
Defines functions ExpectationZU

ExpectationZU = function(tapp, yapp, th, dropID){

D = nrow(yapp)
N = ncol(yapp)
K = nrow(th$rho)
M = ncol(th$rho)
Lt = nrow(tapp)
L = nrow(th$c_L)
Lw = L - Lt

logr = array(NaN, c(N, K, M))

for (k in 1:K){
    for( l in 1:M){

    #check if the local cluster is empty
    #use c_L as an indicator, if c_l is Nan, then this local cluster is empty
    if(any(is.nan(th$c_L[1:Lt, k, l]))) {
        logr[,k,l] = -Inf

    muyk=th$b_L[, k, l, drop=FALSE] # Dx1
    covyk= th$Sigma_G[, , k]; # DxD
    if(Lt > 0){
        if (L == 1){
          Atk = th$A_L[, 1:Lt , k, l, drop=FALSE]
      } else {
          Atk = th$A_L[ , 1:Lt, k, l]} # DxLt
      muyk = sweep(Atk %*% tapp, 1, muyk, "+") # DxN

    if(Lw > 0){
      Awk = matrix(th$A_G[, (Lt+1):L, k, drop=FALSE], ncol=Lw, nrow=D) # DxLw
      Gammawk = th$Gamma_L[(Lt+1):L, (Lt+1):L, k, l] # LwxLw
      cwk = th$c_L[(Lt+1):L, k, l] # Lwx1
      covyk = covyk + Awk %*% Gammawk %*%t (Awk) # DxD
      muyk = sweep(muyk, 1, Awk%*%cwk, "+") #% DxN
    logr[, k, l] = log(th$rho[k, l])
    logr[, k, l] = logr[, k, l] + loggausspdf(yapp, muyk, covyk)
    if (Lt > 0)
      logr[, k, l] = logr[, k, l]+ loggausspdf(tapp,
        th$c_L[1:Lt,k,l,drop=FALSE], as.matrix(th$Gamma_L[1:Lt, 1:Lt, k, l]))

lognormr = logsumexp(logr, 2)
temp_lognormr = lognormr
temp_lognormr[dropID] = 0
LL = sum(temp_lognormr)
#need to reshape the size to make sweep work
logr_reshape = matrix(logr, nrow=N, ncol=K*M)
log_posProb = sweep(logr_reshape,1, lognormr,"-")
r = array(exp(log.posProb), c(N,K,M))
r = round(r,8)

# remove empty clusters only when the whole global cluster is empty
ec = array(TRUE, c(K, M)) #% false if component k is empty.
for (k in 1:K){
  for (l in 1:M){
    if(round(sum(r[,k,l])) == 0 || !is.finite(sum(r[, k, l]))){

#global cluster i would be removed if sumEC[i] = 0
sumEC = apply(ec,1,sum)
validClust = sumEC > 0
r = r[,validClust,]
#dont do reinit at this point
#if (sum(ec)==0)
#    {print('REINIT! ');
#    r = emgm(rbind(tapp,yapp), K, 2, verb)$R;
#    ec=rep(TRUE,ncol(r));} else {r=r[,ec];}
    return(list(r=r, LL=LL, ec=ec))
chunchentu/smogllim documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:50 a.m.