
#' Multiple model calculation of trophic position
#' This function takes an isotopeData class object and calculates by default
#' three Bayesian models: one and two baselines without carbon fractionation and
#' two baselines with carbon fractionation.
#' @param siData an isotopeData class object.
#' @param lambda numerical value, represents the trophic level of baseline(s).
#' @param n.chains number of parallel chains for the model. If convergence
#'   diagnostics (such as Gelman-Rubin) are printed, n.chains needs to be >= 2.
#' @param n.adapt number of adaptive iterations, before the actual sampling.
#' @param n.iter number of iterations for Bayesian modelling (posterior
#'   sampling).
#' @param burnin number of iterations discarded as burn in.
#' @param thin thinning. Number of samples discarded while performing posterior
#'   sampling.
#' @param models string or list representing Bayesian models. At the moment they
#'   can be "oneBaseline", "twoBaselines" and/or "twoBaselinesFull".
#' @param print logical value to indicate whether Gelman and Rubin's convergence
#'   diagnostic and summary of samples are printed.
#' @param quiet logical value to indicate whether messages generated during
#'   compilation will be suppressed, as well as the progress bar during
#'   adaptation.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to this function.
#' @return For each model calculated, returns a data frame of 4 elements with
#'   raw posterior samples, a list with posterior TP samples, a list with
#'   posterior muDeltaN (if one baseline model was chosen) or alpha (if a two
#'   baselines model was chosen) and a data frame with a summary of posterior
#'   samples named gg.
#' @export
#' @import coda
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' isotopeData <- generateTPData()
#' models <- multiModelTP(isotopeData, n.adapt = 500, n.iter = 500,
#' burnin = 500)
#' credibilityIntervals(models$gg, x = "model")
#' }

multiModelTP <- function (siData = siData, lambda = 2,
                          n.chains = 2,
                          n.adapt = 20000,
                          n.iter = 20000,
                          burnin = 20000,
                          thin = 10,
                          models = c("oneBaseline",
                          params = NULL,
                          print = FALSE,
                          quiet = FALSE,

  #To DO
  dots <- list(...)

  parallel <- NULL

  if (methods::is(siData)[1] != "isotopeData") {
    if (checkNames(df = siData, flag = 4)) class(siData) <- "isotopeData"
    else stop("We need an isotopeData class object")

  HPDs  <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 11, nrow = 0))
  colnames(HPDs) <- c("model", "group", "consumer",
                      "lower", "upper", "median", "mode", "alpha.lower",
                      "alpha.upper", "alpha.median", "alpha.mode")

  easyTP_list <- list()
  easyAlpha_list <- list()
  easySamples_list <- list()

  for (model in models) {

    if (isTRUE(print)) message(paste("################### Model: ", model))

    siData_mod <- siData
    # Check this...
    # variable.names = c("TP", "alpha", "muDeltaC")
    variable.names <- c("TP", "alpha")

    if (model == "oneBaseline") {
      model.string <- tRophicPosition::jagsOneBaseline(lambda = lambda)
      model_txt <- "1b"
      myvars <- names(siData) %in% c("dCb1", "dNb2", "dCb2", "dCc", "deltaC")
      siData_mod <- siData[!myvars]
      variable.names <- c("TP", "muDeltaN")

    else if (model == "twoBaselines") {
      model.string <- tRophicPosition::jagsTwoBaselines(lambda = lambda)
      model_txt <- "2b"
      myvars <- names(siData) %in% c("deltaC")
      siData_mod <- siData[!myvars] }

    else if (model == "twoBaselinesFull"){
      model.string <- tRophicPosition::jagsTwoBaselinesFull(lambda = lambda)
      model_txt <- "2bf"

    if (!is.null(parallel) & is.numeric(parallel)) {
      #TO DO...

      class(siData_mod) <- "list"

      if (isTRUE(print)) {
        summarise <- TRUE
        plots <- TRUE
      else {
        summarise <- FALSE
        plots <- FALSE

      # runJagsOut <- runjags::run.jags(method = "parallel", model = model,
      #                                 monitor = c("TP", "muDeltaN"),
      #                                 data = siData_mod, n.chains = n.chains,
      #                                 adapt = n.adapt, burnin = burnin,
      #                                 sample = n.iter, thin = 5,
      #                                 summarise = summarise, plots = plots)

      # if (isTRUE(print)) {
      #   #plot(runJagsOut)
      #   # print(runJagsOut)
      # }

      # easySamples_list[[model]] <- runJagsOut



    else {

      modelTP <- TPmodel(data = siData_mod,
                         model.string = model.string,
                         n.chains = n.chains,
                         n.adapt = n.adapt, quiet = quiet, ...)

      samples <- posteriorTP(modelTP,
                             variable.names = variable.names,
                             n.iter = n.iter + burnin,
                             thin = thin, quiet = quiet, ...)

      samples <- stats::window(samples, start = n.adapt + burnin,
                               end = n.adapt + burnin + n.iter)


    if (isTRUE(print)) {

      if (!is.null(attributes(siData)$group) &

        plotMCMC(samples, #coda:::plot.mcmc.list()
                 sub = paste(model,


            plotMCMC(samples, sub = paste(model,

            plotMCMC(samples, sub = model)



    TP.combined <- coda::mcmc(do.call(rbind, samples))
    HPD <- coda::HPDinterval(TP.combined)
    lower <- HPD[1]
    upper <- HPD[3]
    median <- median(TP.combined[,1])
    mode <- hdrcde::hdr(TP.combined[,1])$mode

    if (model == "oneBaseline") alpha.lower <- NA
    else alpha.lower <- HPD[2]

    if (model == "oneBaseline") alpha.upper <- NA
    else alpha.upper <- HPD[4]

    if (model == "oneBaseline") {
      alpha.median <- NA
      alpha.mode <- NA

      } else {
        alpha.median <- median(TP.combined[,2])
        alpha.mode <- hdrcde::hdr(TP.combined[,2])$mode

    if (!is.null(attributes(siData)$group))
      group <-  attributes(siData)$group
    else group <- NA

    if (!is.null(attributes(siData)$consumer))
      consumer <- attributes(siData)$consumer
    else consumer <- NA

    df <- data.frame("model" = model_txt,
                     "group" = group,
                     "consumer" = consumer,
                     "lower" = lower,
                     "upper" = upper,
                     "median" = median,
                     "mode" = mode,
                     "alpha.lower" = alpha.lower,
                     "alpha.upper" = alpha.upper,
                     "alpha.median" = alpha.median,
                     "alpha.mode" = alpha.mode)

    HPDs <- rbind(HPDs, df)

    easyTP_list[[model_txt]] <- as.matrix(samples)[,1]
    easyAlpha_list[[model_txt]] <- as.matrix(samples)[,2]
    easySamples_list[[model_txt]] <- samples

  #stupid CRAN fix

  if (model != "oneBaseline")
    return(list("TP" = as.list(easyTP_list),
                "alpha" = as.list(easyAlpha_list),
                "gg" = HPDs,
                "samples" = easySamples_list))
    return(list("TP" = as.list(easyTP_list),
                "muDeltaN" = as.list(easyAlpha_list),
                "gg" = HPDs,
                "samples" = easySamples_list))

  # list("TP" = easyTP_list,
  #      "alpha" = easyAlpha_list,
  #      "gg" = HPDs,
  #      "samples" = easySamples_list)

clquezada/tRophicPosition documentation built on Jan. 4, 2023, 12:31 p.m.