Man pages for cnobles/spraphal
Sparse Graph-based Analysis

alias_arbiterAssign consistant ID to variable given various alias IDs from...
append_by_enrichAdd vertices to a list based on p-value cutoff / enrichment
append_vertices_to_listsAppend vertices in a list to vertex lists depending on...
comp_bipartite_probApproximate the probability of interactions between two...
comp_edgeset_probCompute edgeset probability.
comp_enrichmentCalculate the enrichment within an ordered list of verticies.
comp_lambdaCompute the number of expected connections between a set of...
comp_lambda_bipartiteCompute the number of expected connections between two sets...
comp_outside_vertex_probApproximate the probability of a vertex not within a list...
comp_pijCompute the probability of vertex i connecting to vertex j.
comp_sparse_probCompute probability for sparse graph edges.
comp_vertex_probApproximate the probability of each vertex within a list...
construct_graphConstruct graph from data.frame
count_edgesCount edges within a graph or edges between two...
map_namesMatch gene names within data to vertex identifiers with a...
plot_bipartitePlot bipartite graph using ggnet2
plot_clusterPlot cluster with probablistic coloring of the nodes with...
plot_clustersPlot graph with a list of vertex lists using ggnet2
plot_enrichment_analysisPlot enrichment analysis of ordered verticies.
plot_subgraphPlot subgraph using ggnet2
prune_by_enrichPrune vertices from vertex list based on p-value cutoff /...
sparsenessTest graph for sparseness
cnobles/spraphal documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:35 p.m.