
Defines functions vim_corr

Documented in vim_corr

#' Correlation analysis
#' Examine variables most correlated with the outcome. Currently assumes that
#' outcome is binary variable.
#' @param covariates Character vector listing the covariates to analyze.
#' @param data Dataframe of covariates and outcome.
#' @param outcome Outcome variable, assumed binary.
#' @param weights Optional observation weight vector.
#' @param bootse Whether bootstrap standard errors should be used for inference.
#' @param verbose If TRUE display extra information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix na.omit
# TODO: remove avg case/con calculation when outcome is non-binary.
# TODO: add test.
vim_corr =
  function(covariates, data, outcome,
           weights = rep(1, nrow(data)),
           bootse = TRUE,
           verbose = FALSE) {

  # TODO: parallelize via future.
  result = Reduce(rbind,
                  lapply(covariates, function(variable, data) {

                    results = data.frame(
                      "variable" = variable,
                      "type" = NA,
                      "corr" = NA,
                      "p_value" = NA,
                      "avg_con" = NA,
                      "avg_case" = NA,
                      note = "")

                    var_class = class(data[[variable]])

                    # Check if non-numeric; we do set intersection to support
                    # variables with multiple classes.
                    # TODO: add test cases for integer, logical, and factor covariates.
                    if (length(intersect(var_class, c("numeric", "integer", "factor"))) == 0L) {

                      results$note = paste("Class is", var_class)

                      # Stop early.

                    is_factor = "factor" %in% var_class

                    # Check if all missing values.
                    if (sum(is.na(data[[variable]])) == nrow(data)) {
                      results$note = "Variable is all missing."

                      # Stop early.

                    # Check for lack of variation
                    if (length(unique(na.omit(data[[variable]]))) <= 1L) {
                      results$note = paste("Variable has no variation")

                      # Stop early.

                    # Raw mean difference.
                    if (!is_factor) {
                      means = tapply(data[[variable]], data[[outcome]], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                    } else {
                      means = c(NA, NA)

                    # TODO: check for cell size when stratifying by outcome.
                    # TODO: check for 0 standard deviation.

                    note = ""

                    # Include weights so that our rows are consistent.
                    temp_data = na.omit(data.frame(weights, data[, c(variable, outcome)]))
                    # Now extract those weights.
                    temp_weights = temp_data[[1]]
                    # And return to our original dataframe hopefully.
                    temp_data = temp_data[, -1]

                    # TODO: apply to a full matrix, not a single variable at a time.
                    if (!is_factor) {
                      corr_type = "corr"
                      # Weighted correlation.
                      test = try(weights::wtd.cor(temp_data[[variable]], temp_data[[outcome]],
                                                  weight = temp_weights, bootse = bootse), silent = TRUE)

                      if ("try-error" %in% class(test)) {
                        test = list(estimate = NA,
                                    p.value = NA)
                        note = paste0("Correlation test failed. Error: ",
                                      attr(test, "condition")$message)
                        if (verbose) {
                          cat(paste0("Note for", variable, ":\n", note, "\n"))
                      } else {
                        test = list(estimate = test[1, "correlation"],
                                    p.value = test[1, "p.value"])

                    } else {
                      corr_type = "chisq"
                      # Weighted chi-squared
                      test = try(weights::wtd.chi.sq(temp_data[[variable]], temp_data[[outcome]],
                                                     weight = temp_weights), silent = TRUE)
                       if ("try-error" %in% class(test)) {
                          test =
                            list(estimate = NA,
                                 p.value = NA)
                          note = paste0("Chi-squared test failed. Error: ",
                                      attr(test, "condition")$message)
                        if (verbose) {
                          cat(paste0("Note for", variable, ":\n", note, "\n"))
                      } else {
                        test =
                          list(estimate = NA, # not actually a correlation coefficient.
                               p.value = test["p.value"])

                    results = data.frame("variable" = variable,
                                         "type" = corr_type,
                                         "corr" = unname(test$estimate),
                                         "p_value" = test$p.value,
                                         "avg_con" = means[1],
                                         "avg_case" = means[2],
                                         "note" = note)

                  }, data = data))

  # Add FDR-adjusted p-value.
  result$p_value_fdr = stats::p.adjust(result$p_value, "BH")

  # Sort ascending by p-value, then negative abs correlation - which results
  # in largest abs correlations first (in case certain p-values tie, which does happen).
  result = result[order(result$p_value, -abs(result$corr)), ]
  result$rank = as.integer(rank(order(result$p_value, -abs(result$corr))))

  # Re-order columns.
  result = result[, c("rank", "variable", "corr", "type", "p_value", "p_value_fdr", "avg_con", "avg_case", "note")]

ck37/ckTools documentation built on July 23, 2024, 10:33 p.m.