
Defines functions reduce_dimensions

Documented in reduce_dimensions

#' Reduce variables in a dataframe to a target number of covariates.
#' Currently uses HOPACH hierarchical clustering but could be generalized.
#' @param data Dataframe
#' @param newX Optional second dataframe to receive the same reduction.
#' @param max_variables Maximum we want to allow, after which dimension reduction
#'   will take place. Cannot be more than 15 due to HOPACH limitations. Set to NULL
#'   to disable any dimension reduction.
#' @param verbose If true will output additional information during execution.
#' @importFrom hopach hopach distancematrix
#' @export
reduce_dimensions = function(data, newX = NULL, max_variables, verbose = FALSE) {

  # Identify constant columns in training data.
  is_constant = sapply(data, function(col) var(col, na.rm = TRUE) == 0)

  if (sum(is_constant) > 0) {
    if (verbose) cat("First removing", sum(is_constant), "constant columns.\n")

    # Remove constant columns.
    data = data[, !is_constant, drop = FALSE]

    # Remove those same constant columns from the test data, if it was provided.
    if (!is.null(newX)) {
      # Here we have to operate by names in case the validation data has different columns.
      newX = newX[, !names(newX) %in% names(is_constant[is_constant]), drop = FALSE]

  # Set this by default, then override it if we do reduce dimensions.
  variables = colnames(data)

  num_columns = ncol(data)

  # Skip if number covariates is within the target maximum or if the maximum is null.
  if (num_columns <= max_variables || is.null(max_variables)) {
    Wtsht = data
    Wvsht = newX

    # We still need to restrict validation W to contain only columns that
    # were in the training data. I.e. remove any extra missingness indicators.
    # TODO: should we do this at the very beginning?
    Wvsht = Wvsht[, colnames(Wvsht) %in% colnames(Wtsht), drop = FALSE]

  } else {
    if (verbose) cat("Reducing dimensions via clustering.\n")

    #mydist = as.matrix(hopach::distancematrix(t(Wt), d = "cosangle", na.rm = T))

    # Compute pairwise distances between each variable in the dataframe.
    # We transpose Wt because we want to cluster columns rather than rows.
    mydist = try(hopach::distancematrix(t(data), d = "cosangle", na.rm = T),
                 silent = !verbose)
    if (class(mydist) == "try-error") {
      cat("Error in HOPACH clustering: failed to calculate distance matrix.\n")

    # Attempt #1.
    # We transpose Wt to cluster the columns rather than rows.
    # K = number of variables to choose.
    # kmax = maximum number of children at each node in the tree.
    # khigh = max # of children at each node when computing mss, usually the same.
    suppressWarnings({ # Suppress warnings about newmed = "medsil" in collap().
    hopach.1 = try(hopach::hopach(t(data), dmat = mydist, mss = "mean", verbose = verbose,
                                  K = max_variables, kmax = 3, khigh = 3),
                   silent = !verbose)
    if (class(hopach.1) == "try-error") {
      if (verbose) {
        cat("Hopach attempt 1 fail.\n")

      # Attempt #2.
      # We transpose Wt to cluster the columns rather than rows.
      suppressWarnings({ # Suppress warnings about newmed = "medsil" in collap().
        hopach.1 <- try(hopach::hopach(t(data), dmat = mydist, mss = "med",
                                       verbose = verbose,
                                       K = max_variables, kmax = 3, khigh = 3),
                      silent = !verbose)
    if (class(hopach.1) == "try-error") {
      if (verbose) {
        cat("Attempt 2 fail.")# Reverting to original W dataframe.\n")

      # Attempt #3. Last try!
      # We transpose Wt to cluster the columns rather than rows.
      suppressWarnings({ # Suppress warnings about newmed = "medsil" in collap().
        hopach.1 <- try(hopach::hopach(t(data), dmat = mydist, mss = "med",
                                       verbose = F,
                                       K = max_variables, kmax = 3, khigh = 3,
                      silent = !verbose)
    if (class(hopach.1) == "try-error") {
      if (verbose) {
        cat("Attempt 3 fail. Reverting to original W dataframe.\n")
        # Now try to debug this.
        # stop()
      #warning("Dimensionality reduction failed. i=", i, "V=", kk, "A=", nameA)
      Wtsht = data
      Wvsht = newX
    } else {
      # TODO: annotate what is going on here with the HOPACH result object.
      nlvls = nchar(max(hopach.1$final$labels))
      no = trunc(mean(log10(hopach.1$final$labels)))

      # Find highest level of tree where minimum number of covariates is >= adjust_cutoff.
      lvl = 1:nlvls
      ncv = NULL
      for (ii in lvl) {
        ncv = c(ncv, length(unique(trunc(hopach.1$final$labels/10^(no - (ii - 1))))))
      ncv = unique(ncv)
      # Suppress possible "no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf"
      # warning from min().
      # TODO: investigate more and confirm that this is ok.
        lev = min(min(nlvls, dim(data)[2]), min(lvl[ncv >= max_variables]))
      two.clust <- unique(trunc(hopach.1$final$labels/(10^(no - (lev - 1)))))
      md <- hopach.1$final$medoids
      mm = md[, 1] %in% two.clust
      incc = md[mm, 2]

      # Restrict to those variables in the training and validation data.
      Wtsht = data[, incc, drop = F]
      Wvsht = newX[, incc, drop = F]

      # Save the chosen variables so that we can return them in the result list.
      variables = colnames(data)[incc]

  # If training data contains any columsn that don't exist in the validation data
  # create them and assign a value of 0.

  missing_cols = setdiff(colnames(Wtsht), colnames(Wvsht))
  if (length(missing_cols) > 0) {
    if (verbose) cat(paste("Adding missing columns in prediction data:",
                  paste(missing_cols, collapse = ", ")))

    new_cols = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Wvsht), ncol = length(missing_cols))
    colnames(new_cols) = missing_cols
    Wvsht = cbind(Wvsht, new_cols)

    # Sort columns in the correct order so that matrix multiplication is correct.
    Wvsht = Wvsht[, colnames(Wtsht), drop = FALSE]

  if (verbose) cat(" Updated columns:", ncol(Wtsht), "training",
                   ncol(Wvsht), "validation.\n")

  results = list(data = Wtsht, newX = Wvsht, variables = variables)
ck37/varimpact documentation built on June 23, 2022, 4:41 a.m.