
Defines functions normalize_cluster normalize_location list_kusto_tokens delete_kusto_token get_kusto_token

Documented in delete_kusto_token get_kusto_token list_kusto_tokens

# Azure Active Directory app used to talk to Kusto
.kusto_app_id <- 'db662dc1-0cfe-4e1c-a843-19a68e65be58'

#' Manage AAD authentication tokens for Kusto clusters
#' @param server The URI of your Kusto cluster. If not supplied, it is obtained from the `clustername` and `location` arguments.
#' @param clustername The cluster name.
#' @param location The cluster location. Leave this blank for a Microsoft-internal Kusto cluster like "help".
#' @param tenant Your Azure Active Directory (AAD) tenant. Can be a GUID, a name ("myaadtenant") or a fully qualified domain name ("myaadtenant.com").
#' @param app The ID of the Azure Active Directory app/service principal to authenticate with. Defaults to the ID of the KustoClient app.
#' @param auth_type The authentication method to use. Can be one of "authorization_code", "device_code", "client_credentials" or "resource_owner". The default is to pick one based on the other arguments.
#' @param version The AAD version to use. There should be no reason to change this from the default value of 2.
#' @param hash For `delete_kusto_token`, the MD5 hash of the token. This is used to identify the token if provided.
#' @param confirm For `delete_kusto_token`, whether to ask for confirmation before deleting the token.
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to [AzureAuth::get_azure_token].
#' @details
#' `get_kusto_token` returns an authentication token for the given cluster, caching its value on disk. `delete_kusto_token` deletes a cached token, and `list_kusto_tokens` lists all cached tokens.
#' By default, authentication tokens will be obtained using the main KustoClient Active Directory app. This app can be used to authenticate with any Kusto cluster (assuming, of course, you have the proper credentials).
#' @return
#' `get_kusto_token` returns an object of class AzureAuth::AzureToken representing the authentication token, while `list_kusto_tokens` returns a list of such objects. `delete_azure_token` returns NULL on a successful delete.
#' @seealso
#' [kusto_database_endpoint], [AzureAuth::get_azure_token]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_kusto_token("https://myclust.australiaeast.kusto.windows.net")
#' get_kusto_token(clustername="myclust", location="australiaeast")
#' # authenticate using client_credentials method: see ?AzureAuth::get_azure_token
#' get_kusto_token("https://myclust.australiaeast.kusto.windows.net",
#'                 tenant="mytenant", app="myapp", password="password")
#' }
#' @export
get_kusto_token <- function(server=NULL, clustername, location=NULL, tenant=NULL, app=.kusto_app_id, auth_type=NULL,
                            version=2, ...)
    tenant <- if(is.null(tenant))
    else AzureAuth::normalize_tenant(tenant)

        location <- normalize_location(location)
        cluster <- normalize_cluster(clustername, location)
        server <- paste0("https://", cluster, ".kusto.windows.net")

    if(version == 2 && httr::parse_url(server)$path == "")
        server <- c(paste0(sub("/$", "", server), "/.default"), "offline_access", "openid")

    # Used to default to "device_code" but "authorization_code" has better ease of use
    # and also works with .kusto_app_id without supplying a username.
    if(is.null(auth_type) && app == .kusto_app_id && (!"username" %in% names(list(...))))
        auth_type <- "authorization_code"

    AzureAuth::get_azure_token(server, tenant, app, auth_type=auth_type, version=version, ...)

#' @rdname get_kusto_token
#' @export
delete_kusto_token <- function(server=NULL, clustername, location=NULL, tenant=NULL, app=.kusto_app_id, auth_type=NULL,
                               version=2, ..., hash=NULL, confirm=TRUE)
    # use hash if provided
        return(AzureAuth::delete_azure_token(hash=hash, confirm=confirm))

    tenant <- if(is.null(tenant))
    else AzureAuth::normalize_tenant(tenant)

        location <- normalize_location(location)
        cluster <- normalize_cluster(clustername, location)
        server <- paste0("https://", cluster, ".kusto.windows.net")

    if(version == 2 && httr::parse_url(server)$path == "")
        server <- c(paste0(sub("/$", "", server), "/.default"), "offline_access", "openid")

    # KustoClient requires devicecode auth if username not supplied
    if(is.null(auth_type) && app == .kusto_app_id && (!"username" %in% names(list(...))))
        auth_type <- "device_code"

    AzureAuth::delete_azure_token(server, tenant, app, auth_type=auth_type, version=version, confirm=confirm, ...)

#' @rdname get_kusto_token
#' @export
list_kusto_tokens <- function()
    lst <- AzureAuth::list_azure_tokens()

    is_kusto <- function(x)
        !is.null(x) && grepl("kusto.windows.net", x, fixed=TRUE)

    lst[sapply(lst, function(tok)
        is_kusto(tok$resource) || is_kusto(tok$scope) || is_kusto(tok$credentials$resource)

# Kusto prettifies location eg "West US" instead of "westus", unprettify it for URL fiddling purposes
normalize_location <- function(location)
    else tolower(gsub(" ", "", location))

normalize_cluster <- function(clustername, location=NULL)
    else paste(clustername, location, sep=".")
cloudyr/AzureKusto documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 5:42 p.m.