
Defines functions lm.lasso.path.helper lm.lasso.path lm.elastic.half.path lm.ncvreg.path.helper lm.scad.path lm.mcp.path lm.relaxo.path

# Functions in the file return sets of high dimensional variable selection fitted models ("path")
# all the functions return a list(est.b = est.b)
# est.b is a m * (p+1) matrix, where m is the number of fitted models. All have column names (include intercept)

## ------- Lasso and elastic net --------
lm.lasso.path.helper<-function(X, Y, intercept, alpha){
  # the cv.glmnet needs to take at least 2 covariates
    return (lm.ols(X,Y, intercept))

  # set colnames
    colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))

  # fit
  mod = glmnet::glmnet(X, Y, intercept=intercept, alpha = alpha)
  est.b = cbind(mod$a0, t(as.matrix(mod$beta)))
  est.b = est.b[which(!is.na(rowSums(est.b))),,drop = FALSE]

  # update column names
  colnames(est.b)[1] = "intercept"
  colnames(est.b)[-1] = colnames(X)

  return (list(est.b = est.b))

lm.lasso.path<-function(X, Y, intercept){
  return (lm.lasso.path.helper(X, Y, intercept, alpha = 1))

lm.elastic.half.path<-function(X, Y, intercept){
  return (lm.lasso.path.helper(X, Y, intercept, alpha = 0.5))

## ------- scad and mcp --------

lm.ncvreg.path.helper<-function(X, Y, intercept, penalty.method){
  # set colnames
    colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))
  X = as.matrix(X)
  class(X) = "matrix"

  # fit
  mod = ncvreg::ncvreg(X, Y, intercept = intercept, family="gaussian", penalty=penalty.method)

  # betas
  est.b = t(as.matrix(mod$beta))
    est.b[,1] = 0
  est.b = est.b[which(!is.na(rowSums(est.b))),,drop = FALSE]

  # update column names
  colnames(est.b)[1] = "intercept"
  colnames(est.b)[-1] = colnames(X)

  return (list(est.b = est.b))

lm.scad.path<-function(X, Y, intercept){

lm.mcp.path<-function(X, Y, intercept){

## ------- relaxo --------

lm.relaxo.path<-function(X, Y, intercept){
  # set colnames
    colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))

  # remove variables that are not moving
  p = ncol(X)
  var.name = colnames(X)
  X = as.matrix(X)

  sigma = sapply(1:p, function(i) stats::sd(X[,i], na.rm = TRUE))
  i = which(sigma!=0)
  X.dropped = X[,i,drop=FALSE]

  # rescale X and Y (required by the package relaxo)
  scaled.Y = scale(Y)
  scaled.X = scale(X.dropped)
  X.scale = attr(scaled.X, 'scaled:scale')

  relaxo.mod = relaxo(scaled.X, scaled.Y)
  k = length(relaxo.mod$lambda)
  j = which(relaxo.mod$lambda[1:(k-1)]!=relaxo.mod$lambda[2:k])+1
  j = c(1, j)

  # betas
  est.b = matrix(0, nrow = length(j), ncol = p) # no intercept at the moment
  est.b[,i] = relaxo.mod$beta[j,]*attr(scaled.Y, 'scaled:scale')/X.scale
  colnames(est.b) = var.name # not include b0 yet

  # intercept
  b0 = rep(0, nrow(est.b))
    b0 = c()
    for(k in 1:nrow(est.b))
      b0 = c(b0, mean(Y - X%*%est.b[k,]))

  est.b = cbind(b0, est.b)
  est.b = est.b[which(!is.na(rowSums(est.b))),,drop = FALSE]

  # update column names
  colnames(est.b)[1] = "intercept"

  return (list(est.b = est.b))
christineyuen/VSC documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:45 a.m.