
# Estimate the posterior using beta mixture
bb.loglik <- function (paras, ct, dep, q1) {

  m1 <- exp(paras[1]) / (1 + exp(paras[1]))
  s1 <- exp(paras[2])

  -sum(dbetabinom(ct, dep, m1, s1, log = TRUE))


bb.fit  <- function (ct, dep,  winsor.qt = 1.0) {
  # Initialization
  if (mean(ct == 0) >= 0.95 | sum(ct != 0) < 5) {
    stop('The number of nonzero is too small to fit the model! Consider removing it from testing!\n')

  # Initialization
  prop0 <- ct / dep
  qt <- quantile(prop0, winsor.qt)
  prop0[prop0 >= qt] <- qt
  var0 <- var(prop0)
  mean0 <- mean(prop0)

  shape1 <- ((1 - mean0) / var0 - 1 / mean0) * mean0 ^ 2
  shape2 <- shape1 * (1 / mean0 - 1)

  m1 <- shape1 / (shape1 + shape2)
  s1 <- shape1 + shape2

  if (s1 < 0) {
    s1 <- 1

  obj <- nlm(bb.loglik, c(log(m1 / (1 - m1)), log(s1)), ct = ct, dep = dep, q1 = q1)

  m1 <- exp(obj$estimate[1]) / (1 + exp(obj$estimate[1]))
  s1 <- exp(obj$estimate[2])

  shape1.1  <- m1 * s1
  shape1.2  <- s1 - shape1.1

  return(list(shape1.1 = shape1.1, shape1.2 = shape1.2))


bbmix.fit.MM <- function (ct, dep,  nIter = 10, winsor.qt = 1.0) {

  if (mean(ct == 0) >= 0.95 | sum(ct != 0) < 5) {
    stop('The number of nonzero is too small to fit the model! Consider removing it from testing!\n')

  # Initialization
  prop0 <- ct / dep
  qt <- quantile(prop0, winsor.qt)
  prop0[prop0 >= qt] <- qt

  var1 <- var(prop0)
  mean1 <- mean(prop0) / 2

  var2 <- var1
  mean2 <- 3 * mean(prop0) / 2

  pi <- 0.5
  for (i in 1 : nIter) {

    shape1.1 <- ((1 - mean1) / var1 - 1 / mean1) * mean1 ^ 2
    shape1.2 <- shape1.1 * (1 / mean1 - 1)

    shape2.1 <- ((1 - mean2) / var2 - 1 / mean2) * mean2 ^ 2
    shape2.2 <- shape2.1 * (1 / mean2 - 1)

    m1 <- shape1.1 / (shape1.1 + shape1.2)
    s1 <- shape1.1 + shape1.2

    m2 <- shape2.1 / (shape2.1 + shape2.2)
    s2 <- shape2.1 + shape2.2

    f1 <- dbetabinom(ct, dep, m1, s1)
    f2 <- dbetabinom(ct, dep, m2, s2)

    q1 <-  pi * f1 /  (pi * f1 + (1 - pi) * f2)
    q2 <-  1 - q1

    pi <- mean(q1)

    # Rough estimation
    mean1 <- sum(prop0 * q1) / sum(q1)
    var1 <- sum((prop0 - mean1)^2 * q1) / sum(q1)

    mean2 <- sum(prop0 * q2) / sum(q2)
    var2 <- sum((prop0 - mean2)^2 * q2) / sum(q2)

  return(list(shape1.1 = shape1.1, shape1.2 = shape1.2, shape2.1 = shape2.1, shape2.2 = shape2.2, pi = pi, q1 = q1))


bbmix.loglik <- function (paras, ct, dep, q1) {

  m1 <- exp(paras[1]) / (1 + exp(paras[1]))
  s1 <- exp(paras[2])

  m2 <- exp(paras[3])/ (1 + exp(paras[3]))
  s2 <- exp(paras[4])

  -sum(q1 * dbetabinom(ct, dep, m1, s1, log = TRUE) + (1 - q1) *
         dbetabinom(ct, dep, m2, s2, log = TRUE))


bbmix.fit <- function (ct, dep,  nIter = 10, winsor.qt = 0.97) {

  # Initialization
  if (mean(ct == 0) >= 0.95 | sum(ct != 0) < 5) {
    stop('The number of nonzero is too small to fit the model! Consider removing it from testing!\n')

  # Initialization
  prop0 <- ct / dep
  qt <- quantile(prop0, winsor.qt)
  prop0[prop0 >= qt] <- qt
  var0 <- var(prop0)
  mean0 <- mean(prop0)

  shape1 <- ((1 - mean0) / var0 - 1 / mean0) * mean0 ^ 2
  shape2 <- shape1 * (1 / mean0 - 1)

  m0 <- shape1 / (shape1 + shape2)
  s0 <- shape1 + shape2

  if (s0 < 0) {
    s0 <- 1

  m1 <- 0.75 * m0
  m2 <- 1.25 * m0
  s1 <- s0
  s2 <- s0
  pi <- 0.5

  for (i in 1 : nIter) {

    # Expectation step
    f1 <- dbetabinom(ct, dep, m1, s1)
    f2 <- dbetabinom(ct, dep, m2, s2)

    q1 <-  pi * f1 /  (pi * f1 + (1 - pi) * f2)
    q2 <-  1 - q1

    # Maximization step
    pi <- mean(q1)

    obj <- nlm(bbmix.loglik, c(log(m1 / (1 - m1)), log(s1), log(m2 / (1 - m2)), log(s2)), ct = ct, dep = dep, q1 = q1)

    m1 <- exp(obj$estimate[1]) / (1 + exp(obj$estimate[1]))
    s1 <- exp(obj$estimate[2])
    m2 <- exp(obj$estimate[3]) / (1 + exp(obj$estimate[3]))
    s2 <- exp(obj$estimate[4])

  shape1.1  <- m1 * s1
  shape1.2  <- s1 - shape1.1

  shape2.1  <- m2 * s2
  shape2.2  <- s2 - shape2.1

  return(list(shape1.1 = shape1.1, shape1.2 = shape1.2, shape2.1 = shape2.1, shape2.2 = shape2.2, pi = pi, q1 = q1))

zibb.loglik <- function (paras, ct, dep, q1) {

  m2 <- exp(paras[1]) / (1 + exp(paras[1]))
  s2 <- exp(paras[2])

  -sum((1 - q1) * dbetabinom(ct, dep, m2, s2, log = TRUE))


zibb.fit <- function (ct, dep,  nIter = 10, winsor.qt = 0.97) {

  # Initialization
  if (mean(ct == 0) >= 0.95 | sum(ct != 0) < 5) {
    stop('The number of nonzero is too small to fit the model! Consider removing it from testing!\n')

  ct1 <- ct[ct != 0]
  dep1 <- dep[ct != 0]
  # Initialization
  prop0 <- ct1 / dep1
  qt <- quantile(prop0, winsor.qt)
  prop0[prop0 >= qt] <- qt
  var0 <- var(prop0)
  mean0 <- mean(prop0)

  shape1 <- ((1 - mean0) / var0 - 1 / mean0) * mean0 ^ 2
  shape2 <- shape1 * (1 / mean0 - 1)

  m0 <- shape1 / (shape1 + shape2)
  s0 <- shape1 + shape2

  if (s0 < 0) {
    s0 <- 1

  m2 <- 0.75 * m0
  s2 <- s0
  pi <- 0.75 * mean(ct == 0)

  for (i in 1 : nIter) {

    # Expectation step
    f1 <- ifelse(ct == 0, 1, 0)
    f2 <- dbetabinom(ct, dep, m2, s2)

    q1 <-  pi * f1 /  (pi * f1 + (1 - pi) * f2)
    q2 <-  1 - q1

    # Maximization step
    pi <- mean(q1)

    obj <- nlm(zibb.loglik, c(log(m2 / (1 - m2)), log(s2)), ct = ct, dep = dep, q1 = q1)

    m2 <- exp(obj$estimate[1]) / (1 + exp(obj$estimate[1]))
    s2 <- exp(obj$estimate[2])

  shape2.1  <- m2 * s2
  shape2.2  <- s2 - shape2.1

  return(list(shape2.1 = shape2.1, shape2.2 = shape2.2,  pi = pi, q1 = q1))


zibb.fit.MM <- function (ct, dep,  nIter = 10, winsor.qt = 1.0) {

  # Initialization
  if (mean(ct == 0) >= 0.95 | sum(ct != 0) < 5) {
    stop('The number of nonzero is too small to fit the model! Consider removing it from testing!\n')

  ct1 <- ct[ct != 0]
  dep1 <- dep[ct != 0]
  # Initialization
  prop0 <- ct1 / dep1
  qt <- quantile(prop0, winsor.qt)
  prop0[prop0 >= qt] <- qt
  var0 <- var(prop0)
  mean0 <- mean(prop0)

  shape1 <- ((1 - mean0) / var0 - 1 / mean0) * mean0 ^ 2
  shape2 <- shape1 * (1 / mean0 - 1)

  m0 <- shape1 / (shape1 + shape2)
  s0 <- shape1 + shape2

  if (s0 < 0) {
    s0 <- 1

  m2 <- 0.75 * m0
  s2 <- s0
  pi <- 0.75 * mean(ct == 0)

  prop0 <- ct / dep
  qt <- quantile(prop0, winsor.qt)
  prop0[prop0 >= qt] <- qt

  for (i in 1 : nIter) {

    # Expectation step
    f1 <- ifelse(ct == 0, 1, 0)
    f2 <- dbetabinom(ct, dep, m2, s2)

    q1 <-  pi * f1 /  (pi * f1 + (1 - pi) * f2)
    q2 <-  1 - q1

    # Maximization step
    pi <- mean(q1)

    mean2 <- sum(prop0 * q2) / sum(q2)
    var2 <- sum((prop0 - mean2)^2 * q2) / sum(q2)

    shape2.1 <- ((1 - mean2) / var2 - 1 / mean2) * mean2 ^ 2
    shape2.2 <- shape2.1 * (1 / mean2 - 1)

    m2 <- shape2.1 / (shape2.1 + shape2.2)
    s2 <- shape2.1 + shape2.2

  shape2.1  <- m2 * s2
  shape2.2  <- s2 - shape2.1

  return(list(shape2.1 = shape2.1, shape2.2 = shape2.2,  pi = pi, q1 = q1))


bbmix.func <- function (x, res) {
  res$pi * dbeta(x, res$shape1.1, res$shape1.2) + (1 - res$pi) * dbeta(x, res$shape2.1, res$shape2.2)

bb.func <- function (x, res) {
  dbeta(x, res$shape1.1, res$shape1.2)

zibb.func <- function (x, res) {
  (1 - res$pi) * dbeta(x, res$shape2.1, res$shape2.2)
chloelulu/ZicoSeq documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 8:50 a.m.