
Defines functions confusion_list mtr_confusion_matrix mtr_tpr mtr_tnr mtr_fnr mtr_fpr mtr_accuracy mtr_misclassification_rate mtr_balanced_accuracy mtr_ppv mtr_average_precision mtr_fdr mtr_npv mtr_for mtr_f1score mtr_fbeta_score mtr_gscore mtr_prevalence mtr_detection_prevalence mtr_ks_statistic mtr_informedness mtr_markedness mtr_matthews_corr_coef mtr_hamming_loss mtr_hinge_loss mtr_jaccard_score

Documented in confusion_list mtr_accuracy mtr_average_precision mtr_balanced_accuracy mtr_confusion_matrix mtr_detection_prevalence mtr_f1score mtr_fbeta_score mtr_fdr mtr_fnr mtr_for mtr_fpr mtr_gscore mtr_informedness mtr_ks_statistic mtr_markedness mtr_matthews_corr_coef mtr_misclassification_rate mtr_npv mtr_ppv mtr_prevalence mtr_tnr mtr_tpr

##' @title
##' Classification Metrics Parameters
##' @description
##' Documentation for shared parameters of functions that computes
##' classification metrics.
##' @param actual \code{[numeric]} Ground truth binary numeric vector containing
##'     1 for the positive class and 0 for the negative class.
##' @param predicted \code{[numeric]} A vector of estimated probabilities.
##' @param cutoff \code{[numeric]} A cutoff value for \code{predicted} vector
##'     which classify a sample into a given class. Default value is 0.5
##' @include helper-functions.r
##' @name classification_params

##' @title
##' Confusion Matrix
##' @description
##' Confusion matrix - a special kind of contingency table - is a specific table
##' layout that allows the visualization of performance of a classification
##' model (or classifier). It composes of four different combinations of
##' predicted and actual values.
##' \code{confusion_list} computes and returns those combinations as a
##' \code{named list} while \code{mtr_confusion_matrix} returns a \code{named
##' matrix}.
##' Here's elements of confusion matrix:
##' \itemize{
##'   \item True Positive (TP)
##'   \item False Positive (FP)
##'   \item True Negative (TN)
##'   \item False Negative (FN)
##' }
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A named list or a named two dimensions matrix
##' @author An Chu
##' @examples
##' act <- c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
##' pred <- c(0.9, 0.3, 0.6, 0.5, 0.2)
##' ## output as a R's list
##' ## metrics:::confusion_list(act, pred) # default value of cutoff = 0.5
##' ## metrics:::confusion_list(act, pred, cutoff = 0.7)
##' ## output as a R's matrix
##' mtr_confusion_matrix(act, pred)
##' mtr_confusion_matrix(act, pred, cutoff = 0.7)
##' @name confusion_matrix
confusion_list <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    check_equal_length(actual, predicted)

    TP <- sum((predicted > cutoff) & (actual == 1))
    TN <- sum((predicted <= cutoff) & (actual == 0))
    FN <- sum((predicted <= cutoff) & (actual == 1))
    FP <- sum((predicted > cutoff) & (actual == 0))

    list(TP = TP, TN = TN, FP = FP, FN = FN)

##' @rdname confusion_matrix
##' @export
mtr_confusion_matrix <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    conf_mat <- matrix(numeric(4), ncol = 2,
                       dimnames = list(c("Positive", "Negative"),
                                       c("True", "False")))

    conf_mat["Positive", "True"] <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    conf_mat["Positive", "False"] <- conf_list[["FP"]]
    conf_mat["Negative", "True"] <- conf_list[["FN"]]
    conf_mat["Negative", "False"] <- conf_list[["TN"]]


## True Positive Rate ----------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' True Positive Rate
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @name tpr
##' @export
mtr_tpr <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    TP <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    FN <- conf_list[["FN"]]
    FP <- conf_list[["FP"]]
    denominator <- TP + FN

    if (denominator == 0 && FP != 0) return(0)
    if (denominator == 0 && FP == 0) return(1)

    TPR <- TP / denominator

##' @rdname tpr
##' @export
mtr_true_positive_rate <- mtr_tpr

##' @rdname tpr
##' @export
mtr_hit_rate <- mtr_tpr

##' @rdname tpr
##' @export
mtr_sensitivity <- mtr_tpr

##' @rdname tpr
##' @export
mtr_detection_rate <- mtr_tpr

##' @rdname tpr
##' @export
mtr_recall <- mtr_tpr

## True Negative Rate ----------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' True Negative Rate
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @name tnr
##' @export
mtr_tnr <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    TN <- conf_list[["TN"]]
    FP <- conf_list[["FP"]]
    FN <- conf_list[["FN"]]
    denominator <- TN + FP

    if (denominator == 0 && FN == 0) return(1)
    if (denominator == 0 && FN != 0) return(0)

    TNR <- TN / denominator

##' @rdname tnr
##' @export
mtr_true_negative_rate <- mtr_tnr

##' @rdname tnr
##' @export
mtr_specificity <- mtr_tnr

##' @rdname tnr
##' @export
mtr_selectivity <- mtr_tnr

## False Negative Rate ---------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' False Negative Rate
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric output
##' @author An Chu
##' @name fnr
##' @export
mtr_fnr <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {
    1 - mtr_tnr(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

##' @rdname fnr
##' @export
mtr_miss_rate <- mtr_fnr

##' @rdname fnr
##' @export
mtr_false_negative_rate <- mtr_fnr

## False Positive Rate ---------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' False Positive Rate
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @name fpr
##' @export
mtr_fpr <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {
    1 - mtr_tnr(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

##' @rdname fpr
##' @export
mtr_fallout <- mtr_fpr

##' @rdname fpr
##' @export
mtr_false_alarm_rate <- mtr_fpr

##' @rdname fpr
##' @export
mtr_far <- mtr_fpr

##' @rdname fpr
##' @export
mtr_false_positive_rate <- mtr_fpr

## Accuracy --------------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Accuracy
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @seealso \code{\link{mtr_balanced_accuracy}}
##' @author An Chu
##' @name acc
##' @export
mtr_accuracy <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    TP <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    TN <- conf_list[["TN"]]

    accuracy <- (TP + TN) / Reduce(sum, conf_list)


##' @rdname acc
##' @export
mtr_ccr <- mtr_accuracy

## Misclassification Rate ------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Misclassification rate
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_misclassification_rate <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {
    1 - mtr_accuracy(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

## Balanced Accuracy -----------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Balanced Accuracy
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @seealso \code{\link{mtr_accuracy}}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_balanced_accuracy <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    sensitivity <- mtr_sensitivity(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    specificity <- mtr_specificity(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    (sensitivity + specificity) / 2

## Positive Predicted Value ----------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Positive Predicted Value
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @name ppv
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_ppv <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    TP <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    FP <- conf_list[["FP"]]
    denominator <- TP + FP

    if (denominator == 0) return(0)

    PPV <- TP / (TP + FP)

##' @rdname ppv
##' @export
mtr_positive_predicted_value <- mtr_ppv

##' @rdname ppv
##' @export
mtr_precision <- mtr_ppv

## Average Precision -----------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Average Precision
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_average_precision <- function(actual, predicted) {

    ## keep distinct index of prediction and truth  vector
    ordering <- order(predicted)
    thresholds <- predicted[ordering]
    predicted <- predicted[ordering]
    actual <- actual[ordering]

    precision <- map_dbl(thresholds, function(x) mtr_precision(actual, predicted, x))
    recall <- map_dbl(thresholds, function(x) mtr_recall(actual, predicted, x))

    avg_prec <- sum(diff(recall) * precision[-1], na.rm = TRUE) * (-1)

## False Discovery Rate --------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' False Discovery Rate
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @name fdr
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_fdr <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {
    1 - mtr_ppv(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

##' @rdname fdr
##' @export
mtr_false_discovery_rate <- mtr_fdr

## Negative Predicted Value ----------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Negative Predicted Value
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @name npv
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_npv <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    TN <- conf_list[["TN"]]
    FN <- conf_list[["FN"]]
    denominator <- TN + FN

    if (denominator == 0) return(0)

    NPV <- TN / (TN + FN)

##' @rdname npv
##' @export
mtr_negative_predicted_value <- mtr_npv

## False Omission Rate ---------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' False Omission Rate
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @name for
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_for <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {
    1 - mtr_npv(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

##' @rdname for
##' @export
mtr_false_omission_rate <- mtr_for

## F1 Score --------------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' F1 Score
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @seealso \code{\link{mtr_fbeta_score}}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_f1score <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    precision <- mtr_precision(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    recall <- mtr_recall(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    f1score <- (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)


## F-beta Score ----------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' F-beta Score
##' @param beta \code{[numeric]} To be filled
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @seealso \code{\link{mtr_f1score}}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_fbeta_score <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5, beta = 1) {

    precision <- mtr_precision(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    recall <- mtr_recall(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    fbeta <- (1 + beta^2) * ((precision * recall) / (beta^2 * precision + recall))


## Fowlkes-Mallows Index -------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Fowlkes-Mallows Index
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @name gscore
##' @export
mtr_gscore <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list = confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    TP <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    FP <- conf_list[["FP"]]
    FN <- conf_list[["FN"]]
    gscore <- sqrt((TP / (TP + FP)) * (TP / (TP + FN)))


##' @rdname gscore
##' @export
mtr_fowlkes_mallows <- mtr_gscore

## Prevalence ------------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Prevalence
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_prevalence <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    TP <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    FN <- conf_list[["FN"]]
    prevalence <- (TP + FN) / Reduce(sum, conf_list)


##' @title
##' Detection Prevalence
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_detection_prevalence <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    TP <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    FP <- conf_list[["FP"]]
    dec_pre <- (TP + FP) / Reduce(sum, conf_list)


## KS statistic ----------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' KS Statistic
##' @description
##' Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic quantifies a distance between the empirical
##' distribution function of the sample and the cumulative distribution function
##' of the reference distribution.
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_ks_statistic <- function(actual, predicted) {

    descending <- order(predicted, decreasing = TRUE)
    actual <- actual[descending]
    predicted <- predicted[descending]

    bins <- 10                          # this is arbitrary
    len <- length(actual)
    n <- len %/% bins        # number of obs per bin

    group_index <- rep(1:(bins - 1), each = n)
    group_index <- append(group_index, rep(bins, len - length(group_index)))

    perct_pos <- tapply(actual, group_index, function(x) sum(x == 1)) / sum(actual == 1)
    perct_neg <- tapply(actual, group_index, function(x) sum(x == 0)) / sum(actual == 0)

    max(cumsum(perct_pos) - cumsum(perct_neg))

## Informedness ----------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Informedness
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @name yindex
##' @export
mtr_informedness <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    sensitivity <- mtr_sensitivity(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    specificity <- mtr_specificity(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    sensitivity + specificity - 1

##' @rdname yindex
##' @export
mtr_youden_index <- mtr_informedness

## Markedness ------------------------------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Markedness
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_markedness <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    ppv <- mtr_positive_predicted_value(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    npv <- mtr_negative_predicted_value(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)

    ppv + npv - 1

## Matthews Correlation Coefficient --------------------------------------------

##' @title
##' Matthews Correlation Coefficient
##' @inheritParams classification_params
##' @return A numeric scalar output
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
mtr_matthews_corr_coef <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

    conf_list <- confusion_list(actual, predicted, cutoff = cutoff)
    TP <- conf_list[["TP"]]
    TN <- conf_list[["TN"]]
    FP <- conf_list[["FP"]]
    FN <- conf_list[["FN"]]

    denom1 <- TP + FP
    denom2 <- TP + FN
    denom3 <- TN + FP
    denom4 <- TN + FN

    if (denom1 == 0 || denom2 == 0 || denom3 == 0 || denom4 == 0) return(NA_real_)

    mcc <- ((TP * TN) - (FP * FN)) / sqrt(prod(denom1, denom2, denom3, denom4))

## Hamming Loss ----------------------------------------------------------------

mtr_hamming_loss <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {


## Hinge Loss ------------------------------------------------------------------

mtr_hinge_loss <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {


## Jaccard Score ---------------------------------------------------------------

mtr_jaccard_score <- function(actual, predicted, cutoff = 0.5) {

chuvanan/metrics documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 8:52 a.m.