##' Adds the citation skeleton in \code{inst/CITATION} filled out
##' automatically with the information from the \code{DESCRIPTION} file.
##' Additionally, it creates an \code{.onAttach} function on 'R/utils.R'
##' (created if necessary, appended if exists) which prints out the citation
##' details on startup.
##' @title Add all citation information of your package
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Jorge
##' @export
add_citation <- function() {
desc <- desc::description$new()
desc$set("Date", Sys.Date())
year <- sub('.*(2[[:digit:]]{3})-.*', '\\1', {desc$get('Date')}, perl = TRUE)
vers <- paste('R package version', {desc$get('Version')})
author <- gsub('<.+]', '', desc$get_authors())
split_lastname <- strsplit(author, " ")[[1]]
full_citation <-
"{split_lastname[2]}, {split_lastname[1]} ({year}). {desc$get('Title')} {vers}."
citation_str <- glue::glue(
"citHeader('To cite { desc$get('Package') } in publications use:')
entry = 'Manual',
title = '{desc$get('Title')}',
author = '{author}',
year = '{year}',
note = '{vers}',
url = '{desc$get('URL')}',
textVersion = '{full_citation}'
dir.create(here::here("inst"), showWarnings = FALSE)
file.create(here::here("inst", "CITATION"), showWarnings = FALSE)
writeLines(citation_str, here::here("inst", "CITATION"))
onload_fun <- glue::glue(
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {{
packageStartupMessage(\"\\nPlease cite as: \\n\")
write(onload_fun, here::here("R/utils.R"), append = TRUE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.