
Defines functions rms.init.landscape.func

Documented in rms.init.landscape.func

#' @title Initialize a landscape object
#' @description Initialize a landscape object
#' @param num.pops number of populations to simulate
#' @param carrying maximum population sizes for each population
#' @param sample.size size of sample to be pulled from each population
#' @param mig.rates a list of among-population migration matrices
#' @param num.loc number of independently segregating loci
#' @param loc.type sequence or microsatellite
#' @param mut.rate per gene mutation rate
#' @param seq.length if simulating a sequence, the length of the molecule
#' @param num.stgs number of demographic stages in a population
#' @param selfing selfing rate (must range from 0 [random mating] to 1 [complete selfing]
#' @param surv.matr within pop survival matrices
#' @param repr.matr within pop reproduction matrices
#' @param male.matr with pop male repro matrices
#' @param init.pop.sizes starting population sizes
#' @param num.gen number of generations to simulate
#' @param num.alleles vector of the number of alleles per locus
#' @param allele.freqs list of allele freqs for each locus (range 0-1)
#' @importFrom rmetasim landscape.new.empty landscape.new.floatparam
#'   landscape.new.intparam landscape.new.switchparam landscape.new.local.demo
#'   landscape.mig.matrix landscape.new.epoch landscape.new.locus landscape.new.individuals
#' @export
rms.init.landscape.func <- function(
  num.pops = NULL, carrying = NULL, sample.size = NULL, mig.rates = NULL,
  num.loc = NULL, loc.type = NULL, mut.rate = NULL, seq.length = NULL,
  num.stgs = NULL, selfing = NULL, surv.matr = NULL, repr.matr = NULL,
  male.matr = NULL, init.pop.sizes = NULL, num.gen = NULL,
  num.alleles = NULL, allele.freqs = NULL) {

  matstrfun <- function(mat) {
    if (!is.null(mat)) {
      ms <- "matrix(c("
      ms <- c(ms,paste(c(mat),collapse=", "))
      ms <- c(ms,paste0("), nrow=",dim(mat)[1],", ncol=",dim(mat)[2],")"))
    } else { NULL }

  vecstrfun <- function(vec) {
    if (!is.null(vec)) {
      ms <- "c("
      ms <- c(ms,paste(vec,collapse=", "))
      ms <- c(ms,")")
    } else {NULL}

  listvecstrfun <- function(l) {
    if (!is.null(l)) {
      paste0("list(",paste0(sapply(l,vecstrfun),collapse=", "),")")
    } else {NULL}

  listmatstrfun <- function(l) {
    if (!is.null(l)) {
      paste0("list(",paste0(sapply(l,matstrfun),collapse=", "),")")
    } else {NULL}

  fstr <- c(
    "create.land <- function(",
    paste("\tsurv.matr =",matstrfun(surv.matr),","),
    paste("\trepr.matr =",matstrfun(repr.matr),","),
    paste("\tmale.matr =",matstrfun(male.matr),","),
    paste("\tmig.rates =",matstrfun(mig.rates),","),
    paste("\tcarrying =",vecstrfun(carrying),","),
    paste("\tmut.rate =",vecstrfun(mut.rate),","),
    paste("\tnum.alleles =",vecstrfun(num.alleles),","),
    paste("\tinit.pop.sizes =",vecstrfun(init.pop.sizes),","),
    paste("\tallele.freqs =",listvecstrfun(allele.freqs))
  fstr <- c(fstr,")\n{")

  fstr <- c(fstr,"skeletonland<-landscape.new.empty()")
  #define selfing rate
  fstr <- c(fstr,
  ###Hard coded in current generation, current epoch, max number generations, max number individuals
  fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("skeletonland<-landscape.new.intparam(skeletonland,h=num.pops,s=num.stgs,cg=0,ce=0,totgen=100000,maxland=100000)"))

  ###Hard coded in multiple paternity (yes) and density dependence (no) parameters
  fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("skeletonland<-landscape.new.switchparam(skeletonland,re=0,rd=0,mp=1,dd=0)"))

  #local matrices, will give same demography to each local population
  fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("skeletonland<-landscape.new.local.demo(skeletonland,surv.matr, repr.matr, male.matr)"))

  #cross habitat matrices

  fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("epoch_s_matr<-matrix(0,nrow=(num.pops*num.stgs), ncol=(num.pops*num.stgs))"))
  fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("epoch_r_matr <- landscape.mig.matrix(h=num.pops,s=num.stgs,mig.model='custom',R.custom=mig.rates)$R"))
  fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("epoch_m_matr <- epoch_s_matr"))

  #no extinction allowed, hard coded
  fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("skeletonland<-landscape.new.epoch(skeletonland,epochprob=1, epoch_s_matr, epoch_r_matr, epoch_m_matr,startgen=0,extinct=NULL,carry=carrying)"))

  #Note that for SNPs, numalleles should be 2, allelesize only used for sequences
  #type = 0 IAM, type = 1 SMM type = 2 DNA sequence
  #assumes biparental transmission (transmission = 0)
  rms.locus.type = NULL


  if (loc.type == "SNP") {rms.locus.type = 2; num.alleles = 4; seq.length = rep(1,num.loc)}
  if (loc.type %in% c("microsat","MICROSAT","microsatellite")) rms.locus.type = 1
  if (loc.type == "sequence") rms.locus.type = 2
  for (l in 1:num.loc) {
    if (rms.locus.type==2) {
      if (l==1) #only one sequence locus possible and it creates a maternally inherited haploid locus
        fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("skeletonland<-landscape.new.locus(skeletonland, type=2, ploidy=1, mutationrate=mut.rate[",l,"],",
                              "transmission=1, numalleles=num.alleles[",l,"], frequencies=,allele.freqs[[",l,"]])")) #temp remove allele size

    } else  {
      fstr <- c(fstr,paste0("skeletonland<-landscape.new.locus(skeletonland, type=1, ploidy=2, mutationrate=mut.rate[",l,"], transmission=0, numalleles=num.alleles[",l,"], frequencies=allele.freqs[[",l,"]])"))
  #assumes population initial sizes all defined nicely by user
  fstr <- c(fstr,"skeletonland<-landscape.new.individuals(skeletonland,init.pop.sizes)")
  fstr <- c(fstr,"}")
christianparobek/skeleSim documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 6:58 p.m.