
Defines functions get.best.mod reshape.cv.result get.best.mod.helper.one.fld vsc.var.sel.freq.n.sol.path vsc.thr.by.size vsc.thr.by.freq vsc.by.ebic vsc.refit unique.mod.for.methods unique.mod.helper.one.method get.unique.mod get.ebic.value.from.mse get.bic.value.from.mse

## This file includes the helper functions for VSC

## ====== filtering fitted models =======
get.best.mod<-function(cv.results, selection.criterion, is.ols,
                       q, method.names, B){
  # a function to get the best k (size) fitted models in folds
  # Args:
  #   cv.results: cv results from "cv.for.methods"
  #   is.ols: whether ols or original cv results should be used
  #   fld.indexes: fld to use. If is.null, then use all
  # Returns:
  #   a list (index by folds) of list (mods, selection freq)

  # change from list (method) of list (fold) of list (est.b/mse) of matrix (path*p+1) to list (fold) of matrix (path*p+1)
  est.b = reshape.cv.result(cv.results$unique.mod,
                            item.name = ifelse(is.ols, "ols.est.b", "est.b"),
                            method.names, B)
  mse = reshape.cv.result(cv.results$unique.mod,
                          item.name = ifelse(is.ols, "ols.mse", "mse"),
                          method.names, B)

  # get ebic / bic / mse
  criterion.val = mse
  if(selection.criterion == "ebic"){
    criterion.val = lapply(1:length(mse), function(fld.idx){
      ebic.val = get.ebic.value.from.mse(mse = mse[[fld.idx]],
                                         n = length(cv.results$flds[[fld.idx]]),
                                         est.b = est.b[[fld.idx]])
      return (ebic.val)

  } else if(selection.criterion == "bic"){
    criterion.val = lapply(1:length(mse), function(fld.idx){
      bic.val = get.bic.value.from.mse(mse = mse[[fld.idx]],
                                       n = length(cv.results$flds[[fld.idx]]),
                                       est.b = est.b[[fld.idx]])
      return (bic.val)

  # calculate the number of fitted models to retain
  num.retain = 1
    avg.mod.size = mean(sapply(mse, length))
    num.retain = round(q/100*avg.mod.size)

  ## ===== get the fitted models with lowest mse/bic ========
  result = lapply(1:B, function(fld.idx)
    get.best.mod.helper.one.fld(method.names = method.names,
  return (list(sel.mod = do.call(rbind,
                                 lapply(result, function(x) x$sel.mod)),
               sel.method.freq = do.call(rbind,
                                         lapply(result, function(x)

## ---- helper functions to get the best fitted models -----
reshape.cv.result<-function(unique.mod, item.name, method.names, B){
  # helper functions which re-structure the unique.mod
  # Args:
  #   unique.mod: cv results from "cv.for.methods"
  #   item.name: item to get (e.g. est.b)
  #   fld.indexes: fld to use
  # Returns:
  #   a list (index by folds) of matrix (index by methods) of the specific item

    result = lapply(1:B,
                    function(fld.idx) do.call(c, lapply(method.names,
                                                        function(method.name) unique.mod[[method.name]][[fld.idx]][[item.name]])))
    return (result)
  } else{
    return (lapply(1:B,
                     do.call(rbind, lapply(method.names,
                                           function(method.name) {
                                             x = unique.mod[[method.name]][[fld.idx]][[item.name]]
                                             rownames(x) = rep(method.name, nrow(x))
                                             return (x)


get.best.mod.helper.one.fld<-function(method.names, est.b, mse, num.retain){
  # a helper function for "get.best.mod.given.size" to get the best k (num.retain) fitted models in one fold
  # Args:
  #   method.names: method names
  #   est.b: estimated coefficients of the fitted models
  #   mse: mse
  #   num.retain: number of fitted models to retain
  # Returns:
  #   a list (mods, selection freq)

  num.retain = min(length(mse), num.retain) # make sure num of retain is not larger than number of models
  e.order = order(mse, rowSums(est.b!=0))
  sel.mod = est.b[e.order[1:num.retain],,drop=FALSE]

  mse.thr = mse[e.order[num.retain]]
  candidate.b = est.b[which(mse<=mse.thr),, drop=FALSE]
  candidate.e = mse[which(mse<=mse.thr)]
  last.size = sum(est.b[e.order[num.retain],]!=0)
  sel.method.names = rownames(candidate.b[which(candidate.e<mse.thr|rowSums(candidate.b!=0)==last.size),,drop=FALSE])
  sel.method.freq = sapply(method.names, function(method.name) sum(sel.method.names == method.name))

  return (list(sel.mod = sel.mod, sel.method.freq = sel.method.freq))

## ======== calculate variable selection frequency and get solution path =============
  # a function to calculate variable selection frequency and get solution path
  # Args:
  #   sel.mod from "get.best.mod"
  # Returns:
  #   a list (variable selection frequency, soluation path)
  sel.mods = sel.mods.n.sel.freq$sel.mod
  sel.freq = sel.mods.n.sel.freq$sel.method.freq
  var.sel.freq = sapply(2:ncol(sel.mods), # exclude intercept
                    function(x) max(mean(sel.mods[,x]>0), mean(sel.mods[,x]<0)))
  mean.beta = abs(colMeans(sel.mods))[-1]# exclude intercept
  var.order = order(-var.sel.freq, -mean.beta)
  return (list(var.sel.freq = var.sel.freq,
               var.order = var.order))

## ====== get the final fitted models after filtering ==========

vsc.thr.by.size<-function(X, Y, intercept, var.order, size.thr, coef.est.method){
  # a function to get the final fitted model using size threshold
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: intercept
  #   var.order: variable ordering
  #   size.thr: number of variable to retain
  #   coef.est.method: refitting method
  # Returns:
  #   a fitted model

  est.i = if(size.thr>0){ est.i = var.order[1:size.thr] } else c()
  return (vsc.refit(X, Y, intercept, est.i, coef.est.method))

vsc.thr.by.freq<-function(X, Y, intercept, var.sel.freq, freq.thr, coef.est.method){
  # a function to get the final fitted model using frequency threshold
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: intercept
  #   var.order: variable ordering
  #   freq.thr: minimum frequency in order to retain a variable
  #   coef.est.method: refitting method
  # Returns:
  #   a fitted model

  est.i = which(var.sel.freq>=freq.thr)
  return (vsc.refit(X, Y, intercept, est.i, coef.est.method))

vsc.by.ebic<-function(X, Y, intercept, var.order, size.thr){
  # a function to get the final fitted model using size threshold
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: intercept
  #   var.order: variable ordering
  #   size.thr: number of variable to retain
  #   coef.est.method: refitting method
  # Returns:
  #   a fitted model

  p = ncol(X)
  est.b = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:size.thr, function(size){
    b = rep(0, p)
    b[var.order[1:size]] = 1
    return (b)
  est.b = cbind(intercept, est.b)
  est.b = lm.ols.refit(X, Y, intercept, est.b)$est.b
  mse = lm.mse(X, Y, est.b = est.b)

  n = length(Y)
  ebic.val = get.ebic.value.from.mse(mse, n, est.b)
  return (est.b[which.min(ebic.val),])

vsc.refit<-function(X, Y, intercept, est.i, coef.est.method){
  # a helper function for "vsc.thr.by.freq" and "vsc.thr.by.size"
  # to refit the selected variables
  # Args:
  #   X: covariates
  #   Y: response
  #   intercept: intercept
  #   est.i: selected covariate indexes
  #   coef.est.method: refitting method
  # Returns:
  #   a fitted model

  p = ncol(X)
  new.b = rep(0, (p+1))
    new.b[c(0,est.i)+1] = coef.est.method(X[,est.i,drop=FALSE], Y, intercept = intercept)$est.b
  return (new.b)

## ====== sort and remove duplication ==========
unique.mod.for.methods<-function(cv.methods.result, is.ols){
  # a function which removes duplicated models (in terms of selection)
  # Args:
  #   cv.folds.result: cv result of methods with folds
  #   is.ols: whether the ols or the original fitting result should be used
  #   fld.idx: which fld index to use. If omitted, all results will be used
  # Returns:
  #   a list (methods) of list (flds) of list(est.b, mse)

  return (lapply(cv.methods.result, function(cv.folds.result)
    unique.mod.helper.one.method(cv.folds.result, is.ols)))

unique.mod.helper.one.method<-function(cv.flds.result, is.ols){
  # a helper function of "unique.mod.for.methods" which removes duplicated models (in terms of selection)
  # Args:
  #   cv.folds.result: cv result of a method with folds
  #   is.ols: whether the ols or the original fitting result should be used
  #   fld.idx: which fld index to use. If omitted, all results will be used
  # Returns:
  #   a list (flds) of list(est.b, mse)

  est.b.name = ifelse(is.ols, "ols.est.b", "est.b")
  mse.name = ifelse(is.ols, "ols.mse", "mse")

  return (lapply(cv.flds.result, function(cv.fld.result) {
    est.b = cv.fld.result[[est.b.name]]
    attr(est.b, "name") = est.b.name
    mse = cv.fld.result[[mse.name]]
    attr(mse, "name") = mse.name
    get.unique.mod(est.b = est.b, mse = mse, is.ols = is.ols)

get.unique.mod<-function(est.b, mse, is.ols){
  # helper function of "unique.mod.helper.one.method", which removes duplicated models (in terms of selection)
  # Args:
  #   est.b: estimated coefficients
  #   mse: mse
  # Returns:
  #   a list (est.b, mse)

  # if not ols, sort the est.b so that the one with lowest mse will be selected
    e.order = order(mse, rowSums(est.b!=0)) # order by mse, then by model size
    est.b = est.b[e.order,]
    mse = mse[e.order,]
  non.duplicate.i = which(!duplicated(est.b!=0))
  result = list(est.b = est.b[non.duplicate.i,,drop=FALSE],
                mse = mse[non.duplicate.i])
    stop("get.unique.mod: estimated beta or mse cannot be NA")
  names(result) = c(attr(est.b, "name"), attr(mse, "name"))

  return (result)

get.ebic.value.from.mse<-function(mse, n, est.b){
  p = ncol(est.b[,-1, drop = FALSE]) # number of covariate, first one is intercept
  k = rowSums(est.b[,-1, drop = FALSE]!=0) # selected model size
  return (get.bic.value.from.mse(mse, n, est.b) + log(choose(p,k)))

get.bic.value.from.mse<-function(mse, n, est.b){
  p = ncol(est.b[,-1, drop = FALSE]) # number of covariate, first one is intercept
  k = rowSums(est.b[,-1, drop = FALSE]!=0) # selected model size
  # omit n + n * log(2*pi) log(n) * (intercept+1) as it is the same for every model
  bic.value = n*log(mse) + log(n)*k
  return (bic.value)
christineyuen/VSC documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:45 a.m.