
#' #############################################################################
#' Serial Tempering Diagnostics
#' Note: First, load the RData generated by serial tempering runs  
#' See also: 
#'  lda_fgs_st_hs_synth_h25.R --- uses a synthetic dataset 
#'  lda_fgs_st_hs_synth_h22.R --- uses a synthetic dataset 
#'  lda_fgs_st_hs_C1.R --- uses a real dataset  
#' #############################################################################


############################ Visualize \hat{M} and \tilde{M} ################### 

plot_meshgrid(model$m.hat, x.axis2, y.axis2, "alpha", "eta", "Estimate of m(h)");
plot_meshgrid(model$m.tilde, x.axis2, y.axis2, "alpha", "eta", "Estimate of m(h)");

############################ top.n \hat{M} values ################### 

top.n <- 10 
si <- sort(model$m.hat, decreasing=T, index.return=T) # "x"  "ix"
msv <- rbind(h.grid[,si$ix[1:top.n]], model$m.hat[si$ix[1:top.n]])
rownames(msv) <- c("alpha", "eta", "B(h)-est")
print(msv, digits=3)

############################ top.n \tilde{M} values ################### 

top.n <- 10 
si <- sort(model$m.tilde, decreasing=T, index.return=T) # "x"  "ix"
msv <- rbind(h.grid[,si$ix[1:top.n]], model$m.tilde[si$ix[1:top.n]])
rownames(msv) <- c("alpha", "eta", "B(h)-est")
print(msv, digits=3)

############################ Euclidean distance from \hat{\hat{h}} to the truth
# this only works with synthetic data 

sqrt(sum((h.grid[,si$ix[1]] - c(gen.alpha, gen.eta))^2))

############################ Subgrid Occupancies ########################### 

m <- 1e+2;
occu.fn <- paste(fn.prefix, "-itr", tuning.iter, "-occu", sep = "")
plot_meshgrid(model$st.grid.occupancies[, tuning.iter]/m, x.axis, y.axis, 
              "\nalpha", "\neta", 
              "\nOccupancies", "", 

############################ Subgrid Occupancies for an Iteration ######### 

titer <- 2
plot_meshgrid(model$st.grid.zetas[, titer], x.axis, y.axis, "alpha", "eta", "zetas")
si <- sort(model$st.grid.zetas[, titer], decreasing=T, index.return=T) # "x"  "ix"
sv <- rbind(st.grid[,si$ix[1:20]], model$st.grid.zetas[si$ix[1:20], titer])
rownames(sv) <- c("alpha", "eta", "hat{B}(h)")
print(sv, digits=3) # print best B(h) values and h values 

hist(model$st.grid.occupancies[,titer], breaks=15)
model$st.grid.occupancies[,titer] # occupancy for the true h

clintpgeorge/ldamcmc documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 12:39 p.m.