#' Universal downloading helper function for Ahrefs API
#' @description This is a helper function and it \strong{should not be used in most cases}. Use
#' \code{rah_<report_name>()} functions instead as they are specific wrappers that provide
#' full documentation needed for each report.
#' @param target character string. Aim of a request: a domain, a directory or a URL
#' @param report character string. Name of the table (report) to select data from
#' @param token character string. Authentication token. Should be available through enviromental variables
#' after authentication with function \code{rah_auth()}
#' @param mode character string. Mode of operation: exact, domain, subdomains or prefix. See more
#' in Details section
#' @param metrics character vector of columns to select
#' @param limit integer. Number of results to return
#' @param order_by character vector of columns to sort on. See more in Details section
#' @param where character string - a condition created by rah_condition_set function that generates proper
#' "Where" condition to satisfy. See more in Details section
#' @param having character string - a condition created by rah_condition_set function that generates proper
#' "Having" condition to satisfy. See more in Details section
#' @source \url{https://ahrefs.com/api/documentation}
#' @details
#' \strong{1. "mode"} parameter can take 4 different values that will affect how the results will be grouped.
#' Example of URL directory with folder:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{Example URL:} ahrefs.com/api/
#' \item \strong{exact:} ahrefs.com/api/
#' \item \strong{domain:} ahrefs.com/*
#' \item \strong{subdomains:} *ahrefs.com/*
#' \item \strong{prefix:} ahrefs.com/api/*
#' }
#' Example of URL directory with subdomain:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{Example URL:} apiv2.ahrefs.com
#' \item \strong{exact:} apiv2.ahrefs.com/
#' \item \strong{domain:} apiv2.ahrefs.com/*
#' \item \strong{subdomains:} *apiv2.ahrefs.com/*
#' \item \strong{prefix:} apiv2.ahrefs.com/*
#' }
#' \strong{2. "order_by"} parameter is a character string that forces sorting of the results. Structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{Structure:} "\code{column_name}:asc|desc"
#' \item \strong{Single column example:} "first_seen:asc" ~ this sorts results by \code{first_seen}
#' column in ascending order
#' \item \strong{Multi column example:} "last_seen:desc,first_seen:asc" ~ this sorts results
#' by 1) \code{last_seen} column in descending order, and next by 2) \code{first_seen} column in
#' ascending order
#' }
#' \strong{3. "where" & "having"} are \strong{EXPERIMENTAL} parameters of condition sets (character strings)
#' that control filtering the results. To create arguments:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item use \code{rah_condition()} function to create a single condition, for example:
#' \code{cond_1 <- rah_condition(column_name = "links", operator = "GREATER_THAN", value = "10")}
#' \item use \code{rah_condition_set()} function to group single conditions into final condition
#' string, for example: \code{fin_cond <- rah_condition_set(cond_1, cond_2)}
#' \item provide final condition to proper report function as a parameter, for example:
#' \code{RAhrefs::rah_downloader(target = "ahrefs.com", token = "0123456789",
#' mode = "domain", metrics = NULL, limit = 1000, where = fin_cond, order_by = "first_seen:asc")}
#' }
#' @return list or nested list object
#' @import assertthat
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom httr stop_for_status
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @examples
#' # do not use this function - instead use its wrappers (rah_<report_name>())
#' # that have full documentation
#' \dontrun{RAhrefs::rah_downloader(
#' target = "ahrefs.com",
#' report = "anchors",
#' token = "0123456789",
#' mode = "domain",
#' metrics = NULL,
#' limit = 1000,
#' where = rah_condition_set(
#' rah_condition(column_name = "links",
#' operator = "GREATER_THAN",
#' value = "10"),
#' rah_condition(column_name = "links",
#' operator = "LESS_THAN",
#' value = "20")),
#' order_by = "first_seen:asc")}
rah_downloader <- function(target,
token = Sys.getenv("AHREFS_AUTH_TOKEN"),
mode = "domain",
metrics = NULL,
limit = 1000,
order_by = NULL,
where = NULL,
having = NULL
# report list ---------------------------------------------------------------
report_vector <- c("ahrefs_rank", "anchors", "anchors_refdomains",
"backlinks", "backlinks_new_lost",
"backlinks_new_lost_counters", "backlinks_one_per_domain",
"broken_backlinks", "broken_links", "domain_rating",
"linked_anchors", "linked_domains",
"linked_domains_by_type", "metrics", "metrics_extended",
"pages", "pages_extended", "pages_info", "refdomains",
"refdomains_by_type", "refdomains_new_lost",
"refdomains_new_lost_counters", "refips",
# modes list ----------------------------------------------------------------
mode_vector <- c("exact", "domain", "subdomains", "prefix")
# safety net ----------------------------------------------------------------
!is.null(target), !is.na(target), is.string(target), grepl("\\.", target),
!is.null(report), !is.na(report), is.string(report),
report %in% report_vector, !is.null(token), !is.na(token),
is.string(token), nchar(token) > 30, !is.null(mode), !is.na(mode),
is.string(mode), mode %in% mode_vector,
is.null(metrics) | is.vector(metrics, mode = "character"), limit >= 1,
limit %% 1 == 0, is.number(limit)
# order_by preparation ------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(order_by)) {
if (grepl("\\:", order_by)) {
order_by <- gsub("\\:", "%3A", order_by)
# downloading ---------------------------------------------------------------
response <- GET(paste0(
"?token=", token,
"&from=", report,
"&target=", target,
"&mode=", mode,
if (!is.null(metrics)) {paste0("&select=", paste(metrics, collapse = ","))},
"&limit=", limit,
if (!is.null(where)) {paste0("&where=", where)},
if (!is.null(having)) {paste0("&having=", having)},
if (!is.null(order_by)){paste0("&order_by=", order_by)}
content <- content(response, type = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
result <- fromJSON(content, simplifyVector = FALSE)
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