
Defines functions fit_logistic_random_effect calc_logistic_loglik

Documented in fit_logistic_random_effect

calc_logistic_loglik <- function(para, X.aug, Y, subject.n, time.n,
                                gh.weights, gh.nodes, quad.n) {
  #### given the values of random effect b
  #### calculate the probablity p
  ## X.aug is (subject.n*time.n) X (number of covariates + 1)
  ## Y and p are (subject.n*time.n) X 1
  ## b is (subject.n*time.n) X (number of quadurate points)
  s1 <- para[1]
  #### X.test.coeff.index == TRUE means we want to test this parameter
  #### Therefore we want to keep it as 0 for LRT
  alpha <- rep(NA, length(X.test.coeff.index))
  alpha[X.test.coeff.index] <- 0 ## initialized as 0
  alpha[!X.test.coeff.index] <- para[-1][1:sum(!X.test.coeff.index)]
  alpha <- as.matrix(alpha)
  #### p can not be 0 or 1. Due to round error, logL will be NA
  #### manually set p=0 or p=1 to some other values
  p <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(X.aug %*% alpha[, rep(1, quad.n)] + gh.nodes * s1 * sqrt(2))))
  p[p < 10^(-7)] <- 10^(-7)
  p[p > (1 - 10^(-7))] <- (1 - 10^(-7))
  ### because p^[I(Y>0] * (1-p)^[I[Y=0]], replace p[Y==0] with 1-p[Y==0]
  p[Y == 0, ] <- 1 - p[Y == 0, ]
  #### exp(log(A*B)) = exp(logA+logB)=A*B
  logL <- sum(log(rowSums(gh.weights / sqrt(pi) * exp(prod.mat %*% log(p)))))


### b <- array(c(1:250000, 1:250000),c(5000,5000,2))
### system.time(rs4 <- colSums(aperm(b, c(2,1,3))))

#' Fit logisitic random effect
#' @param X FILL
#' @param Y FILL
#' @param subject.ind the subject index
#' @param time.ind the time index
#' @param quad.n number of points in gaussian quadrature
#' @param verbose a boolean to enable more output
#' @return a named list
#' \itemize{
#'   \item est.table
#'   \item s1.est
#' }
#' @importFrom stats nlminb pchisq
#' @importFrom statmod gauss.quad
fit_logistic_random_effect <- function(X = X, Y = Y,
                                       subject.ind = subject.ind, time.ind = time.ind,
                                       quad.n = 30, verbose = FALSE) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
    colnames(X) <- paste("var", seq_len(ncol(X)), sep = "")
  X.aug <- cbind(intersept = 1, X)

  est.table <- matrix(NA,
    ncol = 2, nrow = ncol(X.aug),
    dimnames = list(colnames(X.aug), c("Estimate", "Pvalue"))

  subject.n <- length(unique(subject.ind))
  time.n <- length(unique(time.ind))
  prod.mat <- matrix(rep(c(rep(1, time.n), rep(0, subject.n * time.n)), subject.n)[1:(subject.n^2 * time.n)],
                     byrow = TRUE,
                     nrow = subject.n,
                     ncol = subject.n * time.n)

  #### generate quad points
  gherm <- gauss.quad(quad.n, kind = "hermite")
  gh.weights <- matrix(rep(gherm$weights, subject.n), nrow = subject.n, byrow = TRUE)
  gh.nodes <- matrix(rep(gherm$nodes, subject.n * time.n),
    nrow = subject.n * time.n, byrow = TRUE

  #### re-order X,Y so that values belongs to the same subject are together
  #### need the values in this format for loglikelihood calculation
  gind <- sort(subject.ind, index.return = TRUE)$ix
  Y <- Y[gind, ]
  X <- X[gind, ]
  X.aug <- X.aug[gind, ]
  ##### H1: estimate all parameters
  X.test.coeff.index <- rep(FALSE, ncol(X.aug))

  opt.H1 <- nlminb(
    start = c(1, rep(0, sum(!X.test.coeff.index))), ## s1,alpha
    objective = calc_logistic_loglik,
    lower = c(
      rep(-Inf, sum(!X.test.coeff.index))
    upper = Inf,
    X.test.coeff.index = X.test.coeff.index,
    Y = Y, X.aug = X.aug, time.n = time.n, subject.n = subject.n,
    gh.weights = gh.weights, gh.nodes = gh.nodes, quad.n = quad.n,
    prod.mat = prod.mat,
    control = list(trace = ifelse(verbose, 2, 0))
  #### save the estimatd results
  s1.est <- opt.H1$par[1]
  alpha.est <- opt.H1$par[-1]
  est.table[, "Estimate"] <- alpha.est

  ####### H0
  for (test.i in seq_len(ncol(X.aug))) {
    X.test.coeff.index <- rep(FALSE, ncol(X.aug))
    X.test.coeff.index[test.i] <- TRUE
    opt.H0 <- nlminb(
      start = c(1, rep(0, sum(!X.test.coeff.index))), ## s1,alpha
      objective = calc_logistic_loglik,
      lower = c(
        rep(-Inf, sum(!X.test.coeff.index))
      upper = c(Inf),
      X.test.coeff.index = X.test.coeff.index,
      Y = Y, X.aug = X.aug, time.n = time.n, subject.n = subject.n,
      gh.weights = gh.weights, gh.nodes = gh.nodes, quad.n = quad.n,
      prod.mat = prod.mat,
      control = list(trace = ifelse(verbose, 2, 0))

    likelihodd.ratio <- -2 * (-opt.H0$objective - (-opt.H1$objective))
    LRT.p <- 1 - pchisq(likelihodd.ratio, df = 1)
    est.table[test.i, "Pvalue"] <- LRT.p

  list(est.table = est.table, s1.est = s1.est)
chvlyl/ZIBRE documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 1:06 p.m.