#' @description Returns a valid list that represents parameters of a random MS-AR model with
#' non-switching beta and switching sigma; ideal for creating a sample for testing.
#' @export
#' @title GenerateMDPTheta
#' @name GenerateMDPTheta
#' @param M The number of components.
#' @param s The number of terms used for AR(s)
#' @param p The dimension of regressors that depend on components.
#' @param q The dimension of regressors that are independent of components.
#' @return A list that represents the parameters of a model with items:
#' \item{alpha}{M by 1 column that represents a mixing probability}
#' \item{rho}{s by 1 column for state-independent coefficients on AR(s)}
#' \item{beta}{p by M matrix that contains switching
#' coefficients for state-dependent exogenous variables}
#' \item{gamma}{q by 1 column that contains non-switching
#' coefficients for state-independent exogenous variables}
#' \item{mu}{M by 1 column that contains state-dependent mu}
#' \item{sigma}{M by 1 column that contains state-dependent sigma}
GenerateMDPTheta <- function(M = 2, s = 0, p = 0, q = 0)
alpha <- runif(M)
alpha <- alpha / sum(alpha)
rho <- NULL
beta <- NULL
gamma <- NULL
mu <- runif(M, 0.4, 0.8) * sample(c(1,-1), M, replace = T)
sigma <- runif(M, 0.3, 1.5)
if (s > 0)
rho <- runif(s, 0.3, 0.8) * sample(c(1,-1), s, replace = T)
rho <- rho / (1.2 * sum(abs(rho)))
if (M > 1)
for (i in 1:(M-1))
rho.col <- runif(s, 0.3, 0.8) * sample(c(1,-1), s, replace = T)
rho.col <- rho.col / (1.2 * sum(abs(rho.col)))
rho <- cbind(rho, rho.col)
rho <- as.matrix(rho)
if (p > 0)
beta <- matrix(runif(p * M, -0.4, 0.4), ncol = M)
beta <- 0.8 * (beta / sum(abs(beta)))
if (q > 0)
gamma <- runif(q, -0.4, 0.4)
gamma <- 0.8 * (gamma / sum(abs(gamma)))
theta <- list(alpha = alpha,
rho = rho,
beta = beta,
gamma = gamma,
mu = mu,
sigma = sigma)
return (theta)
#' Generates a sample of N individuals with length T from a model specification given.
#' @export
#' @title GenerateMDPSample
#' @name GenerateMDPSample
#' @param theta A list that represents the parameters of a model.
#' @param N The number of individuals.
#' @param T The number of sample observations for each individual.
#' @param initial.y.set n_initial by N matrix that represents previous samples;
#' n_initial must be larger than/equal to s, the number of autoregressive terms.
#' By default, initial.y.set is going to be determined by rnorm(s) for
#' each individual.
#' @param x n by q matrix of data for exogenous variables that
#' have switching coefficeints.
#' @param z n by p matrix of data for exogenous variables that
#' have non-switching coefficeints.
#' @param individual.effect determines if individual-specific effects are present.
#' @param time.effect determines if time-specific effects are present.
#' @return A list with items:
#' \item{y}{(T + length(initial.y.set)) by N matrix that represents a sample
#' appended with previous values used to estimate autoregressive terms}
#' \item{y.sample}{T by N matrix that represents a sample of the model}
#' \item{y.lagged}{T by (s * N) blocked matrix that represents a lagged sample
#' of the model, whose ith block consisting of s columns gives a lagged sample
#' of ith individual, whose kth column in ith block represents a kth lagged column}
#' \item{components}{M by 1 column that contains state-dependent sigma}
#' \item{MDP.model}{An instance in MDP.model that represents the actual model
#' used to create the sample.}
#' @examples
#' GenerateMDPSample()
#' theta <- GenerateMDPTheta(M = 2, s = 3)
#' GenerateMDPSample(theta)
#' GenerateMDPSample(theta, N = 200)
GenerateMDPSample <- function(theta = NULL, N = 40, T = 5,
initial.y.set = NULL,
x = NULL, z = NULL,
individual.effect = FALSE,
time.effect = FALSE)
if (is.null(theta))
theta <- GenerateMDPTheta()
M <- length(theta$alpha)
mu <- as.matrix(theta$mu)
sigma <- as.matrix(theta$sigma)
rho <- matrix(rep(0,M), ncol = M)
beta <- matrix(rep(0,M), ncol = M)
gamma <- as.matrix(0)
if (!is.null(theta$rho))
rho <- as.matrix(theta$rho)
s <- nrow(rho)
p <- 1
q <- 1
individual.effects <- rep(0,N)
time.effects <- rep(0,(T+s))
if (individual.effect)
individual.effects <- rnorm(N)
if (time.effect)
time.effects <- rnorm((T+s))
if (is.null(initial.y.set))
initial.y.set <- matrix(rnorm((N * s)), ncol = N)
if (nrow(initial.y.set) < s)
stop ("EXCEPTION: The length of initial.y.set cannot be smaller than s.")
if (nrow(initial.y.set) > s)
warning ("The length of initial.y.set is greater than s;
only the last s observations are going to be used for
sample generation.")
if (is.null(x))
x <- matrix(rep(0,((s + T) * N)), ncol = N)
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (T > nrow(x))
stop("EXCEPTION: the number of observations for each individual in
x cannot be smaller than the length of samples, T.")
beta <- as.matrix(theta$beta)
p <- nrow(beta)
pN <- p * N
x <- rbind(matrix(rep(NaN, (nrow(initial.y.set)*pN)), ncol = pN),
as.matrix(x[(nrow(x) - T + 1):(nrow(x)),]))
if (is.null(z))
z <- matrix(rep(0,((s + T) * N)), ncol = N)
z <- as.matrix(z)
if (T > nrow(z))
stop("EXCEPTION: the number of observations for each individual in
z cannot be smaller than the length of samples, T.")
gamma <- as.matrix(theta$gamma)
q <- nrow(gamma)
qN <- q * N
z <- rbind(matrix(rep(NaN, (nrow(initial.y.set)*qN)), ncol = qN),
as.matrix(z[(nrow(z) - T + 1):(nrow(z)),]))
# initialization
initial.y.set <- as.matrix(initial.y.set)
initial.y.set <- matrix(initial.y.set[(nrow(initial.y.set) - s + 1):
ncol = N) # only last s
y <- rbind(initial.y.set, matrix(rep(-Inf, (N * T)), ncol = N))
# determines components
trans.cumsum <- cumsum(theta$alpha)
components <- rep(1, N)
probs <- runif(N)
if (M > 1)
for (j in 2:M)
for (i in 1:N)
if (probs[i] > trans.cumsum[j-1] && probs[i] <= trans.cumsum[j])
components [i] <- j
initial.index <- nrow(initial.y.set) + 1
last.index <- nrow(initial.y.set) + T
for (i in 1:N)
component <- components[i]
x.block.first <- 1 + (i - 1) * p
z.block.first <- 1 + (i - 1) * q
x.block <- matrix(x[,x.block.first:(x.block.first + p - 1)], ncol = p)
z.block <- matrix(z[,z.block.first:(z.block.first + q - 1)], ncol = q)
for (t in initial.index:last.index)
y[t,i] <- rnorm(1, mu[component,1], sd=sigma[component,1]) +
t(rev(y[(t-s):(t-1),i])) %*% as.numeric(rho[,component]) +
x.block[t,] %*% as.matrix(beta[,component]) +
z.block[t,] %*% as.matrix(gamma) +
individual.effects[i] + time.effects[t]
theta.expended <- theta
if (individual.effect || time.effect)
theta.expended$gamma <- c(theta$gamma, individual.effects, time.effects)
model <- list(theta = theta,
theta.expended = theta.expended,
individual.effect = individual.effect,
time.effect = time.effect,
y = y,
fisher.estimated = NULL,
components = components,
log.likelihood = 1,
label = "MDP.model")
class(model) <- "MDP.model"
s <- ifelse(is.null(theta$rho), 0, nrow(theta$rho)) # take original rho back
if (!(s > 0))
y <- y[2:nrow(y),]
lagged.and.sample <- apply(y, 2, GetLaggedAndSample, s)
y.sample <- sapply(lagged.and.sample, "[[", "y.sample")
y.lagged <- matrix(sapply(lagged.and.sample, "[[", "y.lagged"), nrow = T)
x <- as.matrix(x[(nrow(x) - T + 1):(nrow(x)),])
z <- as.matrix(z[(nrow(z) - T + 1):(nrow(z)),])
return (list(y = y,
x = x,
z = z,
y.sample = y.sample,
y.lagged = y.lagged,
components = components,
MDP.model = model))
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