
Defines functions panel.ebars.grouped panel.ebars

Documented in panel.ebars panel.ebars.grouped

#' @title Errorbar panel for Lattice graphics
#' @description This function has been designed for plotting of errorbars in lattice plots.
#' It handles both x and y-errorbars as well as asymmetrical and symmetrical errorbars.
#' Sevarel features such as the whisker widths and other praghical parameters can
#' be controlled. Furthermore, the error bars can be offset from the main data 
#' point, and the inner part of the bars can be set not to be drawn (such that 
#' the main data point stands out). The function can also plot a single point 
#' without use of panel.xyplot or panel.superpose.
#' Provide either x.minus or x.plus or use x.err if the errorbar is 
#' symmetrical. Likewise for the y-errorbar. Apply NA values for errorbars
#' that should not be plotted (e.g. if they are within symbols).
#' See also \link{panel.binned.errorbars}, \link{panel.ebars2} and \link{panel.ebars.grouped}.
#' @usage
#' See the function panel.ebars.demo
#' @name panel.ebars
#' @author Claus E. Andersen
#' @return A Lattice panel 
#' @export panel.ebars
#' @param x = x-coordinate for the data points.
#' @param y = y-coordinate for the data points.
#' @param x.wanted = TRUE means that the x-errorbars will be plotted.
#' @param y.wanted = TRUE means that the y-errorbars will be plotted.
#' @param x.err = the size of symmetrical x-errorbars (i.e. x.err = x.minus = x.plus).
#'            Note, that x.err, x.minus, or x.plus must be of the same length as 
#'            x and y. This is so because these vectors are manipulated deeper down 
#'            using the subscripts argument. Also, note that it is not enough to just
#'            set x.err etc. equal to a named column in the main dataframe. So, if the
#'            main dataframe is called df, and if it contains a column called u.Gy that 
#'            you want to use as errorbar, then you must write x.err = df$u.Gy (it is
#'            NOT enough to write x.err = u.Gy even though data=df). Likewise, if you
#'            want to set the errorbar to a constant value, you must use
#'            something like x.err = rep(2.3,nrow(df)) rather than just x.err = 2.3.  
#' @param x.minus = the size of the lower x-errorbars (if assymetrical)
#' @param x.plus  = the size of the upper x-errorbars (if assymetrical)
#' @param x.width = the width (in mm) of the whiskers on the x-errorbars.
#' @param x.inner = the free space (in mm) around the main data point where no part of the errorbas should be drawn.
#' @param x.offset = the offset (in mm) of the x-errorbar.
#' @param gp.x = graphical parameters for the x-errorbars.
#' @param gp.xwhisker = graphical parameters for the whiskers for the x-errorbars.
#' @param point.wanted = TRUE means that a separate point will be drawn at the central data.point.
#' @param gp.point = graphical parameters for the separate data point to be drawn.  
panel.ebars <- function(x, y, subscripts,
           x.wanted = TRUE, 
           y.wanted = TRUE, 
           x.err = NULL, x.minus = NULL, x.plus = NULL, 
           y.err = NULL, y.minus = NULL, y.plus = NULL, 
           x.width  = 2, y.width  = 2,
           x.inner  = 2, y.inner  = 2,
           x.offset = 0, y.offset = 0, 
           point.wanted = FALSE, 
    # This function has been designed for plotting of errorbars in lattice plots.
    # It handles both x and y-errorbars as well as asymmetrical and symmetrical errorbars.
    # Sevarel features such as the whisker widths and other praghical parameters can
    # be controlled. Furthermore, the error bars can be offset from the main data 
    # point, and the inner part of the bars can be set not to be drawn (such that 
    # the main data point stands out). The function can also plot a single point 
    # without use of panel.xyplot or panel.superpose.    
    # This function was originally created for the clan library (Dec. 30, 2003).
    # Revised: May 17, 2012 (for R)
    # Revised: May 19, 2012
    # Revised: May 20, 2012
    # Revised: May 22, 2012
    # Name   : Claus E. Andersen
    # Parameters:
    #    x = x-coordinate for the data points.
    #    y = y-coordinate for the data points.
    #    x.wanted = TRUE means that the x-errorbars will be plotted.
    #    y.wanted = TRUE means that the y-errorbars will be plotted.
    #    x.err = the size of symmetrical x-errorbars (i.e. x.err = x.minus = x.plus).
    #            Note, that x.err, x.minus, or x.plus must be of the same length as 
    #            x and y. This is so because these vectors are manipulated deeper down 
    #            using the subscripts argument. Also, note that it is not enough to just
    #            set x.err etc. equal to a named column in the main dataframe. So, if the
    #            main dataframe is called df, and if it contains a column called u.Gy that 
    #            you want to use as errorbar, then you must write x.err = df$u.Gy (it is
    #            NOT enough to write x.err = u.Gy even though data=df). Likewise, if you
    #            want to set the errorbar to a constant value, you must use
    #            something like x.err = rep(2.3,nrow(df)) rather than just x.err = 2.3.  
    #    x.minus = the size of the lower x-errorbars (if assymetrical)
    #    x.plus  = the size of the upper x-errorbars (if assymetrical)
    #    x.width = the width (in mm) of the whiskers on the x-errorbars.
    #    x.inner = the free space (in mm) around the main data point where no part of the errorbas should be drawn.
    #    x.offset = the offset (in mm) of the x-errorbar.
    #    gp.x = graphical parameters for the x-errorbars.
    #    gp.xwhisker = graphical parameters for the whiskers for the x-errorbars.
    #    point.wanted = TRUE means that a separate point will be drawn at the central data.point.
    #    gp.point = graphical parameters for the separate data point to be drawn.  
    # Notes:
    #    Provide either x.minus or x.plus or use x.err if the errorbar is 
    #    symmetrical. Likewise for the y-errorbar. Apply NA values for errorbars
    #    that should not be plotted (e.g. if they are within symbols).
    # Sample call : see panel.ebars.demo()
    # ###################################################
    # If no plus or minus are defined then use x.err
    if(is.null(x.err))   x.err   <- rep(NA,length(x))
    if(is.null(x.plus))  x.plus  <- x.err
    if(is.null(x.minus)) x.minus <- x.err
    # If no plus or minus are defined then use y.err
    if(is.null(y.err))   y.err   <- rep(NA,length(x))
    if(is.null(y.plus))  y.plus  <- y.err
    if(is.null(y.minus)) y.minus <- y.err
    # x-direction errorbar
    if(x.wanted) { 
      x.plus <- x + x.plus[subscripts]
      x.minus <- x - x.minus[subscripts]
      x.inner <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(0,x.inner),"mm"),"native",valueOnly=TRUE)
      x.inner <- x.inner[2] - x.inner[1]  
      x.offset <- grid::convertY(grid::unit(c(0,x.offset),"mm"),"native",valueOnly=TRUE)
      x.offset <- x.offset[2] - x.offset[1]   
      y0 <- y + x.offset
      grid::grid.segments(x.minus, y0, pmax(x.minus,x-x.inner),y0, gp=gp.x, default.units='native')
      grid::grid.segments(pmin(x.plus,x+x.inner), y0, x.plus,  y0, gp=gp.x, default.units='native')
        # Convert whisker size in mm to (native) user coordinates
        dy.usr <- grid::convertY(grid::unit(c(0,x.width),"mm"),"native",valueOnly=TRUE)
        dy.usr <- dy.usr[2] - dy.usr[1]   
        grid::grid.segments(x.plus,  y0 - dy.usr/2, x.plus,  y0 + dy.usr/2, gp=gp.xwhisker,default.units='native')
        grid::grid.segments(x.minus, y0 - dy.usr/2, x.minus, y0 + dy.usr/2, gp=gp.xwhisker,default.units='native')
      } # x.width > 0
    } #end if x.wanted
    # y-direction errorbar
    if(y.wanted) {
      y.plus  <- y + y.plus[subscripts]
      y.minus <- y - y.minus[subscripts]
      y.inner <- grid::convertY(grid::unit(c(0,y.inner),"mm"),"native",valueOnly=TRUE)
      y.inner <- y.inner[2] - y.inner[1]  
      y.offset <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(0,y.offset),"mm"),"native",valueOnly=TRUE)
      y.offset <- y.offset[2] - y.offset[1]   
      x0 <- x + y.offset
      grid::grid.segments(x0, y.minus, x0, pmax(y.minus,y-y.inner),gp=gp.y,default.units='native')
      grid::grid.segments(x0, pmin(y.plus,y+y.inner), x0, y.plus  ,gp=gp.y,default.units='native')
        # Convert whisker size in mm to (native) user coordinates
        dx.usr <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(0,y.width),"mm"),"native",valueOnly=TRUE)
        dx.usr <- dx.usr[2] - dx.usr[1]  
        grid::grid.segments(x0 - dx.usr/2, y.plus,  x0 + dx.usr/2, y.plus ,gp=gp.ywhisker, default.units='native')
        grid::grid.segments(x0 - dx.usr/2, y.minus, x0 + dx.usr/2, y.minus,gp=gp.ywhisker, default.units='native')
      } # y.width > 0 
    } # y.wanted
  } # end panel.ebars

#' @title Improved errorbar panel for Lattice graphics (version 2)
#' @description This function has been designed for plotting of errorbars in lattice plots.
#' It handles both x and y-errorbars as well as asymmetrical and symmetrical errorbars.
#' Sevarel features such as the whisker widths and other praghical parameters can
#' be controlled. Furthermore, the error bars can be offset from the main data 
#' point, and the inner part of the bars can be set not to be drawn (such that 
#' the main data point stands out). The function can also plot a single point 
#' without use of panel.xyplot or panel.superpose.
#' Provide either x.minus or x.plus or use x.err if the errorbar is 
#' symmetrical. Likewise for the y-errorbar. Apply NA values for errorbars
#' that should not be plotted (e.g. if they are within symbols).
#' Improvements: Now works with lattice dotplots.
#' See also \link{panel.binned.errorbars}, \link{panel.ebars} and \link{panel.ebars.grouped}.
#' @usage
#' require(lattice)
#' require(clanLattice)
#' require (grid)
#' set.trellis(pch=16)
#' plt <- dotplot(Species ~ Sepal.Length,
#' data=iris,
#' main="Simple demonstration of the panel.ebars2 function",
#' groups=Species,
#' auto.key=list(columns=3),
#' y.err =iris$Sepal.Width/10, 
#' panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...) {
#'   yy <- as.numeric(y)
#'   panel.ebars2(x, yy, subscripts, 
#'      y.wanted = !FALSE, 
#'      x.wanted = FALSE, 
#'      point.wanted = !FALSE,...)
#'   panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...)
#'   }
#'   ) # dotplot
#'   print(plt)
#' # See the function panel.ebars.demo for further details
#' @name panel.ebars2
#' @author Claus E. Andersen
#' @return A Lattice panel 
#' @param x = x-coordinate for the data points.
#' @param y = y-coordinate for the data points.
#' @param x.wanted = TRUE means that the x-errorbars will be plotted.
#' @param y.wanted = TRUE means that the y-errorbars will be plotted.
#' @param x.err = the size of symmetrical x-errorbars (i.e. x.err = x.minus = x.plus).
#'            Note, that x.err, x.minus, or x.plus must be of the same length as 
#'            x and y. This is so because these vectors are manipulated deeper down 
#'            using the subscripts argument. Also, note that it is not enough to just
#'            set x.err etc. equal to a named column in the main dataframe. So, if the
#'            main dataframe is called df, and if it contains a column called u.Gy that 
#'            you want to use as errorbar, then you must write x.err = df$u.Gy (it is
#'            NOT enough to write x.err = u.Gy even though data=df). Likewise, if you
#'            want to set the errorbar to a constant value, you must use
#'            something like x.err = rep(2.3,nrow(df)) rather than just x.err = 2.3.  
#' @param x.minus = the size of the lower x-errorbars (if assymetrical)
#' @param x.plus  = the size of the upper x-errorbars (if assymetrical)
#' @param x.width = the width (in mm) of the whiskers on the x-errorbars.
#' @param x.inner = the free space (in mm) around the main data point where no part of the errorbas should be drawn.
#' @param x.offset = the offset (in mm) of the x-errorbar.
#' @param gp.x = graphical parameters for the x-errorbars.
#' @param gp.xwhisker = graphical parameters for the whiskers for the x-errorbars.
#' @param point.wanted = TRUE means that a separate point will be drawn at the central data.point.
#' @param point.with.offset.wanted = TRUE is a point should be added (this is a new feature)
#' @param gp.point = graphical parameters for the separate data point to be drawn.  
#' @export panel.ebars2
  panel.ebars2 <- function (x, y, subscripts, x.wanted = TRUE, y.wanted = TRUE, 
                                 x.err = NULL, x.minus = NULL, x.plus = NULL, y.err = NULL, 
                                 y.minus = NULL, y.plus = NULL, x.width = 4, y.width = 4, 
                                 x.inner = 1, y.inner = 1, x.offset = 0, y.offset = 0, gp.x = grid::gpar(), 
                                 gp.xwhisker = grid::gpar(), gp.y = grid::gpar(), gp.ywhisker = grid::gpar(), 
                                 point.wanted = FALSE, point.with.offset.wanted = FALSE, gp.point = grid::gpar(), pch.point=16,...) 
  # The changes in panel.ebars.revised have mainly been motivated
  # by needs related to dotplot with errorbars.
  # Added: pch=pch.point
  # Added: point.with.offset.wanted
  # Revised: June 22, 2019
  # Revised: November 9, 2019
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  y <- as.numeric(y)
  if (is.null(x.err)) 
    x.err <- rep(NA, length(x))
  if (is.null(x.plus)) 
    x.plus <- x.err
  if (is.null(x.minus)) 
    x.minus <- x.err
  if (is.null(y.err)) 
    y.err <- rep(NA, length(x))
  if (is.null(y.plus)) 
    y.plus <- y.err
  if (is.null(y.minus)) 
    y.minus <- y.err
  if (x.wanted) {
    x.plus <- x + x.plus[subscripts]
    x.minus <- x - x.minus[subscripts]
    x.inner <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(0, x.inner), "mm"), "native", 
                        valueOnly = TRUE)
    x.inner <- x.inner[2] - x.inner[1]
    # Deleted: November 9, 2019
    # x.offset <- convertY(unit(c(0, x.offset), "mm"), "native",valueOnly = TRUE)
    # x.offset <- x.offset[2] - x.offset[1]
    # For grouped data, we may need to offset data individually (e.g. groupwise).
    x.offset.A <- grid::convertY(grid::unit(c(0), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
    x.offset.B <- grid::convertY(grid::unit(c(x.offset), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
    x.offset <- x.offset.B - x.offset.A
      y0 <- y + x.offset
      grid::grid.segments(x.minus, y0, pmax(x.minus, x - x.inner), y0, 
                    gp = gp.x, default.units = "native")
      grid::grid.segments(pmin(x.plus, x + x.inner), y0, x.plus, y0, 
                    gp = gp.x, default.units = "native")
      if (x.width > 0) {
        dy.usr <- grid::convertY(grid::unit(c(0, x.width), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
        dy.usr <- dy.usr[2] - dy.usr[1]
        grid::grid.segments(x.plus, y0 - dy.usr/2, x.plus, y0 + 
                        dy.usr/2, gp = gp.xwhisker, default.units = "native")
        grid::grid.segments(x.minus, y0 - dy.usr/2, x.minus, y0 + 
                        dy.usr/2, gp = gp.xwhisker, default.units = "native")
  if (y.wanted) {
    y.plus <- y + y.plus[subscripts]
    y.minus <- y - y.minus[subscripts]
    y.inner <- grid::convertY(grid::unit(c(0, y.inner), "mm"), "native", 
                        valueOnly = TRUE)
    y.inner <- y.inner[2] - y.inner[1]
    # Deleted: November 9, 2019
    # y.offset <- convertX(unit(c(0, y.offset), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
    # y.offset <- y.offset[2] - y.offset[1]
    # For grouped data, we may need to offset data individually (e.g. groupwise).        
    y.offset.A <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(0), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
    y.offset.B <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(y.offset), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
    y.offset <- y.offset.B - y.offset.A
    x0 <- x + y.offset
    y0 <- y + x.offset
    grid::grid.segments(x0, y.minus, x0, pmax(y.minus, y - y.inner), 
                  gp = gp.y, default.units = "native")
    grid::grid.segments(x0, pmin(y.plus, y + y.inner), x0, y.plus, 
                  gp = gp.y, default.units = "native")
    if (y.width > 0) {
      dx.usr <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(0, y.width), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
      dx.usr <- dx.usr[2] - dx.usr[1]
      grid::grid.segments(x0 - dx.usr/2, y.plus, x0 + dx.usr/2, 
                    y.plus, gp = gp.ywhisker, default.units = "native")
      grid::grid.segments(x0 - dx.usr/2, y.minus, x0 + dx.usr/2, 
                    y.minus, gp = gp.ywhisker, default.units = "native")
  if (point.wanted) {
    grid::grid.points(x, y, gp = gp.point, default.units = "native",pch=pch.point)
  if (point.with.offset.wanted) {
    #Added: Nov. 9, 2019
    grid::grid.points(x0, y0, gp = gp.point, default.units = "native",pch=pch.point)
}# panel.ebars2

#' @title Compute groupwise standard deviations and plot errorbars (lattice panel)
#' @description This function has been designed for plotting of errorbars in lattice plots.
#' This is an alternative to the more complex panel-function called \link{panel.binned.errorbars}.
#' Example:
#'   N <- 50
#'   df <- data.frame(degC = sample(20:25,N,replace=TRUE),counts=NA,instrument=sample(c("Fluke","HP"),N,replace=TRUE))
#'   df$counts <- df$degC * 1.1 + rnorm(nrow(df),mean=0,sd=0.3)
#'   xyplot(counts ~ degC|instrument,
#'     data=df,
#'     panel=function(x,y,...)\{
#'     panel.xyplot(x,y,...); 
#'     panel.ebars.grouped(x,y,type="sd",err.type="b",err.col="red",err.pch=16,err.cex=0.8,err.lwd=1,err.width=1.2,err.offset=0) 
#'     \})
#' See also \link{panel.binned.errorbars}, \link{panel.binned.errorbars}, \link{panel.ebars} and \link{panel.ebars2}.
#' @usage See above
#' @name panel.ebars.grouped
#' @author Claus E. Andersen
#' @return A Lattice panel 
#' @param x = x-coordinate for the data points.
#' @param y = y-coordinate for the data points.
#' @param type (only one option is available, "sd").
#' @param err.type is the type of plot for the mean values (e.g. "n", "p", or "b").
#' @param err.col is the color of the error bar (and mean symbol)  
#' @param err.pch is the plotting symbol for mean values.
#' @param err.cex is the size of the plotting symbol for the mean values.
#' @param err.lwd is the line width for the error bars.
#' @param err.width is the width of the error bars (i.e. the wiskers) in mm.
#' @param err.offsetis an offset for the error bar relative to the mean (x).
#' @export panel.ebars.grouped 
panel.ebars.grouped <- function(x, y, type="sd", level=0.95, err.col=1, err.type="p", err.pch=16, err.cex=1, err.lwd=1, err.width=3, err.offset=0,...){
  # Compute and plot groupwise standard deviations and errorbars.
  # Claus E. Andwersen
  # March 28, 2020
  # Requires;: dplyr, grid and lattice
  # From mm to x-coordinates
  x.width <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(c(0, err.width), "mm"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE) 
  x.width <- x.width[2] - x.width[1]
    # Compute groupwise standard deviations
    data.frame(x=x,y=y) %>%
      group_by(x) %>%
      summarize(x.mean=mean(x), y.mean=mean(y), y.sd=sd(y)) %>%
      arrange(x.mean,y.mean) %>%
      data.frame(.) -> df2
    x.mean <- df2$x.mean
    y.mean <- df2$y.mean
    y.sd   <- df2$y.sd
    y.low <- y.sd
    y.high <- y.sd
    Iy.low <- y.mean - y.low
    Iy.upp <- y.mean  + y.low
  }# sd
  xx.diff <- diff(range(x.mean)) * err.width
  x.mean <- x.mean + err.offset
  for(i in 1:length(x.mean)){
} # panel.ebars.grouped 
claus-e-andersen/clanLattice documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 10:41 a.m.