Defines functions fit_and_test_independence list_subsets RESIT

# Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012  Jonas Peters  [jonas.peters@math.ku.dk]
# All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING for license terms. 
# Explanation:
# M: nxp matrix with n being sample size and p the number of variables 
# alpha: significance level of the independence test
# model: assumed model for regression (e.g. train_linear, train_gam or train_gp). See fitting_ts.R. 
# indtest: the independence test that should be performed (e.g. indtestHsic).
# confounder_check (only for DAG mode): if TRUE, partial causal discovery method is applied.
# check_ind_of_res: if TRUE, the method additionally checks the independence of residuals. 

fit_and_test_independence <- function(x,y,z,alpha,model,parsModel = list(),indtest, parsIndtest){
  # fits x using y and tests against z
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  z <- as.matrix(z)
  # fit x using y
  mod_fit <- train_model(model,y,x,parsModel)
  r2 <- mod_fit$resid
  Tquan <- indtestAll(indtest,z,r2,alpha,parsIndtest)

list_subsets <- function(n,k){
  for(i in 1:k){
    a[,i] <- rep(1:n,each=n^(k-i),times=n^(i-1))
  for(i in 1:(n^k)){
    if(length(unique(a[i,])) < k){
      a <- a[-c(i),]

RESIT <- function(M, alpha = 0.05, model = train_gam, parsModel = list(), indtest = indtestHsic, parsIndtest = list(), force_answer = TRUE, output = TRUE){
  #M contains the data (each col one component)
  #confounder_check indicates subsets of which size the method tries to omit if it doesn't find any possible sink node
  stopping <- 1
  p <- dim(M)[2]
  C <- matrix(0,p,p)
  err <- matrix(0,p,1)
  S <- 1:p
  par <- matrix(0,p-1,p-1)
  parlen <- rep(0,p-1)
  variable <- rep(0,p-1)
  indtest_at_end <- rep(0,p-1)
  d <- 0
    d <- d+1
    # check is a vector. the k-th entry < 0 says that making the k-th variable to a sink node leads to independent residuals. 
    check <- rep(0,length(S))
    for(k in 1:length(S)){
      i <- S[k]
      S_new <- S
      S_new <- S_new[-c(k)]
        print(paste("fit",i,"with the help of", paste(S_new, collapse=" "),"..."))  
      Fc <- fit_and_test_independence(M[,i],M[,S_new],M[,S_new],alpha,model,parsModel,indtest, parsIndtest)
      #check[k] <- Fc$statistic - Fc$crit.value
      check[k] <- -Fc$p.value
          #    print(paste("Independence rejected: test statistic - critical value =",check[k]))
          print(paste("Independence rejected: p-value =",-check[k]))
          #    print(paste("Independence not rejected: test statistic - critical value =",check[k]))
          print(paste("Independence not rejected: p-value =",-check[k]))
    #         if(1==0) 
    #             #        if(sum(check<0)==0) #no possible sink node found
    #         {
    #             if(confounder_check>0 && length(S)>2)
    #             {
    #                 show("Since no possible sink node was found, the algorithm tries to omit dimensions...")
    #                 for(sizesubset in 1:confounder_check)
    #                 {
    #                     print(paste("tries to omit", sizesubset, "dimension(s) of the time series..."))
    #                     a <- list_subsets(length(S),sizesubset)
    #                     pp <- dim(a)		
    #                     check2 <- matrix(0,pp[1],length(S)-pp[2])
    #                     show("Does omitting variables help?")
    #                     for(k in 1:pp[1])
    #                     {
    #                         #S[a[k,]] werden entfernt
    #                         S_new <- S
    #                         S_new <- S_new[-a[k,]]
    #                         for(kk in 1:length(S_new))
    #                         {
    #                             #Is i possible sink?
    #                             i <- S_new[kk]	                
    #                             S2_new <- S_new
    #                             S2_new <- S2_new[-c(kk)]
    #                             Fc <- fit_and_test_independence(M[,i],M[,S2_new],M[,S2_new],alpha,model,parsModel,indtest,parsIndtest)
    #                             check2[k,kk] <- Fc[1]-Fc[2]
    #                             print(paste("omitting: ", paste(S[a[k,]],collapse=" "), "Sink ", i, " leads to ", Fc[1]-Fc[2], " (<0 independence)."))
    #                         }
    #                     }
    #                     if(sum(sum(check2<0))>0)
    #                     {
    #                         #found something!
    #                         stopping <- 0
    #                         pp <- dim(check2)
    #                         k1 <- which.min(check2)
    #                         k2 <- (k1-1)%/%pp[1]+1
    #                         k1 <- k1%%pp[1]
    #                         if(k1==0)
    #                         {
    #                             k1 <- pp[1]
    #                         }
    #                         S_new <- S
    #                         S_new <- S_new[-a[k1,]]
    #                         variable[(d):(d+sizesubset-1)] <- S[a[k1,]]
    #                         err[(d):(d+sizesubset-1)] <- rep(1,sizesubset)
    #                         for(iii in 1:sizesubset)
    #                         {
    #                             for(jjj in 1:length(S))
    #                             {
    #                                 C[S[a[k1,iii]],S[jjj]] <- -1
    #                                 C[S[jjj],S[a[k1,iii]]] <- -1
    #                             }
    #                         }
    #                         variable[d+sizesubset] <- S_new[k2]
    #                         S <- S_new[-k2]
    #                         parlen[d+sizesubset] <- length(S)
    #                         par[d+sizesubset,1:length(S)] <- S
    #                         d<-d+sizesubset
    #                         break
    #                     }	    
    #                 } # end for
    #                 if(stopping==1)
    #                 {
    #                     show("Not even omitting variables helped. Stop the search.")
    #                     err[d:(p-1)] <- rep(1,(p-d))
    #                     for(i in 2:length(S))
    #                     {
    #                         for(j in 1:(i-1))
    #                         {
    #                             C[S[i],S[j]] <- -1
    #                             C[S[j],S[i]] <- -1
    #                         }
    #                     }
    #                     break
    #                 }
    #                 check2 <- rep(0,p-1)
    #                 stopping <- 1
    #             }
    #             else # no possible sink node and confounder_check disabled
    #             {
    #                 show("No possible sink node found. Stop the search.")
    #                 err[d:(p-1)] <- rep(1,(p-d))
    #                 for(i in 2:length(S))
    #                 {
    #                     for(j in 1:(i-1))
    #                     {
    #                         C[S[i],S[j]]<-88
    #                         C[S[j],S[i]]<-88
    #                     }
    #                 }
    #                 break
    #             }
    #         }
    #         else #possible sink node found
    #         {
    bb <- which.min(check)
    variable[d] <- S[bb]
    S <- S[-c(bb)]
    parlen[d] <- length(S)
    par[d,1:length(S)] <- S
      print(paste("Possible sink node found:",variable[d]))
      print(paste("causal order (beginning at sink):",paste(variable,collapse=" ")))
    print(paste("causal order (beginning at sink):",paste(variable,collapse=" ")))
    print(paste("removing unnecessary edges..."))
      print(paste("and performing final independence tests..."))
  #todo: here, we take the first possible parent away (not the best one). in theory it probably doesn't make a difference. experiments in paper done correctly. but maybe finding all dags is better.
  for(d in 1:(p-1)){
    if(err[d] != 1){
      for(i in 1:length(S)){
          tsx <- M[,variable[d]]
          # todo: test against par[d,1:parlen[d]] or S????
          Fc <- indtestAll(indtest,M[,par[d,1:parlen[d]]],tsx,alpha,parsIndtest)
          # todo: test against par[d,1:parlen[d]] or S????
          Fc <- fit_and_test_independence(M[,variable[d]],M[,S_new],M[,par[d,1:parlen[d]]],alpha,model,parsModel,indtest, parsIndtest)
        if(Fc$statistic < Fc$crit.value){
          S <- S_new
            tmp <- S[1]
            S[1:(length(S)-1)] <- S[2:length(S)]
            S[length(S)] <- tmp
      #here, we are using the original indtest again. also possible: always hsic
      #todo: this test has been done before. by keeping track of the result, one could save computation time.
        if(length(S) == 0){
          tsx <- M[,variable[d]]
          # todo: test against par[d,1:parlen[d]] or S????
          Fc <- indtestAll(indtest,M[,par[d,1:parlen[d]]],tsx,alpha,parsIndtest)
          Fc <- fit_and_test_independence(M[,variable[d]],M[,S],M[,par[d,1:parlen[d]]],alpha,model,parsModel,indtest, parsIndtest)
        indtest_at_end[d] <- sign(Fc$statistic - Fc$crit.value)
        #-1: ind., +1 dep.
        indtest_at_end[d] <- -1
      parlen[d] <- length(S)
      C[S,variable[d]] <- rep(1,length(S))
      #-1: ind., +1 dep.
      indtest_at_end[d] <- -1
        print(paste("all independence tests were fine..."))
        print(paste("Because of force_answer, the output is always a graph, and no final ind. test is done to check the quality of the solution."))
    print(paste("No solution. Given the proposed order, the final ind. test failed for the following variables:"))
    show(variable[which(indtest_at_end == 1)])
christinaheinze/CompareCausalNetworks documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 12:37 p.m.