Please ensure that all names in the
fields_list match a column name")
if (!is.null(var_roots)) {
for (r in var_roots) {
# Get column names
cols = stringr::str_subset(names(record_data), r)
# Prevent nested pooling
cols = setdiff(cols, fields_changed$pooled_vars)
if (length(cols) > 1) {
# Remove non-word characters from r (no longer needed post regex search)
r = stringr::str_extract_all(r,"\\w*") %>% unlist() %>% paste(., collapse = '')
# Note the variables which will be changed
fields_changed = rbind(fields_changed, data.frame(pooled_vars = r, rc_vars = cols))
# Collect data to be converted, remove empty rows
pool_data = record_data[c(rc_factors, cols)] %>% dplyr::filter_at(cols,dplyr::any_vars(!is.na(.)))
if (nrow(pool_data) > 0) {
# Melt and fill in repeat columns
pool_data = suppressWarnings(reshape2::melt(pool_data, id.vars = rc_factors, na.rm = T))
pool_data$redcap_repeat_instrument = r # This will destroy pre-existing repeat instruments
pool_data = pool_data %>% dplyr::mutate(redcap_repeat_instance = as.character(variable)) %>%
dplyr::rename(!!r := value) %>% dplyr::select(-variable)
# Remove unnecessary repeat instruments to minimize row additions
# Repeats will be removed for each event in which the pooled variable only occurs once
pool_data = pool_data %>% dplyr::group_by_at(c('redcap_event_name','redcap_repeat_instrument')) %>%
dplyr::select(-!!id_field,-!!r) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n()) %>%
dplyr::left_join(pool_data,., by = c('redcap_event_name','redcap_repeat_instrument')) %>%
dplyr::mutate(redcap_repeat_instrument = ifelse(n==1, NA, redcap_repeat_instrument),
redcap_repeat_instance = ifelse(n==1, NA, redcap_repeat_instance),
redcap_repeat_instrument = as.character(redcap_repeat_instrument),
redcap_repeat_instance = as.character(redcap_repeat_instance)) %>%
# Add back to data and remove original columns
record_data = record_data %>% dplyr::select(-!!cols) %>% dplyr::full_join(pool_data, by = rc_factors) %>%
else if (length(cols)==1) warning("Only a single column containing root '", paste(r), "' was found- no pooling was performed.")
else if (length(cols)==0) warning("No columns containing root '", paste(r), "' were found.")
# Append record of pooled vars
attr(record_data, 'pooled_vars') = fields_changed
message("An attribute describing the variables pooled has been appended to the dataframe.
To view, use attributes(record_data)$pooled_vars")
# Wide format method ------------------------------------------------------
else {
# Remove repeat columns if not in data
rc_factors = intersect(rc_factors, names(record_data))
if (!is.null(fields_list)) {
for (f in names(fields_list)) {
# Get column names
cols = fields_list[[f]]
cols = cols[cols %in% names(record_data)]
if (length(cols) > 1) {
# Note variables to be changed
fields_changed = rbind(fields_changed, data.frame(pooled_vars = f,rc_vars = cols))
# fields_changed[[f]] = cols
# If selected columns are different classes, convert to character
col_types = sapply(record_data[cols], function(x) paste(class(x),collapse = ' ')) %>% unlist()
# Remove labelled flag in case of incomplete labelling
col_types = stringr::str_replace_all(col_types, "\\s?labelled\\s?", '') %>% trimws()
if (length(unique(col_types)) > 1){
message("Classes of columns matching the root ", r, " are non-identical. They will be coerced to character.")
record_data[cols] = sapply(record_data[cols], function(x) x = as.character(x))
# Warn about multiple data points in rows
if (any(record_data[cols] %>% is.na() %>% rowSums() < length(record_data[cols]) - 1))
warning("Same row data points were found within columns: ", paste(cols, collapse = ', '),
"\nData from the first column will override other columns. If all data points must be kept,
use make_repeat = TRUE")
# Pool
record_data = dplyr::mutate(record_data, !!f := dplyr::coalesce(!!!as.list(record_data[,cols])))
# Remove old columns. Explicitly add new col at end to prevent accident removal
# (ie when contained within 'cols')
record_data = dplyr::select(record_data, -dplyr::all_of(cols), dplyr::all_of(f))
else if (length(cols)==1) warning("Only a single column was found for field '", paste(f), "'. Please ensure that all names in the
fields_list match a column name.")
else if (length(cols)==0) warning("No columns were found for field '", paste(f), "'. Please ensure that all names in the
fields_list match a column name")
if (!is.null(var_roots)) {
for (r in var_roots) {
# Get column names
cols = stringr::str_subset(names(record_data), r)
if (length(cols) > 1) {
# Note variables to be changed
fields_changed = rbind(fields_changed, data.frame(pooled_vars = r,rc_vars = cols))
# fields_changed[[r]] = cols
# If selected columns are different classes, convert to character
col_types = sapply(record_data[cols], function(x) paste(class(x),collapse = ' ')) %>% unlist()
# Remove labelled flag in case of incomplete labelling. Legacy- rc_format no longer applies labelled class
col_types = stringr::str_replace_all(col_types, "\\s?labelled\\s?", '') %>% trimws()
if (length(unique(col_types)) > 1){
message("Classes of columns matching the root ", r, " are non-identical. They will be coerced to character.")
record_data[cols] = sapply(record_data[cols], function(x) x = as.character(x))
# Warn about multiple data points in rows. Should this be a stop?
if (any(record_data[cols] %>% is.na() %>% rowSums() < length(record_data[cols]) - 1))
warning("Same row data points were found within columns: ", paste(cols, collapse = ', '),
"\nData from the first column will override other columns. If all data points must be kept,
use make_repeat = TRUE")
# Pool
record_data = dplyr::mutate(record_data, !!r := dplyr::coalesce(!!!as.list(record_data[,cols])))
# Remove old columns. Explicitly add new col at end to prevent accident removal
# (ie when contained within 'cols')
record_data = dplyr::select(record_data, -dplyr::all_of(cols), dplyr::all_of(r))
else if (length(cols)==1) warning("Only a single column containing root '", paste(r), "' was found- no pooling was performed.")
else if (length(cols)==0) warning("No columns containing root '", paste(r), "' were found.")
# Append record of pooled vars to dataframe
attr(record_data, 'pooled_vars') = fields_changed
message("An attribute describing the variables pooled has been appended to the dataframe.
To view, use attributes(record_data)$pooled_vars")
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