
## This function comes from the  package "POT" . The gpd function
## corresponds to the gpdmle function. So, I'm very gratefull to Mathieu Ribatet.
#'@useDynLib gpd
gpd <- function(x, threshold, start, ...,
                   std.err.type = "observed", corr = FALSE,
                   method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE){

  if (all(c("observed", "expected", "none") != std.err.type))
    stop("``std.err.type'' must be one of 'observed', 'expected' or 'none'")
  nlpot <- function(scale, shape) { 
    -.C("gpdlik", exceed, nat, threshold, scale,
        shape, dns = double(1))$dns
  nn <- length(x)
  threshold <- rep(threshold, length.out = nn)
  high <- (x > threshold) & !
  threshold <- as.double(threshold[high])
  exceed <- as.double(x[high])
  nat <- length(exceed)
  if(!nat) stop("no data above threshold")
  pat <- nat/nn
  param <- c("scale", "shape")
  if(missing(start)) {
    start <- list(scale = 0, shape = 0)
    start$scale <- mean(exceed) - min(threshold)
    start <- start[!(param %in% names(list(...)))]
    stop("`start' must be a named list")
    stop("there are no parameters left to maximize over")
  nm <- names(start)
  l <- length(nm)
  f <- formals(nlpot)
  names(f) <- param
  m <- match(nm, param)
    stop("`start' specifies unknown arguments")
  formals(nlpot) <- c(f[m], f[-m])
  nllh <- function(p, ...) nlpot(p, ...)
  if(l > 1)
    body(nllh) <- parse(text = paste("nlpot(", paste("p[",1:l,
                          "]", collapse = ", "), ", ...)"))
  fixed.param <- list(...)[names(list(...)) %in% param]
  if(any(!(param %in% c(nm,names(fixed.param)))))
    stop("unspecified parameters")
  start.arg <- c(list(p = unlist(start)), fixed.param)
  if( warn.inf &&"nllh", start.arg) == 1e6 )
    warning("negative log-likelihood is infinite at starting values")
  opt <- optim(start, nllh, hessian = TRUE, ..., method = method)
  if ((opt$convergence != 0) || (opt$value == 1e6)) {
    warning("optimization may not have succeeded")
    if(opt$convergence == 1) opt$convergence <- "iteration limit reached"
  else opt$convergence <- "successful"

  if (std.err.type != "none"){
    tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
    if(std.err.type == "observed") {
      var.cov <- qr(opt$hessian, tol = tol)
      if(var.cov$rank != ncol(var.cov$qr)){
        warning("observed information matrix is singular; passing std.err.type to ``expected''") <- FALSE
      if (std.err.type == "observed"){
        var.cov <- try(solve(var.cov, tol = tol), silent = TRUE)

          warning("observed information matrix is singular; passing std.err.type to ''none''")
          std.err.type <- "expected"

          std.err <- diag(var.cov)
          if(any(std.err <= 0)){
            warning("observed information matrix is singular; passing std.err.type to ``expected''")
            std.err.type <- "expected"
          std.err <- sqrt(std.err)
          if(corr) {
            .mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
            corr.mat <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
            diag(corr.mat) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
          else {
            corr.mat <- NULL
    if (std.err.type == "expected"){
      shape <- opt$par[2]
      scale <- opt$par[1]
      a22 <- 2/((1+shape)*(1+2*shape))
      a12 <- 1/(scale*(1+shape)*(1+2*shape))
      a11 <- 1/((scale^2)*(1+2*shape))
      ##Expected Matix of Information of Fisher
      expFisher <- nat * matrix(c(a11,a12,a12,a22),nrow=2)

      expFisher <- qr(expFisher, tol = tol)
      var.cov <- solve(expFisher, tol = tol)
      std.err <- sqrt(diag(var.cov))
      if(corr) {
        .mat <- diag(1/std.err, nrow = length(std.err))
        corr.mat <- structure(.mat %*% var.cov %*% .mat, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
        diag(corr.mat) <- rep(1, length(std.err))
        corr.mat <- NULL

    colnames(var.cov) <- nm
    rownames(var.cov) <- nm
    names(std.err) <- nm

    std.err <- std.err.type <- corr.mat <- NULL
    var.cov <- NULL
  param <- c(opt$par, unlist(fixed.param))
  scale <- param["scale"]
  var.thresh <- !all(threshold == threshold[1])

  if (!var.thresh)
    threshold <- threshold[1]
  list(fitted.values = opt$par, std.err = std.err, std.err.type = std.err.type,
       var.cov = var.cov, fixed = unlist(fixed.param), param = param,
       deviance = 2*opt$value, corr = corr.mat, convergence = opt$convergence,
       counts = opt$counts, message = opt$message, threshold = threshold,
       nat = nat, pat = pat, data = x, exceed = exceed, scale = scale,
       var.thresh = var.thresh, est = "MLE", logLik = -opt$value,
       opt.value = opt$value, hessian = opt$hessian)
cloudcello/PerformanceAnalytics documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:04 p.m.