
Defines functions getOrderBook put.orderbook initOrders getOrders addOrder updateOrders

Documented in addOrder getOrderBook getOrders initOrders put.orderbook updateOrders

#' get the order book object
#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio the order book is associated with
#' @param envir the environment to retrieve the orderbook object from, defaults to .strategy
#' @seealso addOrder
#' @seealso getOrders
#' @concept order book
#' @return 
#' A \code{data.frame} containing:
#' \describe{
#'      \item{Order.Qty}{}
#'     \item{Order.Price}{}
#'     \item{Order.Type}{}
#'     \item{Order.Side}{}
#'     \item{Order.Threshold}{}
#'     \item{Order.Status}{}
#'     \item{Order.StatusTime}{}
#'     \item{Prefer}{}
#'     \item{Order.Set}{}
#'     \item{Txn.Fees}{}
#'     \item{Rule}{}
#' }   
#' @aliases
#' get.orderbook
#' getOrderBook
#' @rdname getOrderBook      
#' @export get.orderbook 
#' @export getOrderBook
get.orderbook <- getOrderBook <- function(portfolio, envir=.strategy) #should symbol subsets be supported too?  probably not.
    if(!grepl("order_book",portfolio)) orders<-try(get(paste("order_book",portfolio,sep='.'),envir=envir),silent=TRUE)
    else orders<-try(get(portfolio,envir=envir),silent=TRUE)
        stop(paste("Orders for ",portfolio," not found, use initOrders() to create a new order book for this portfolio"))
    if(!inherits(orders,"order_book")) stop("Order Book for portfolio",portfolio,"does not appear to name an order book object.")

#' put an orderbook object in .strategy env
#' @param portfolio.st string identifying portfolio
#' @param orderbook orderbook object
#' @param envir the environment to store the orderbook object in, defaults to .strategy
#' @seealso getOrderBook
#' @concept order book
#' @export
put.orderbook <- function(portfolio.st, orderbook, envir=.strategy)
    strategy.orderbook.st <- paste('order_book', portfolio.st, sep='.')

    assign(strategy.orderbook.st, orderbook, envir=envir)

#' initialize order container
#' This function sets up the order container by portfolio.
#' If no symbols list is provided (the default) the function will attempt 
#' to retrieve the symbols list from the portfolio in the trade blotter.
#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
#' @param symbols a list of identifiers of the instruments to be contained in the Portfolio.  The name of any associated price objects (xts prices, usually OHLC) should match these
#' @param initDate date (ISO8601) prior to the first close price given in mktdata, used to initialize the order book with a dummy order
#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
#' @concept order book
#' @export
initOrders <- function(portfolio=NULL, symbols=NULL, initDate = '1950-01-01', ...)
    # NOTE we could store all of these in one object, but I think that might get big
    orders<- try(getOrderBook(portfolio),silent=TRUE)
    if(inherits(orders,"order_book")) {
        stop(paste("Order Book for portfolio",portfolio,"already exists."))
    } else {
    ordertemplate<-xts(as.matrix(t(c(0,NA,"init","long",0,"closed",as.character(as.POSIXct(initDate)),'','',0,'',''))),order.by=as.POSIXct(initDate), ...=...)
    colnames(ordertemplate) <- c("Order.Qty","Order.Price","Order.Type","Order.Side","Order.Threshold","Order.Status","Order.StatusTime","Prefer", "Order.Set","Txn.Fees","Rule","Time.In.Force")

    if(is.null(symbols)) {
        orders[[portfolio]][symbols] <- list(NULL)
    } else {
        stop("You must specify a symbols list or a valid portfolio to retrieve the list from.")

#' get orders by time span, status, type, and side
#' This function exists so that other code can find open orders, potentially to update or cancel them.
#' It has some use as a reporting or post-hoc analytics tool, but it may not always be exported.
#' should this be symbols instead of symbol?
#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
#' @param symbol identifier of the instrument to find orders for.  The name of any associated price objects (xts prices, usually OHLC) should match these
#' @param status one of "open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", or "replaced", default "open"
#' @param timespan xts-style character timespan to be the period to find orders of the given status and ordertype
#' @param ordertype one of NULL, "market","limit","stoplimit", "stoptrailing" or "iceberg" default NULL
#' @param side one of NULL, "long" or "short", default NULL 
#' @param qtysign one of NULL, -1,0,1 ; could be useful when all qty's are reported as positive numbers and need to be identified other ways, default NULL
#' @param orderset a tag identifying the orderset
#' @param which.i if TRUE, return the row index numbers rather than the order rows matching the criteria, default FALSE
#' @seealso getOrderBook
#' @seealso addOrder
#' @concept order book
#' @export
getOrders <- function(portfolio,symbol,status="open",timespan=NULL,ordertype=NULL, side=NULL, qtysign=NULL, orderset=NULL, which.i=FALSE)
    #if(is.null(timespan)) stop("timespan must be an xts style timestring")
    # get order book
    orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio)
    if(!any(names(orderbook[[portfolio]]) == symbol)) stop(paste("symbol",symbol,"does not exist in portfolio",portfolio,"having symbols",names(orderbook[[portfolio]])))

    ordersubset <- orderbook[[portfolio]][[symbol]]

    # Only do logical comparisons for non-NULL arguments. Use coredata to avoid
    # Ops.xts, since we don't need any xts functionality to find indices
    indices <- NULL
    ordercoredata <- coredata(ordersubset)
    if(!is.null(status)) {
        status <- match.arg(status, c("open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", "replaced", "rejected"))
        ind <- ordercoredata[,"Order.Status"] == status
        indices <- if(is.null(indices)) ind else ind & indices
    if(!is.null(ordertype)) {
        ordertype <- match.arg(ordertype, c("market", "limit", "stoplimit", "stoptrailing", "iceberg"))
        ind <- ordercoredata[,"Order.Type"] == ordertype
        indices <- if(is.null(indices)) ind else ind & indices
    if(!is.null(side)) {
        side <- match.arg(side, c("long", "short"))
        ind <- ordercoredata[,"Order.Side"] == side
        indices <- if(is.null(indices)) ind else ind & indices
    if(!is.null(orderset)) {
        ind <- ordercoredata[,"Order.Set"] == orderset
        indices <- if(is.null(indices)) ind else ind & indices
    if(!is.null(qtysign)) {
        ind <- sign(as.numeric(ordercoredata[,"Order.Qty"])) == qtysign
        indices <- if(is.null(indices)) ind else ind & indices

        indices <- 1L:nrow(ordersubset)
        indices <- which(indices)

    } else {
        # extract
        #subset by time
        if(nrow(ordersubset)>1 && !is.null(timespan)) ordersubset<-ordersubset[timespan]

#' add an order to the order book
#' It is important to understand that all the order functionality included in \code{quantstrat}
#' exists to more closely model a real trading environment both in backtesting and in production.
#' Many backtesting systems make a set of assumptions about instant execution, 
#' and we have chosen not to do this in quantstrat, because real quantitative 
#' trading systems do not have instant execution.  They make decisions 
#' (the Rules) and then enter orders (the province of this function in backtesting),
#' during which there is some \code{delay} between receiving the data that fires the 
#' Signal and Rule, and the time the order reaches the market, and then those orders 
#' \emph{MAY} become transactions if market prices and liquidity cooperate.  
#' By default, this function will locate and replace any 'open' order(s) 
#' on the requested portfolio/symbol that have the same order  
#' type and side.  If an orderset is also specified and replace=TRUE,
#' \emph{all open orders} for the orderset will be replaced.   
#' If you do not want open orders to be canceled and replaced with the new order,
#' set \code{replace=FALSE}.
#' We have modeled a 'limit' order, used to enter or exit a position at a specific price, determined by the
#' prefered price (see \code{prefer}) plus \code{threshold} (see below).
#' We have modeled two types of stop orders, which should be sufficient to model most types of stops.  
#' We have modeled the simplest type, a 'stoplimit' order, which is just a limit order used to enter 
#' or exit a position at a specific price, determined by the prefered price (see \code{prefer}) plus \code{threshold}
#' (see below). The stoplimit order type can be used to implement both stop-enter (long/buy or short/sell)
#' and stop-loss (long/sell or short/buy) style limit orders. There is no functional difference between a
#' regular 'limit' order and a 'stoplimit' order once entered into the order book, but the distinction will
#' likely be useful for reporting on when stops have been triggered.
#' We have also modeled a 'stoptrailing' order, which may be used to model dynamic limit-based exit. The
#' \code{threshold} will be calculated only once upon order entry (see below) and remain fixed for the life span
#' of the order. In this way, a 10 pct trailing exit will not change in size from the current price as the
#' price changes. Be aware that a stoptrailing order may be moved ("replaced") frequently.
#' Some markets and brokers recognize a stop that triggers a market order, when the stop is triggered, 
#' a market order will be executed at the then-prevailing price.  We have not modeled this type of order.   
#' We have also added the 'iceberg' order type.  This order type should
#' most often be paired with \code{delay} and \code{\link{osMaxPos}}.  The 
#' iceberg order when initially entered is treated like a limit 
#' order, with an optional \code{threshold} (which is applied at initial order 
#' entry, so be careful).  Right now, they will enter a new order at price+threshold
#' upon any execution of the prior iceberg order.  This process could 
#' be infinite if \code{\link{osMaxPos}} or an equivalent order sizing 
#' function is not used to limit total position size. An order \code{delay}
#' is also advisable to model the delay that occurs between getting the trade 
#' confirmation of the previous trade and entering the new order into the order book.
#' The 'limit', 'stoplimit', 'stoptrailing' and 'iceberg' order types are the only order types that make
#' use of the order \code{threshold}. Thresholds may be specified in one of 2 ways: as a scalar (\code{tmult=FALSE})
#' or as a multiplier for the current price (\code{tmult=TRUE}). If \code{tmult=TRUE}, \code{threshold} is converted to a
#' scalar by multiplying it with the price at the time of order entry, and the scalar will not change if the order is updated.
#' The threshold is then added to the prefered order price upon order entry. The correct sign for the threshold
#' (pos or neg, ie. add or subtract) is automagically figured out from the order side and the order quantity (buy or sell);
#' if the user provides the wrong sign for the threshold, then it will be reversed. In other words, the user may
#' provide all thresholds as a positive number, and the software will automagically figure out whether to add or
#' subtract the threshold amount from the price.
#' If you ever wanted to move from a backtesting mode to a production mode, 
#' this function (and the linked funtion \code{\link{ruleOrderProc}}) would 
#' need to be replaced by functions that worked against your execution environment.  
#' Basically, the execution environment must provide three interfaces in a live 
#' trading environment:
#' \enumerate{
#'      \item a market data interface to provide updated market data, usually accessed in an event loop
#'      \item an order interface for sending orders (and canceling or updating them) to the market
#'      \item a fill interface that reports the transaction details when an order has been filled 
#' }
#' Conversion to a live trading environment will also likely require a new version of 
#' \code{\link{applyStrategy}} to provide the event loop interface and interact with \code{mktdata}.
#' @concept backtest
#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
#' @param symbol identfier of the instrument to find orders for.  The name of any associated price objects (xts prices, usually OHLC) should match these
#' @param timestamp timestamp coercible to POSIXct that will be the time to search for orders before this time 
#' @param qty numeric quantity of the order, or "all" or "trigger"
#' @param price numeric price at which the order is to be inserted
#' @param ordertype one of "market","limit","stoplimit", "stoptrailing" or "iceberg"
#' @param side one of either "long" or "short" 
#' @param threshold numeric threshold to apply to limit, stoplimit, stoptrailing and iceberg orders, default NULL
#' @param orderset set a tag identifying the orderset
#' @param status one of "open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", or "replaced", default "open"
#' @param statustimestamp timestamp of a status update, will be blank when order is initiated 
#' @param prefer the prefered order price (eg. 'Close')
#' @param delay what delay to add to timestamp when inserting the order into the order book, in seconds
#' @param tmult if TRUE, threshold is a percent multiplier for \code{price}, not a scalar. Threshold is converted to a scalar by multiplying it with the price at the time of order entry (i.e. the scalar will not change if the order is updated, as in the case of a trailing stop), then it is added to the price just like a scalar threshold. 
#' @param replace TRUE/FALSE, whether to replace any other open order(s) on this symbol with the same properties as this order, default TRUE, see Details 
#' @param return if TRUE, return the row that makes up the order, default FALSE (will assign into the environment)
#' @param \dots any other passthru parameters
#' @param TxnFees numeric fees (usually negative) or function name for calculating TxnFees (processing happens later, not in this function)
#' @param label text label, default to '', set to rule label by \code{\link{ruleSignal}}
#' @param time.in.force timestamp time-in-force; either a time stamp, or a number of seconds, or 'GTC' / '', 'GTC' and '' both meaning 'Good Till Canceled'; order expires if still 'open' at this timestamp, default is ''
#' @seealso getOrderBook
#' @seealso updateOrders
#' @concept order book
#' @export
addOrder <- function(portfolio, 
                     statustimestamp='' , 
    # get order book
    #orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio)
    #if(!length(grep(symbol,names(orderbook[[portfolio]])))==1) stop(paste("symbol",symbol,"does not exist in portfolio",portfolio,"having symbols",names(orderbook[[portfolio]])))

    #data quality checks
    if(!is.numeric(qty) && !(qty=='all') && !(qty=='trigger')) stop (paste("Quantity must be numeric:",qty))
    if(qty==0) stop("qty",qty,"must positive, negative, or 'all' or 'trigger'")
    if(is.null(qty)) stop("qty",qty,"must not be NULL")
    if(is.na(qty)) stop("qty",qty,"must not be NA")
    if(!is.numeric(price)) stop (paste("Price must be numeric:",price))
    if(is.null(price)) stop("price ",price," must not be NULL")
    if(is.null(TxnFees)) stop("TxnFees ",TxnFees," must not be NULL")
    if(is.na(price)) stop("order at timestamp ", timestamp, " must not have price of NA")
    #spreads can have a zero price
    #if(price==0) warning(paste(ordertype, "order for", qty, "has a price of zero."))

    if(!is.null(side) & !length(grep(side,c('long','short')))==1) stop(paste("side:",side," must be one of 'long' or 'short'"))
    if(is.na(charmatch(ordertype,c("market","limit","stoplimit","stoptrailing","iceberg")))) stop(paste("ordertype:",ordertype,' must be one of "market","limit","stoplimit","stoptrailing" or "iceberg"'))
    if(!is.null(threshold) & length(price)>=1 )
            #we have a threshold set on a stop* order, process it
                limit =, 
                iceberg =, 
                stoplimit =, 
                stoptrailing = {
                        threshold = price*threshold
                            limit = {
                                if((qty %in% c('all','trigger')) && side == 'long' || !(qty %in% c('all','trigger')) && as.numeric(qty) < 0) # SELL
                                    #this is a limit exit, so it will sell *higher* than the current market
                                    if(threshold < 0) threshold = -threshold
                                else    # BUY
                                    #this is a limit exit, so it will buy *lower* than the current market
                                    if(threshold > 0) threshold = -threshold
                            stoplimit =,
                            stoptrailing = {
                                if((qty %in% c('all','trigger')) && side == 'long' || !(qty %in% c('all','trigger')) && as.numeric(qty) < 0) # SELL
                                    #this is a stop exit, so it will sell *lower* than the current market
                                    if(threshold > 0) threshold = -threshold
                                else    # BUY
                                    #this is a stop exit, so it will buy *higher* than the current market
                                    if(threshold < 0) threshold = -threshold
                    price = price+threshold                        
            ) #end type switch
        } else {
            stop(paste("Threshold may only be applied to a limit, stop or iceberg order type",ordertype,threshold))

    if(is.null(threshold)) threshold=NA  #NA is not ignored like NULL is 

    if(!length(grep(status,c("open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked","replaced",'rejected')))==1) stop(paste("order status:",status,' must be one of "open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", "replaced", or "rejected"'))
    # TODO do we need to check for collision, and increment timestamp?  or alternately update?

    # subset by time and symbol
    if(!is.null(timestamp)& length(timestamp)>=1){
        timespan <- format(timestamp, "::%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS6")
    } else {
        # construct the timespan of the entire series
        timespan <- paste(format(index(first(orderbook)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS6"),
                          format(index( last(orderbook)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS6"), sep="::")

    statustimestamp=NA # new orders don't have a status time

    # time in force
    if(time.in.force != '')
        if(time.in.force == 'GTC')
            time.in.force <- ''
                time.in.force <- as.POSIXct(timestamp) + time.in.force

            time.in.force <- format(time.in.force, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")

    #set up the other parameters
    if (!length(qty)==length(price)) qty <- rep(qty,length(price))
    if (!length(ordertype)==length(price)) ordertype <- rep(ordertype,length(price))
    if (!length(threshold)==length(price)) threshold <- rep(threshold,length(price))
    #if (!length(param)==length(price)) param <- rep(param,length(price))

    # insert new order
    if(is.timeBased(timestamp)) ordertime<-timestamp+delay
    else ordertime<-as.POSIXct(timestamp)+delay
    for (i in 1:length(price)) {
        if(is.null(prefer[i])) prefer[i] = ''

        if(qty[i] != 'all' || getPosQty(portfolio, symbol, timestamp) != 0)
            neworder <- xts(t(c(as.character(qty[i]), price[i], ordertype[i], 
                side, threshold[i], status, statustimestamp, prefer[i],
                orderset[i], TxnFees, label, time.in.force)), order.by=ordertime,
                dimnames=list(NULL, c("Order.Qty", "Order.Price", "Order.Type",
                  "Order.Side", "Order.Threshold", "Order.Status", "Order.StatusTime",
                  "Prefer", "Order.Set", "Txn.Fees", "Rule", "Time.In.Force")))
            if(is.null(orders)) orders<-neworder
            else orders <- rbind(orders,neworder)

    if(!is.null(orders) && ncol(orders)!=12) {
        print("bad order(s):")

    if(is.numeric(qty)) qtysign <- sign(drop(coredata(qty)))
    else qtysign <- NULL
        if(isTRUE(replace)) {
        # get order book
            orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio)
            # assign order book back into place (do we need a non-exported "put" function?)
    } else {

#' update an order or orders
#' When an order gets filled, it should have its status moved to 'closed'.
#' When an order is updated with a new order, the order status should change to 'replaced' 
#' with a StatusTime that is the same as the one for the new order.  This could happen in 
#' the case of a traditional Cancel/Replace, because of a trailing stop, or in the
#' case of a partial fill that needs to enter a replaced order for the remainder. 
#' When a risk event or over-limit event happens, typically open orders will be 'revoked'.  
#' Possibly new orders will be added to close open positions.  
#' Many models will also want to run a process at the close of market that will cancel all open orders. 
#' If orderset is passed to updateOrders, all orders with oldstatus 
#' for the orderset will be updated, regardless of their other parameters.
#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to associate the order book with
#' @param symbol identfier of the instrument to find orders for.  The name of any associated price objects (xts prices, usually OHLC) should match these
#' @param timespan xts-style character timespan to be the period to find orders of the given status and ordertype 
#' @param ordertype one of NULL, "market","limit","stoplimit" or "stoptrailing" default NULL
#' @param side one of NULL, "long" or "short", default NULL 
#' @param qtysign one of NULL, -1,0,1 ; could be useful when all qty's are reported as positive numbers and need to be identified other ways, default NULL
#' @param orderset set a tag identifying the orderset
#' @param oldstatus one of NULL, "open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", or "replaced", default "open"
#' @param newstatus one of "open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", or "replaced"
#' @param statustimestamp timestamp of a status update, will be blank when order is initiated
#' @seealso addOrder
#' @seealso getOrders
#' @seealso getOrderBook 
#' @concept order book
#' @export
updateOrders <- function(portfolio, 
    #data quality checks
    if(!is.null(oldstatus) && !length(grep(oldstatus,c("open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked","replaced",'rejected')))==1) 
        stop(paste("old order status:",oldstatus,' must be one of "open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", "replaced", or "rejected"'))
    if(!length(grep(newstatus,c("open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked","replaced",'rejected')))==1) 
        stop(paste("new order status:",newstatus,' must be one of "open", "closed", "canceled", "revoked", "replaced", or "rejected"'))
    if(!is.null(side) && !length(grep(side,c('long','short')))==1) 
        stop(paste("side:",side," must be one of 'long' or 'short'"))
    if(!is.null(qtysign) && (qtysign != -1 && qtysign != 1 && qtysign != 0))
        stop(paste("qtysign:",qtysign," must be one of NULL, -1, 0, or 1"))
    if(!is.null(ordertype) && is.na(charmatch(ordertype,c("market","limit","stoplimit","stoptrailing","iceberg")))) 
        stop(paste("ordertype:",ordertype,' must be one of "market","limit","stoplimit","stoptrailing" or "iceberg"'))
    if(!is.null(orderset) && newstatus=='replaced'){
        #replace any outstanding orders for this orderset

    if(is.na(orderset)) orderset=NULL
    # need the ability to pass a range like we do in blotter
        # get order book 
        #TODO this gets the order book again after it was already retrieved by getOrdersByStatus.  
        # at some point, we should eliminate the double get
        orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio)
        orderbook[[portfolio]][[symbol]][updatedorders,"Order.StatusTime"]<- as.character(as.POSIXlt(statustimestamp, Sys.getenv('TZ')))
        # assign order book back into place (do we need a non-exported "put" function?)

# R (http://r-project.org/) Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2015
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, 
# Jeffrey Ryan, Joshua Ulrich, and Garrett See 
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id: orders.R 1725 2015-12-14 12:59:13Z bodanker $
cloudcell/quantstrat documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:03 p.m.