
Defines functions walk.forward

Documented in walk.forward

# R (http://r-project.org/) Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
# Copyright (c) 2009-2015
# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich
# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id: walk.forward.R 1709 2015-11-01 21:36:29Z bodanker $
# Authors: Jan Humme

#' Rolling Walk Forward Analysis
#' A wrapper for apply.paramset() and applyStrategy(), implementing a Rolling Walk Forward Analysis (WFA).
#' walk.forward executes a strategy on a portfolio, while
#' rolling a re-optimization of one of the strategies parameter sets during a specified time period (training window), then selecting an optimal
#' parameter combination from the parameter set using an obj function, then applying the selected parameter combo to the next out-of-sample
#' time period immediately following the training window (testing window). Once completed,
#' the training window is shifted forward by a time period equal to the testing window size, and the process is repeated.
#' WFA stops when there are insufficient data left for a full testing window.
#' For a complete description, see Jaekle&Tomasini chapter 6.
#' @param portfolio.st the name of the portfolio object
#' @param account.st the name of the account object
#' @param strategy.st the name of the strategy object
#' @param paramset.label a label uniquely identifying within the strategy the paramset to be tested
#' @param period the period unit, as a character string, eg. 'days' or 'months'
#' @param k.training the number of periods to use for training, eg. '3' months
#' @param nsamples the number of sample param.combos to draw from the paramset for training; 0 means all samples (see also apply.paramset)
#' @param audit.prefix prefix to generate filenames for storage of audit data. For each training set, a separate file is created, containing an enviroment called .audit, with all in-sample portfolios and orderbooks as well as information as to which param.combos were evaluated, and the result of the objective function. In addition, a special file is generated that contains portfolio and orderbook for the concatenated testing param.combos as selected by the objective function, plus (optionally) complete in-sample portfolios and orderbooks for reference (see include.insamples)
#' @param k.testing the number of periods to use for testing, eg. '1 month'
#' @param obj.func a user provided function returning the best param.combo from the paramset, based on training results; defaults to 'max'
#' @param obj.args a user provided argument to obj.func, defaults to quote(tradeStats.list$Net.Trading.PL)
#' @param anchored whether to use a fixed start for the training window (TRUE), or a sliding start (FALSE); defaults to FALSE
#' @param include.insamples will optionally run a full backtest for each param.combo in the paramset, and add the resulting in-sample portfolios and orderbooks to the file '<prefix>.results.RData'; default TRUE
#' @param ... optional parameters to pass to apply.paramset()
#' @param verbose dumps a lot of info during the run if set to TRUE, defaults to FALSE
#' @return a list consisting of a slot containing detailed results for each training + testing period, as well as the portfolio and the tradeStats() for the portfolio
#' @seealso \code{\link{applyStrategy}} \code{\link{apply.paramset}} \code{\link{endpoints}} \code{\link{tradeStats}}
#' @author Jan Humme
#' @export

walk.forward <- function(strategy.st, paramset.label, portfolio.st, account.st,
                         period, k.training, nsamples=0, audit.prefix=NULL, k.testing,
                         anchored=FALSE, include.insamples=TRUE,
                         ..., verbose=FALSE)
    must.have.args(match.call(), c('portfolio.st', 'strategy.st', 'paramset.label', 'k.training'))

    strategy <- must.be.strategy(strategy.st)
    must.be.paramset(strategy, paramset.label)

    portfolio <- .getPortfolio(portfolio.st)

    results <- list()

    # assuming that timespans for all portfolio symbols are same, so ok to use 1st symbol to calculate end points
    symbol.st <- first(ls(portfolio$symbols))
    symbol <- get(symbol.st)

    ep <- endpoints(symbol, on=period)

    total.start <- ep[1 + k.training] + 1
    total.timespan <- paste(index(symbol[total.start]), '', sep='/')

        training.start <- ep[1] + 1

    k <- 1; while(TRUE)
        print("| Phase 0: Starting the cycle                                       |")
        result <- list()

        # start and end of training window
            training.start <- ep[k] + 1
        training.end   <- ep[k + k.training]

        # stop if training.end is beyond last data

        training.timespan <- paste(index(symbol[training.start]), index(symbol[training.end]), sep='/')

        if(!missing(k.testing) && k.testing>0)
            # start and end of testing window
            testing.start <- ep[k + k.training] + 1
            testing.end   <- ep[k + k.training + k.testing]

            # stop if testing.end is beyond last data

            testing.timespan <- paste(index(symbol[testing.start]), index(symbol[testing.end]), sep='/')

        result$training.timespan <- training.timespan

        # TODO: make a utility function that prints text in a frame
        # Such output format stands out in large logs
        print("| Phase 1.1: Training                                               |")
        print(paste('=== training', paramset.label, 'on', training.timespan))

        .audit <- NULL
            .audit <- new.env()

        # run backtests on training window
        result$apply.paramset <- apply.paramset(strategy.st=strategy.st, paramset.label=paramset.label,
                                                portfolio.st=portfolio.st, account.st=account.st,
                                                mktdata=symbol[training.timespan], nsamples=nsamples,
                                                calc='slave', audit=.audit, verbose=verbose, ...=...)

        tradeStats.list <- result$apply.paramset$tradeStats


        if(!missing(k.testing) && k.testing>0)
                stop(paste(obj.func, 'unknown obj function', sep=': '))

            print("| Phase 1.2: Selecting the best param combo                         |")

            # select best param.combo (produces a selection vector)
            param.combo.idx <- do.call(obj.func, obj.args)
            if(length(param.combo.idx) == 0) {
                # One of the reasons of faulures can be a failure of the
                # user.func() which runs prior to obj.func() in the
                # apply.paramset(). So when user.func fails, obj.func
                # never gets a chance to run. Hence, empty result.
                # Make sure user.func runs without producing errors
                # (handle errors inside the user.func).
                stop('obj.func() returned empty result')

            # print("the best param combo selection vector:")
            # print(param.combo.idx)

            param.combo <- tradeStats.list[param.combo.idx, 1:grep('Portfolio', names(tradeStats.list)) - 1]
            param.combo.nr <- row.names(tradeStats.list)[param.combo.idx]

            print("the best param combo row numbers:")

            if(nrow(param.combo)>1) {
                warning(paste0("Multiple combo solutions detected: using only ",
                            "the first.\nYou may want to adjust your objective ",
                            "function so it selects only one solution, or to \n",
                            "extend this code to enable 'forked' testing and ",
                            "training over multiple solutions."))
                param.combo <- param.combo[1,] # take the first
                # param.combo <- param.combo[nrow(param.combo),] # take the last

            print("selected combo(s):")

                assign('obj.func', obj.func, envir=.audit)
                assign('param.combo.idx', param.combo.idx, envir=.audit)
                assign('param.combo.nr', param.combo.nr, envir=.audit)
                assign('param.combo', param.combo, envir=.audit)

            print("| Phase 2: Testing the best param combo out of sample               |")
            # configure strategy to use selected param.combo
            # TODO: make an error check in 'install.param.combo' for
            # 'multiple combos' to prevent warnings and side effects of
            # using a combo whose values are multidimensional vectors.
            # TTR package functions may fail when such inputs are used
            print("param combo being installed:")
            strategy <- install.param.combo(strategy, param.combo, paramset.label)

            result$testing.timespan <- testing.timespan

            print(paste('=== testing param.combo', param.combo.nr, 'on', testing.timespan))

            # run backtest using selected param.combo
            applyStrategy(strategy, portfolios=portfolio.st, mktdata=symbol[testing.timespan])
                warning(paste('no trades in training window', training.timespan, '; skipping test'))

            k <- k + 1

        print("| Phase 3: Accumulating training and testing results                |")
        print("|          and optionally saving training '.audit' data             |")

        # optionally saving training data (both from training & obj.func)
            # index() produces spaces b/n date & time and colons (":"),
            # which may cause errors, so they need a substitute (e.g. "-")
            save(.audit, file=paste(audit.prefix, symbol.st,
                                    gsub("[\\ :]","-",index(symbol[training.start])),
                                    gsub("[\\ :]","-",index(symbol[training.end])),
                                    'RData', sep='.'))

            .audit <- NULL

        # accumulating training and testing results
        results[[k]] <- result

        k <- k + k.testing
    #updatePortf(portfolio.st, Dates=paste('::',as.Date(Sys.time()),sep=''))
    updatePortf(portfolio.st, Dates=total.timespan, sep='')

    results$tradeStats <- tradeStats(portfolio.st)
    #results$portfolio <- portfolio

        print("| Phase 4.1: Preparing audit data for saving                        |")
        .audit <- new.env()

        portfolio <- getPortfolio(portfolio.st)
        orderbook <- getOrderBook(portfolio.st)
        account <- getAccount(account.st)

        put.portfolio(portfolio.st, portfolio, envir=.audit)
        put.orderbook(portfolio.st, orderbook, envir=.audit)
        put.account(account.st, account, envir=.audit)

        assign('tradeStats', results$tradeStats, envir=.audit)

            print("| Phase 4.1.1: Including backtests on in-sample reference portfolios|")
            # run backtests on in-sample reference portfolios
            result$apply.paramset <- apply.paramset(strategy.st=strategy.st, paramset.label=paramset.label,
                                                    portfolio.st=portfolio.st, account.st=account.st,
                                                    #mktdata=NULL, nsamples=nsamples,
                                                    mktdata=symbol[total.timespan], nsamples=nsamples,
                                                    calc='slave', audit=.audit, verbose=verbose, ...=...)

        print("| Phase 4.2: Saving audit data                                      |")
        # audit prefix must comply with OS file naming restrictions
        save(.audit, file=paste(audit.prefix, 'results', 'RData', sep='.'))

        .audit <- NULL

    print("| Returning results and exiting walk.forward()                      |")
cloudcell/quantstrat documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:03 p.m.