
Defines functions lm.compare.method lm.ols lm.lasso.min lm.lasso.adapt lm.elastic.half lm.ncvreg.helper lm.scad lm.mcp lm.relaxo lm.ols.refit lm.ols.refit.one lm.mse lm.predict cvrelaxo1

Documented in lm.compare.method lm.mse lm.ols.refit

#' Get fitted models by fitting some variable selection methods
#' @export lm.compare.method
#' @param X covariates (n times p matrix, n: number of entries, p: number of covariates)
#' @param Y response (vector with n entries)
#' @param intercept TRUE to fit the data with an intercept, FALSE to fit the data without an intercept
#' @param method.names vector of method names to be used for fitting. Choose among "lasso", "elastic", "relaxo", "mcp" and "scad". Default is to fit the data using all methods listed above
#' @return estimated coefficients in a form of matrix. Each row corresponds to a method and each column corresponds to a covariate, with the first column corresponds to the intercept
#' @examples
#' X = matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 100)
#' Y = rowSums(X[,1:3])+rnorm(100)
#' compare.mod = lm.compare.method(X, Y, intercept = FALSE)
#' print(compare.mod)
lm.compare.method<-function(X, Y, intercept, method.names = NULL){
    method.names = names(get.compare.methods())
  return (get.compare.fit(X, Y, intercept, method.names, current.compare.fit = NULL))

# lm.compare.method<-function(X, Y, intercept, method.names = NULL){
#   compare.methods = get.compare.methods()
#   if(!is.null(method.names)){
#     compare.methods = compare.methods[method.names]
#   }
#   result = do.call(rbind, lapply(compare.methods,
#                                  function(method) method(X = X, Y = Y, intercept = intercept)$est.b))
#   rownames(result) = names(compare.methods)
#   return (result)
# }

lm.ols<-function(X, Y, intercept){
  # return: est.b of length p+1
  ols.mod = NULL
  est.b = double()

  if(is.null(X) || !ncol(X)){
      ols.mod = stats::lm(Y~1) # intercept only
      est.b = ols.mod$coefficients
    } else{
      est.b = 0
  } else{
      colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))
    d = data.frame(X,Y)
    var.name = NULL
      ols.mod = stats::lm(Y~., data=d)
      est.b = ols.mod$coefficients
    } else{
      ols.mod = stats::lm(Y~.+0, data=d)
      est.b = c(0, ols.mod$coefficients)
    est.b[which(is.na(est.b))] = 0
  value = list(raw.mod = ols.mod, est.b = est.b)
  attr(value, "class") <- "lm.result"

## ======== variable selection methods =========

lm.lasso.min<-function(X, Y, intercept){
  # for some unknown reason, the cv.glmnet needs to take at least 2 covariates
    return (lm.ols(X,Y, intercept))

  # set colnames
    colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))

  # fit
  lasso.mod = glmnet::cv.glmnet(X,Y, intercept=intercept)

  # betas
  est.b = as.numeric(glmnet::coef.cv.glmnet(lasso.mod, s = "lambda.min"))
  names(est.b[-1]) = colnames(X)

  value = list(raw.mod = lasso.mod, est.b = est.b)
  attr(value, "class") <- "lm.result"

lm.lasso.adapt<-function(X, Y, intercept){
    return (lm.ols(X,Y, intercept))

  # set colnames
    colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))

  adapt.mod = parcor::adalasso(X = X, y = Y, intercept = intercept)
  est.b = c(adapt.mod$intercept.adalasso,
  names(est.b[-1]) = colnames(X)

  value = list(raw.mod = adapt.mod, est.b = est.b)
  attr(value, "class") <- "lm.result"

lm.elastic.half<-function(X, Y, intercept){

  # for some unknown reason, the cv.glmnet needs to take at least 2 covariates
    return (lm.ols(X,Y, intercept))

  # set colnames
  if(is.null(colnames(X))){ colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X)) }

  # fit
  lasso.mod = glmnet::cv.glmnet(X,Y, intercept=intercept, alpha = 0.5)

  # betas
  est.b = as.numeric(glmnet::coef.cv.glmnet(lasso.mod, s = "lambda.min"))
  names(est.b[-1]) = colnames(X)

  value = list(raw.mod = lasso.mod, est.b = est.b)
  attr(value, "class") <- "lm.result"

lm.ncvreg.helper<-function(X, Y, intercept, penalty.method){
  # set colnames
  if(is.null(colnames(X))){ colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X)) }

  X = as.matrix(X)
  class(X) = "matrix"

  # fit
  mod = ncvreg::cv.ncvreg(X, Y, intercept = intercept, family="gaussian", penalty=penalty.method)

  # betas
  est.b = mod$fit$beta[,mod$min]
  if(!intercept){ est.b[1] = 0 }

  value = list(raw.mod = mod, est.b = est.b)
  attr(value, "class") <- "lm.result"

lm.scad<-function(X, Y, intercept){

lm.mcp<-function(X, Y, intercept){

lm.relaxo<-function(X, Y, intercept){
  # set colnames
  if(is.null(colnames(X))){ colnames(X) = paste0("X", 1:ncol(X)) }

  # remove variables that are not moving
  p = ncol(X)
  var.name = colnames(X)
  X = as.matrix(X)

  sigma = sapply(1:p, function(i) stats::sd(X[,i], na.rm = T))
  i = which(sigma!=0)
  X.dropped = X[,i,drop = FALSE]

  # rescale X and Y (required by the package relaxo)
  scaled.Y = scale(Y)
  scaled.X = scale(X.dropped)
  X.scale = attr(scaled.X, 'scaled:scale')

  relaxo.mod = cvrelaxo1(scaled.X, scaled.Y)

  # betas
  est.b = rep(0, p) # no intercept at the moment
  est.b[i] = as.numeric(relaxo.mod$beta*attr(scaled.Y, 'scaled:scale')/X.scale)
  names(est.b) = var.name # not include b0 yet

  # intercept
  b0 = 0
    b0 = mean(Y - X%*%est.b)

  value = list(raw.mod = relaxo.mod, est.b = c(b0, est.b))
  attr(value, "class") <- "lm.result"
  return (value)

## ======== refit =========
#' Get the ordinary least square estimated coefficients on a set of covariates (previously selected by some method
#' @export lm.ols.refit
#' @param X covariates (n times p matrix, n: number of entries, p: number of covariates)
#' @param Y response (vector with n entries)
#' @param intercept TRUE to fit the data with an intercept, FALSE to fit the data without an intercept
#' @param est.betas estimated betas from previous fitted result. It can be a vector with p+1 entries (first entry as intercept) or a matrix with p+1 columns. Non-zero coefficient means the corresponding covariate is selected
#' @examples
#' X = matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 100)
#' Y = rowSums(X[,1:3])+rnorm(100)
#' est.beta = rep(0, 11)
#' est.beta[2:5] = 1
#' ols.mod = lm.ols.refit(X, Y, intercept = FALSE, est.betas = est.beta)
#' print(ols.mod$est.b)
lm.ols.refit<-function(X, Y, intercept, est.betas){
    if(ncol(X) != length(est.betas)-1){
      stop("wrong number of variables for lm.ols.refit")
    return (lm.ols.refit.one(X, Y, intercept, est.betas))
  } else{
    if(ncol(X) != ncol(est.betas)-1){
      stop("wrong number of variables for lm.ols.refit")
    result = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(est.betas), function(i) lm.ols.refit.one(X, Y, intercept, est.betas[i,])$est.b))
    return (list(est.b = result))

lm.ols.refit.one<-function(X, Y, intercept, est.b){
  num.var.sel = sum(est.b[-1]!=0)
  if(num.var.sel< length(Y)){ # because ols can only handle p<n
      stop("wrong number of variables for lm.ols.refit.one")
    i = which(est.b[-1]!=0)
    update.index = 1 # intercept
      update.index = c(update.index, (i+1))
    ols.mod = lm.ols(X[,i,drop=FALSE], Y, intercept)
    est.b[update.index] = ols.mod$est.b

    return (list(raw.mod = ols.mod$raw.mod, est.b = est.b))
  } else{
    print("cannot refit, use the est beta")
    print(c(num.var.sel, length(Y)))
    return (list(est.b = est.b))

## ======== mse and prediction =========
#' Calculate mse
#' @export lm.mse
#' @param X covariates (n times p matrix, n: number of entries, p: number of covariates)
#' @param Y response (vector with n entries)
#' @param mod fitted model from lm.cv or vsc. Only provide mod or est.b
#' @param est.b estimated coefficient (with intercept). Only provide mod or est.b
#' @examples
#' X = matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 100)
#' Y = rowSums(X[,1:3])+rnorm(100)
#' compare.mod = lm.compare.method(X, Y, intercept = FALSE)
#' lm.mse(X, Y, est.b = compare.mod)
lm.mse<-function(X, Y, mod = NULL, est.b = NULL){
  pred = lm.predict(X, mod = mod, est.b = est.b)
  if(is.null(mod) == is.null(est.b)){
    stop("wrong param for function lm.mse")
  return (colMeans((Y-pred)^2))
  # if(is.null(dim(pred))){
  #   return (mean((Y-pred)^2))
  # } else{
  # }

lm.predict<-function(X, mod = NULL, est.b = NULL){
  # est.b is with length p+1 (first one is intercept)

  # check param
  if(is.null(mod) == is.null(est.b)){
    stop("wrong param for function lm.predict")

  # set beta
    est.b = mod$est.b
    return(X%*%est.b[-1]+est.b[1])  # return prediction for only one model
  } else{
    est.b = as.matrix(est.b)
    b0 = matrix(est.b[,1], nrow = nrow(X), ncol = nrow(est.b), byrow = T)
    return(X%*%t(est.b[,-1,drop = FALSE])+ b0) # for several models


## ==== helper ====
# there is some problem with cvrelaxo so we use cvrelaxo1 here
cvrelaxo1<-function(X, Y, K = 5, phi = seq(0, 1, length = 10), max.steps = min(2 * length(Y), 2 * ncol(X)), fast = TRUE, keep.data = TRUE, warn = TRUE){
  Y <- as.numeric(Y)
  if (warn) {
    if (abs(mean(Y)) > 0.01 * stats::sd(Y))
      warning("response variable not centered")
    if (any(abs(apply(X, 2, mean)) > 0.01 * apply(X, 2, stats::sd)))
      warning("predictor variables not centered")
    if (stats::sd(as.numeric(apply(X, 2, stats::sd))) > 0.001)
      warning("predictor variables not scaled")
  n <- length(Y)
  index <- sample(rep(1:K, each = ceiling(n/K)), n, replace = FALSE)
  losscv <- rep(0, length = length(phi) * (max.steps - 1))
  for (k in 1:K) {
    rel <- relaxo(X[index != k, ], Y[index != k], phi = phi,
                  fast = fast, keep.data = FALSE, warn = FALSE, max.steps = max.steps)
    pred <- X[index == k, ] %*% t(rel$beta)
    losscv[1:ncol(pred)] <- losscv[1:ncol(pred)] + apply(sweep(pred, 1, Y[index == k])^2, 2, mean)/K
    if (length(losscv) > ncol(pred))
      losscv[(ncol(pred) + 1):length(losscv)] <- Inf
  relall <- relaxo(X, Y, phi = phi, fast = fast, keep.data = keep.data, warn = FALSE)
  select <- which.min(losscv[1:nrow(relall$beta)]) # quick fix...
  relall$beta <- relall$beta[select, , drop = FALSE]
  relall$lambda <- relall$lambda[select]
  relall$phi <- relall$phi[select]
christineyuen/VSC documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:45 a.m.