
#' Zip a directory, and move up a level
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param dir Directory to be zipped
#' @param tmp Directory that holds resulting zip file
#' @return none
zipper <- function(dir, tmp){
  # zip the top lipd directory. zip file is create one level up
  include.files <- list.files(getwd(), recursive = TRUE)
  BBmisc::suppressAll(zip(dir, include.files))

#' Since we don't have a way of getting the bagit module in R,
#' all we can do is use the default bag function by calling the
#' full python file on a directory. This will create a bag.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param path The path to the directory that needs to be bagged
#' @return none
bagit <- function(data.dir, initial.dir){
  # if the bagit path isn't loaded into the global env yet (first run), then locate it and save the location
  if(!exists("bagit.script",where = .GlobalEnv)){
    # locate the bagit py file included with the lipdR package
    bagit.script <- system.file(package="lipdR", "bagit.py")
    # was the package bagit file found ?
      # not found. user locate file with gui
      print("Select your bagit.py file")
      # save path to global env
      assign("bagit.script", bagit.script, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  # give user permissions on bagit file
  Sys.chmod(bagit.script, "777")
  # do a system call for bagit on the tmp folder
  ret <- system(paste0(bagit.script, " ", data.dir), ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  # do soft bagit if system call status returns 1 (error)
  if (ret == 1){
chrismheiser/lipdR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:55 p.m.