CalculateTransitionsNR <- function(MoleculeInfo, ElementInfo, verbose) {
if(verbose){message(date(), " :: calculating transitions ...")}
MoleculesTotal <- length(MoleculeInfo)
MoleculesName <- names(MoleculeInfo)
# For all molecules, determine the maximum amount of tracer isotopes expected
# in product ion or neutral loss.
for (MoleculeNo in seq_len(MoleculesTotal)) {
### assemble required data
MoleculeData <- MoleculeInfo[[MoleculeNo]] # entire 'MoleculeInfo' data for current molecule
NumberFragments <- sum(stringr::str_detect(names(MoleculeData), "Fragment")) # %>%sum
NumberTracers <- unlist(lapply(MoleculeData, function(x) length(x[["Tracer"]])))
MaxLabel <- unlist(lapply(MoleculeData, function(x) x[["MaxLabel"]]))
IDTracer <- unlist(lapply(MoleculeData, function(x) x[["IDTracer"]]))
if (NumberFragments == 2) {
#if(verbose){message(date(), " :: [", MoleculesName[MoleculeNo], "] // NumberFragments==", NumberFragments)}
if(verbose){message(date(), " :: :: molecule [", MoleculesName[MoleculeNo], "] with ",NumberFragments," fragments")}
if (NumberTracers[[1]] > 0) {
MaxLabelProduct <- MaxLabel[[1]]
} else {
MaxLabelProduct <- 0
if (NumberTracers[[2]] > 0) {
MaxLabelNeutralLoss <- MaxLabel[[2]]
} else {
MaxLabelNeutralLoss <- 0
if (NumberTracers[[1]] > 0) {
Tracer <- IDTracer[[1]]
} else if (NumberTracers[[2]] > 0) {
Tracer <- IDTracer[[2]]
} else {
stop(date(), " :: [CalculateTransitions()] No tracer element specified for molecule ", MoleculesName[MoleculeNo], "!")
MaxLabelPrecursor <- MaxLabelProduct + MaxLabelNeutralLoss
TransitionNo <- 0
LabelNeutralLoss <- 0
ProductIon_SiteSaturation <- 0
SiteSaturationCorrection <- 0
# This part of the function computes how label in the precursor ion can be distributed among product ion and neutral loss, within the constraints given by
# MaxLabelProduct and MaxLabelNeutralLoss. This yields the expected MS/MS transitions.
tmpTransitionsExpectedList <- list()
tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec <- vector()
for (LabelPrecursor in 0:MaxLabelPrecursor) {
# Until the label in the precursor has exceeded the amount of MaxLabelNeutralLoss, all label is considered to be in the neutral loss at this stage.
if (LabelNeutralLoss < MaxLabelNeutralLoss) {
LabelNeutralLoss <- LabelPrecursor
# ProductIon_SiteSaturation is a means to determine by how much the label in the precursor exceeds the maximum capacity of the product ion given in
# MaxLabelProduct.
ProductIon_SiteSaturation <- (MaxLabelProduct - LabelPrecursor) * (-1)
if (ProductIon_SiteSaturation > 0) {
SiteSaturationCorrection <- ProductIon_SiteSaturation
# At this stage, the MS/MS transitions are calculated and written into the molecule information list. The vector named Precursor contains the mass shift
# (in relation to M+0) associated with the precursor (Number of label in the precursor multiplied with the tracer isotope mass shift given in
# ElementList). The vector named NeutralLoss contains the mass shift of the neutral loss. This is determined in a loop which starts at the maximum
# possible amount of current LabelPrecursor from the parent loop in the neutral loss. It then decreases the amount of LabelNeutralLoss by 'shifting' label
# from the neutral loss to the product ion (NLLabel_in_ProductIon). Consequently, the product ion mass shift in the vector named ProductIon is given as
# the difference between precursor mass shift and neutral loss mass shift of the current loop iteration. This way all combinations of product ion and
# neutral loss labelling for a given precursor labelling state are derived. The shifting just described has limits given by MaxLabelProduct. This is
# where SiteSaturationCorrection becomes relevant. If the amount of label in the precursor exceeds the maximum amount of labelling possible in the
# product ion, it will reduce the number of iterations of the shifting loop by just this difference. In addition, the loop generates specific name tags
# for each transition of a given molecule by combining the molecule name from the molecules information file with '_T' for transition, followed by the
# precuror label x and product ion label y as x.y (Name_x.y).
# TransitionNo<-0
for (NLLabel_in_ProductIon in 0:(LabelNeutralLoss - SiteSaturationCorrection)) {
TransitionNo <- TransitionNo + 1
tmpTrans1 <- LabelPrecursor * ElementInfo[[Tracer]][[2]]
tmpTrans2 <- (LabelNeutralLoss - NLLabel_in_ProductIon) * ElementInfo[[Tracer]][[2]]
tmpTrans3 <- tmpTrans1 - tmpTrans2
tmpTransitionsExpectedList[[TransitionNo]] <- list(ProductIon = tmpTrans3, NeutralLoss = tmpTrans2, Precursor = tmpTrans1)
tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec <- c(tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec, str_c(MoleculesName[MoleculeNo], "_", tmpTrans1, ".", tmpTrans3))
} # NLLabel
} # LabelPrecursor
names(tmpTransitionsExpectedList) <- tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec
TransitionsExpected.df <- data.frame(ProductIon = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(tmpTransitionsExpectedList, function(x) x["ProductIon"]))), NeutralLoss = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(tmpTransitionsExpectedList,
function(x) x["NeutralLoss"]))), Precursor = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(tmpTransitionsExpectedList, function(x) x["Precursor"]))))
rownames(TransitionsExpected.df) <- tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec
TransitionsExpected <- TransitionsExpected.df
# In this section the expected MS (not MS/MS) measurements and their name tags are generated for each molecule An MS name tag has the structure 'Name_x'
} else if (NumberFragments == 1)
if (NumberTracers[[1]] > 0) {
MaxLabelProduct <- MaxLabel[[1]]
Tracer <- IDTracer[[1]]
} else {
MaxLabelProduct <- 0
warning(date(), " [WARNING] No tracer element specified for Molecule #", MoleculeNo, ".")
TransitionNo <- 0
tmpTransitionsExpectedList <- list()
tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec <- vector()
for (LabelIon in 0:MaxLabelProduct) {
TransitionNo <- TransitionNo + 1
tmpTrans1 <- LabelIon * ElementInfo[[Tracer]][[2]]
tmpTransitionsExpectedList[[TransitionNo]] <- list(ProductIon = tmpTrans1, Precursor = tmpTrans1)
tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec <- c(tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec, str_c(MoleculesName[MoleculeNo], "_", tmpTrans1))
} #LabelIon
names(tmpTransitionsExpectedList) <- tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec
TransitionsExpected.df <- data.frame(ProductIon = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(tmpTransitionsExpectedList, function(x) x["ProductIon"]))), Precursor = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(tmpTransitionsExpectedList,
function(x) x["Precursor"]))))
rownames(TransitionsExpected.df) <- tmpTransitionsExpectedListNames.vec
TransitionsExpected <- TransitionsExpected.df
} # NumberFragments==1
MoleculeInfo[[MoleculeNo]][["TransitionsExpected"]] <- TransitionsExpected
} # MoleculeNo
if(verbose){message(date(), " :: calculating transitions [OK]\n")}
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