
Defines functions write_calibration format_swatplus_parameter

Documented in format_swatplus_parameter write_calibration

#' Translate the parameter inputs into a parameter input table and a separarate
#' table providing the file constraints and the filter expressions for the
#' respective parameter
#' @param parameter Model parameters as named vector or tibble
#' @keywords internal
format_swatplus_parameter <- function(parameter) {
  if(!any(names(parameter) %in% c("values", "definition"))) {
    par_constrain <- translate_parameter_constraints(names(parameter), 'plus')
    names(parameter) <- par_constrain$par_name
    if(!is.data.frame(parameter)) parameter <- map_dfc(parameter, ~.x)
    return(list(values = parameter, definition = par_constrain))
  } else {

#' Update the calibration file structure with the parameter set of the current
#' simulation run_i
#' @param thread_path Path to the current parallel thread 'thread_i'
#' @param parameter Model parameters as named vector or tibble
#' @param calibration Template table structure of the calibration file
#' @param i_run Index of the i_th simulation run
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map2_df map_dbl
#' @importFrom readr write_lines
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
#' @keywords internal
write_calibration <- function(thread_path, parameter, calibration, run_index,
                              i_run) {
  is_plant_par <- parameter$definition$file_name == 'pdb'

  if(any(is_plant_par)) {
    update_plant_par(thread_path, parameter, is_plant_par, run_index, i_run)
  # Remove all pdb (plant) parameters from the parameter list and keep all
  # parameters which are updated with the calibration.cal file
  parameter$definition <- parameter$definition[!is_plant_par,]
  parameter$values     <- parameter$values[ ,!is_plant_par]
  if(nrow(parameter$definition) > 0) {
    cal_pos <- which(is.na(calibration$VAL))
    # cal_names <- calibration$NAME[cal_pos]

    calibration$VAL[cal_pos] <- parameter$values[run_index[i_run],] %>%
      unlist(.) %>%
      # map_dbl(., ~.x) %>%
      set_names(., parameter$definition$parameter) %>%
      sprintf("%.15f", .) %>%
      str_sub(., 1, 15)

    col_format <- c("%-12s", "%8s", "%16s", "%16s", rep("%8s", ncol(calibration) - 4))

    col_names <- names(calibration) %>%
      sprintf(col_format, .) %>%
      paste(., collapse = "") %>%
      str_remove_all(., 'OBJ\\_[:digit:]') %>%

    calibration <- map2(calibration, col_format, ~sprintf(.y, .x)) %>%
      map_df(., ~ str_replace_all(.x, 'NA', '')) %>%
      apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "") %>%
      c("Number of parameters:", sprintf("%2d",length(cal_pos)), col_names, .) %>%

    write_lines(calibration, thread_path%//%"calibration.cal")
  } else {
    if(file.exists(thread_path%//%"calibration.cal")) {

#' Modify plants.plt parameters
#' @param thread_path Path to the parallel thread folder
#' @param parameter List providing the parameter table and the parameter
#'   constraints
#' @param is_plant_par Logical vector that defines the plant parameters
#' @param run_index Vector of the indices of runs that are performed
#' @param i_run Index that gives the number of the current run simulated in the
#'   respective thread
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter mutate select
#' @importFrom readr write_lines
#' @keywords internal
update_plant_par <- function(thread_path, parameter, is_plant_par, run_index, i_run) {
  def <- parameter$definition[is_plant_par, ]
  plant_par <- parameter$plants_plt %>%
    mutate(., file_name = 'pdb', file_code = 1:nrow(.))
  for (i_par in 1:nrow(def)) {
    def_i <- def[i_par, ]
    idx <- def_i %>%
      build_expression() %>%
      evaluate_expression(plant_par, .) %>%

    par_up_i <- parameter$values[[def_i$par_name]][run_index[i_run]]
    par_val  <- plant_par[[def_i$parameter]][idx]

    par_val <- update_par(par_val, par_up_i, def_i$change)

    plant_par[[def_i$parameter]][idx] <- par_val

  plant_par <- select(plant_par, - file_name, - file_code)
  plt_path <- paste0(thread_path, '/plants.plt')
  write_lines('plants.plt updated with SWATrunR', file = plt_path)
  fwrite(plant_par, plt_path, append = TRUE, sep = '\t', col.names = TRUE)

#' Check if the names of the defined parameters are available in 'cal_parms.cal'.
#' @param project_path Path to the SWAT+ project
#' @param parameter Model parameter data set
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom readr read_lines
#' @keywords internal
check_swatplus_parameter <- function(project_path, parameter) {
  if ('pdb' %in% parameter$definition$file_name) {
    plant_par <- parameter$definition$parameter[parameter$definition$file_name == 'pdb']
    parameter$definition <- filter(parameter$definition, file_name != 'pdb')
    plants_plt <- read_lines(paste0(project_path, '/plants.plt'), skip = 1,
                             n_max = 1, lazy = FALSE) %>%
      str_trim(.) %>%
      str_split(., '[:space:]+') %>%

    in_plant_parms <- plant_par %in% plants_plt

      stop("Plant parameters ",
           paste(plant_par[!in_plant_parms], collapse = ", "),
           " not defined in 'plants.plt'")

  if("cal_parms.cal" %in% list.files(project_path)) {
    cal_parms <- read_lines(project_path%//%"cal_parms.cal", skip = 3, lazy = FALSE) %>%
      strsplit(., "\\s+") %>%
      map(., ~ .x[1]) %>%
    in_cal_parms <- parameter$definition$parameter %in% cal_parms

           paste(parameter$definition$par_name[!in_cal_parms], collapse = ", ")%&&%
           "not defined in 'cal_parms.cal'")
  } else {
    stop("The file 'cal_parms.cal is missing in SWAT+ project!")

#' Read the unit numbers (for hru, aqu, cha, res) and the textures etc for later
#' parameter conditioning.
#' @param project_path Path to the SWAT+ project
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom readr read_lines
#' @keywords internal
read_unit_conditions <- function(project_path, parameter) {
  if('unit' %in% names(parameter$definition)) {
    unit_cond <- parameter$definition %>%
      select(file_name, unit) %>%
      filter(!is.na(unit)) %>%
      .$file_name %>%
  } else {
    unit_cond <- NULL

  units <- list()
  if ('hru' %in% unit_cond) {
    units$hru <- get_tbl_column(project_path%//%'hru-data.hru', 'id')
  if ('sol' %in% unit_cond) {
    units$sol <- get_tbl_column(project_path%//%'hru-data.hru', 'id')
  if ('cha' %in% unit_cond) {
    cha_file <- list.files(project_path, pattern = 'channel.*\\.cha')[1] # maybe removed when clear which the final channel file is.
    units$cha <- get_tbl_column(project_path%//%cha_file, 'id')
  if ('res' %in% unit_cond) {
    units$res <- get_tbl_column(project_path%//%'reservoir.res', 'id')
  if ('aqu' %in% unit_cond) {
    units$aqu <- get_tbl_column(project_path%//%'aquifer.aqu', 'id')
  #swq Not yet considered,
  # Remaining two object types hlt and pst also not yet implemented.
  conds <- list(hsg = LETTERS[1:4],
                texture = get_sol_texture(project_path%//%'soils.sol'),
                plant   = get_tbl_column(project_path%//%'plants.plt', 'name') %>% unique(),
                landuse = get_tbl_column(project_path%//%'landuse.lum', 'plnt_com') %>% unique()
  return(list(units = units, conds = conds))

#' Acquire the object indices of from the respective object file.
#' @param file Path to the object file
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom readr read_table2 cols col_character col_double
#' @keywords internal
get_tbl_column <- function(file, col_i) {
  suppressWarnings(read_table2(file, skip = 1,
              col_types = cols(id = col_double(),
                               .default = col_character()))) %>%

#' Acquire the object indices of from the respective object file.
#' @param file Path to the object file
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @importFrom readr read_lines
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_subset str_trim
#' @keywords internal
get_sol_texture <- function(file) {
  read_lines(file, lazy = FALSE) %>%
    .[-c(1,2)] %>%
    str_subset(.,'^[:graph:]') %>%
    str_trim(.) %>%
    str_split(., '[:space:]+') %>%
    map_chr(., ~.x[7])
chrisschuerz/SWATplusR documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 6:56 p.m.