
Defines functions print.lr_test .lltest lr_test bch_categorical bch_continuous BCH.MxModel BCH

Documented in BCH lr_test

#' @title Estimate an Auxiliary Model using the BCH Method
#' @description Estimate an auxiliary model based on a latent classification
#' by means of mixture modeling (see \code{\link{mx_mixture}}).
#' The auxiliary model is treated as a multi-group model. All cases are used in
#' all groups, but they are weighted by group-specific BCH weights as described
#' in Bolck, Croon, & Hagenaars, 2004.
#' @param x An object for which a method exists.
#' @param model An object that can be converted to an \code{OpenMx} model
#' using \code{\link{as_ram}}.
#' @param data A data.frame on which the auxiliary model can be evaluated.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An MxModel.
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(x = iris$Petal.Length)
#' mixmod <- mx_profiles(dat,
#'                       classes = 2)
#' res <- BCH(mixmod, "y ~ 1", data = data.frame(y = iris$Sepal.Length))
#' @references Bolck, A., Croon, M., & Hagenaars, J. (2004). Estimating latent
#' structure models with categorical variables: One-step versus three-step
#' estimators. Political Analysis, 12(1), 3–27. \doi{10.1093/pan/mph001}
#' @export
BCH <- function(x, model, data, ...){
  UseMethod("BCH", x)

#' @method BCH MxModel
#' @export
BCH.MxModel <- function(x, model, data, ...){
  if(inherits(data, what = c("factor", "numeric", "integer"))){
    if(inherits(data, what = "factor")){
      if(!inherits(data, what = c("ordered"))){
        data <- mx_dummies(data)
        model <- paste0(
          names(data), " | t1",
          collapse = "\n"
      } else {
        cats <- length(levels(data))
        model <- paste0("y |t", 1:(cats-1), collapse = "\n")
        data <- data.frame(y = mxFactor(data, levels = levels(data)))
    } else {
      model <- "y ~1"
      data <- data.frame(y = data)
  cprobs <- class_prob(x)
  Hmat <- cprobs$mostlikely.class
  Hmatinv <- solve(Hmat)
  mostlikely <- cprobs$individual[,"predicted"]
  bchweights <- data.frame(Hmatinv[mostlikely, ])
  names(bchweights) <- paste0("w", cprobs$sum.posterior$class)
  df <- cbind(data, bchweights)
  grp_names <- cprobs$sum.posterior$class

  if(inherits(model, "character")){
    model <- as_ram(model, meanstructure = TRUE)
  if(!inherits(model, what = c("MxModel", "MxRAMModel"))) stop("Argument 'model' must be either an object of class 'MxModel', or a character string that can be coerced using as_ram().")

  grps <- lapply(1:ncol(bchweights), function(i){
            name = grp_names[i],
            data = mxData(observed = df, type = "raw", weight = names(bchweights)[i]),
            fitfunction = mxFitFunctionML())
  grps <- do.call(mxModel, c(list(model = "aux", mxFitFunctionMultigroup(grp_names), grps)))

  out <- try(run_mx(grps), silent = TRUE)
  attr(out, "tidySEM") <- "BCH"
  if(!inherits(out, "try-error")){

bch_continuous <- function(x, y){
  cl <- match.call()
  cl[[1L]] <- quote(BCH)
  cl[["y"]] <- NULL
  cl[["model"]] <- "y ~1"
  cl[["data"]] <- data.frame(y = y)

bch_categorical <- function(x, y){
  cl <- match.call()
  cl[[1L]] <- quote(BCH)
  cl[["y"]] <- NULL
  cats <- length(levels(y))
  mod <- paste0("y |t", 1:(cats-1), collapse = "\n")
  cl[["model"]] <- mod
  cl[["data"]] <- data.frame(y = mxFactor(y, levels = levels(y)))

#' @title Conduct Likelihood Ratio tests
#' @description For a multigroup model of class `MxModel`,
#' conduct overall and pairwise likelihood ratio tests.
#' All submodels must be identical.
#' @param x An object for which a method exists.
#' @param compare Character vector, indicating which matrices to constrain to be
#' equal in pairwise comparisons.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to other functions.
#' @return An object of class `lr_test` and `list`.
#' @examples
#' df <- iris[c(1:10, 140:150), c(1, 5)]
#' names(df) <- c("x", "group")
#' mod <- as_ram("x~1", data = df, group = "group")
#' mod <- run_mx(mod)
#' lr_test(mod)
#' @rdname lr_test
#' @export
lr_test <- function(x, compare = c("All", "A", "S", "F", "M", "Thresholds"), ...){
  if(is.null(attr(x, "tidySEM"))) attr(x, "tidySEM") <- "other"
  if(isTRUE(attr(x, "tidySEM") == "mixture")) stop("No valid method to compute likelihood ratio tests for mixture models.")
  submods <- names(x@submodels)
  tests <- expand.grid(submods, submods, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[which(upper.tri(matrix(nrow = length(submods), ncol = length(submods)))), ]
  mats <- names(x[[submods[1]]]@matrices)
  mats <- mats[sapply(mats, function(m){any(x[[submods[1]]][[m]]$free)})]
  if(!compare[1] == "All") {
    mats <- mats[mats %in% compare]
  if(length(mats) < 1) stop("Argument 'compare' does not refer to any freely estimated parameters.")
  mod_test <- mod_base <- x
  for(m in mats){
    for(c in submods){
      mod_base[[c]][[m]]$labels[,] <- paste0(m, letters[1:length(mod_base[[c]][[m]]$labels)])
      mod_base[[c]][[m]]$labels[,] <- paste0(m, letters[1:length(mod_base[[c]][[m]]$labels)])
  mod_base <- omxAssignFirstParameters(mod_base)

  mod_base <- run_mx(mod_base)

  test_res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(tests), function(i){
    tmp <- mod_test
    for(m in mats){
      tmp[[tests[i, 1]]][[m]]$labels[,] <- paste0(m, letters[1:length(tmp[[tests[i, 1]]][[m]]$labels)])
      tmp[[tests[i, 2]]][[m]]$labels[,] <- paste0(m, letters[1:length(tmp[[tests[i, 1]]][[m]]$labels)])
    tmp <- omxAssignFirstParameters(tmp)
    tmp <- run_mx(tmp)

    return(.lltest(mxCompare(x, tmp)))
  tests <- data.frame(tests,
  names(tests)[1:2] <- c("Model1", "Model2")

  # Overall test
  test_comp <- .lltest(mxCompare(x, mod_base))
  tests <- list(overall = test_comp,
                pairwise = tests)
  class(tests) <- c("lr_test", class(tests))

.lltest <- function(x, ...){
  data.frame("LL_baseline" = x$minus2LL[1],
             "LL_restricted" = x$minus2LL[2],
             "LL_dif" = x$diffLL[2],
             "df" = x$diffdf[2],
             "p" = x$p[2])

#' @method print lr_test
#' @export
print.lr_test <- function(x, ...){
  cat("BCH test for equality of means across classes\n\nOverall likelihood ratio test:\n")
  print(x$overall, ..., row.names = FALSE)
  cat("\nPairwise comparisons using", ifelse(any(grepl("^LL", names(x$pairwise))), "likelihood ratio", "Wald chi square"), "tests:\n")
  print(x$pairwise, ..., row.names = FALSE)
cjvanlissa/tidySEM documentation built on March 16, 2024, 6:35 a.m.