
#' calculate the square distance between a, b
#' @param a a matrix with \eqn{D \times N} dimension
#' @param b a matrix with \eqn{D \times N} dimension
#' @return a numeric value for the different between a and b
#' @export
sqdist_R <- function(a, b) {
  aa <- colSums(a^2)
  bb <- colSums(b^2)
  ab <- t(a) %*% b

  aa_repmat <- matrix(rep(aa, times = ncol(b)), ncol = ncol(b), byrow = F)
  bb_repmat <- matrix(rep(bb, times = ncol(a)), nrow = ncol(a), byrow = T)
  dist <- abs(aa_repmat + bb_repmat - 2 * ab)

#' function to reproduce the behavior of eye function in matlab
#' @param n number of rows in the returned eye matrix
#' @param m number of columns in the returned eye matrix
#' @return a matrix with diagonal element as 1 while other elements as zero (eye matrix)
#' @export
eye <- function(n, m) {
  mat <- matrix(rep(0, n * m), nrow = n)
  diag(mat) <- 1

#' function to reproduce the behavior of repmat function in matlab to replicate and tile an matrix
#' @param X matrix for tiling and replicate the data
#' @param m a numeric value for tiling a matrix
#' @param n a numeric value for tiling a matrix
#' @return a matrix
#' @export
repmat = function(X,m,n){
  ##R equivalent of repmat (matlab)
  mx = dim(X)[1]
  nx = dim(X)[2]

#' function to find the k-nearest neighbor graph
#' @param X number of rows in the returned eye matrix (D * N)
#' @param K number of neighbors of each data point excluding itself
#' @return a matrix
#' @export
get_knn <- function(X, K = 5) {
	N <- ncol(X)
	#norm_sq <- repmat(t(Matrix::colSums(X^2)), N, 1)
	#dist_sq <- norm_sq + t(norm_sq) - 2 * t(X) %*% X
	dist_sq <- as.matrix(proxy::dist(t(X)))
	row.names(dist_sq) = colnames(dist_sq)

	sort_idx <- t(apply(dist_sq, 2, function(x) sort(x, index.return = T)$ix ))
	knn_idx <- sort_idx[, 1:(K + 1)]

  rows <- matrix(repmat(t(knn_idx[, 1]), 1, K), N * K, 1)
  cols <- matrix(knn_idx[, 2:(K+1)], N * K, 1)
  G = matrix(0, ncol=ncol(dist_sq), nrow=nrow(dist_sq))
  G[cbind(rows,cols)] = 1
  G[cbind(cols,rows)] = 1
  W <- dist_sq * G

	return(list(G = G, W = W))

#' function to find the minimum spanning tree
#' @param X number of rows in the returned eye matrix (D * N)
#' @return a matrix
#' @export
get_mst <- function(X) {
  N <- ncol(X)
  #norm_sq <- repmat(t(colSums(X^2)), N, 1)
  #dist_sq <- norm_sq + t(norm_sq) - 2 * t(X) %*% X
  dist_sq <- as.matrix(proxy::dist(t(X)))
  row.names(dist_sq) = colnames(dist_sq)
  g <- graph.adjacency(dist_sq, mode = 'lower', diag = T, weighted = T)

  g_mst <- mst(g)
  stree <- get.adjacency(g_mst, attr = 'weight', type = 'lower')
  stree_ori <- stree

  #convert to matrix:
  stree <- as.matrix(stree)
  stree <- stree + t(stree)

  stree[stree > 0] <- 1
  W <- dist_sq * stree

  return(list(G = stree, W = W))

#' function to find the minimum spanning tree,
#' augmented with shortcuts on vertices of odd degree
#' @param X number of rows in the returned eye matrix (D * N)
#' @param K of nearest neighbors for use with shortcutting
#' @return a matrix
#' @export
get_mst_with_shortcuts <- function(X, K = 5) {
  N <- ncol(X)
  norm_sq <- repmat(t(colSums(X^2)), N, 1)
  dist_sq <- norm_sq + t(norm_sq) - 2 * t(X) %*% X
  g <- graph.adjacency(dist_sq, mode = 'lower', diag = T, weighted = T)
  g_mst <- mst(g)

  odd_degree_vertices = V(g_mst)[(degree(g_mst) %% 2) == 1]
  #odd_degree_vertex_distances = dist_sq[odd_degree_vertices, odd_degree_vertices]

  odd_knn = get_knn(X[,odd_degree_vertices$name], K = K)

  stree <- get.adjacency(g_mst, attr = 'weight', type = 'lower')
  stree_ori <- stree

  #convert to matrix:
  stree <- as.matrix(stree)

  stree[odd_degree_vertices$name,odd_degree_vertices$name] = stree[odd_degree_vertices$name,odd_degree_vertices$name] + odd_knn$G
  stree <- stree + t(stree)

  stree[stree > 0] <- 1
  W <- dist_sq * stree

  return(list(G = stree, W = W))

#' function to automatically learn the structure of data by either using L1-graph or the spanning-tree formulization
#' @param X the input data DxN
#' @param C0 the initialization of centroids
#' @param G graph matrix with side information where cannot-link pair is 0
#' @param maxiter maximum number of iteraction
#' @param eps relative objective difference
#' @param gstruct graph structure to learn, either L1-graph or the span-tree
#' @param L1.lambda regularization parameter for inverse graph embedding
#' @param L1.gamma regularization parameter for k-means (the prefix of 'param' is used to avoid name collision with gamma)
#' @param L1.sigma bandwidth parameter
#' @param nn number of nearest neighbors
#' @param L1.timeout a positive integer value specifying the number of seconds after which a timeout will occur. If zero, then no timeout will occur. (This is a parameter passed to lp.control function)
#' @param verbose emit results from iteraction
#' @return a list of X, C, W, P, objs
#' X is the input data
#' C is the centers for principal graph
#' W is the pricipal graph matrix
#' P is the cluster assignment matrix
#' objs is the objective value for the function
#' @import lpSolveAPI
#' @export
principal_graph <- function(X, C0, G,
	maxiter = 10, eps = 1e-5,
	gstruct = c('l1-graph', 'span-tree'),
	L1.lambda = 1,
	L1.gamma = 0.5,
	L1.sigma = 0.01,
	nn = 5,
  	L1.timeout = 1800,
	verbose = T
	) {

	C <- C0;
	D <- nrow(C); K <- ncol(C)

	# construct only once for all iterations
	if(gstruct =='l1-graph'){

	    # low triangular sum_i sum_{j < i}
      G_tmp <- G
      G_tmp[upper.tri(G_tmp)] <- 0
	    row_col <- which(G_tmp == 1, arr.ind = T) #lower triangle
	    row <- row_col[, 1]; col <- row_col[, 2]
	    nw <- length(row) #number of non-zero elements
	    nvar <- nw + K*D #total number of variable; K*D: dimension of C

	    rc <- new.env(hash=T, parent=emptyenv())
	    # rc = java.util.HashMap; %hash-map: change the low triange into a vector and find the matrix index# change to a vector for linear programing
	    for(i in 1:nw) {
	        key_ij <- as.character(row[i] + col[i]*K) #index for the W_ij for the vector form of the weight matrix
			    rc[[key_ij]] <- i

	    # construct A and b
		  A <- matrix(nrow = 2 * D * K, ncol = nvar) #sparseMatrix(2 * D * K, nvar) # (i, j, x = x))
	    b <- matrix(nrow = 2 * D * K, ncol = 1) #sparseMatrix(2 * D * K, 1) #dimension is (2D * K) X 1

	    for(i in 1:K){
	      # print(i)
	        nn_i <- which(G[,i]==1)

	        # a <- as(matrix(0, nrow = 2*D, ncol = nvar), "sparseMatrix") #2D: |a| < b: -a, a
          a <- matrix(0, nrow = 2 * D, ncol = nvar)
          if (length(nn_i) >= 1){
            for(jj in 1:length(nn_i)){
              j <- nn_i[jj]
              key_ij <- as.character(i+j*K)
              if(i < j) {
                key_ij <- as.character(j + i*K) #index for the neighbor for the vector form of the graph
              pos_ij <- rc[[key_ij]]
              #put this into the corresponding column
              a[, pos_ij] <- c(-X[, j], X[, j]) # -a < x < a; eq. 17. i-th sample's constraints. each sample has D genes

	        start_i <- nw + (i-1)*D + 1
	        end_i <- start_i + D-1 #why do we need D - 1 here? should be just D, right?
	        #those are the columns corresponding to the episilon
	        a[, start_i:end_i] = -rbind(eye(D,D), eye(D,D)) # |a| < b =>  a - b <= 0 & -b -a >= 0; eye: comes from the b (I matrix)
	        A[((i - 1) * 2 * D + 1):((i) * 2 * D), ] <- a
	        b[((i - 1) * 2 * D + 1):((i) * 2 * D), ] <- c(-X[, i], X[, i])

	objs <- c()
	lp_vars <- c()
	for(iter in 1:maxiter){

    norm_sq <- repmat(t(colSums(C^2)), K, 1) #this part calculates the cost matrix Phi
    Phi <- norm_sq + t(norm_sq) - 2 * t(C) %*% C
    if(gstruct == 'l1-graph'){
            val <- matrix(0, nrow = nw, ncol = 1)
            for(i in 1:nw) {
                val[i] = Phi[row[i], col[i]]

            f <- matrix(c(2*val, L1.lambda * rep(1, K*D)), ncol = 1)

            # MATLAB solver
            #options = optimset( 'Display', 'off','Algorithm','interior-point');
            # [w_eta, obj_W] = linprog(f, A, b, [], [], [zeros(nw, 1); -Inf*matrix(K*D,nrow = 1)], [], lp_vars, options);

			# lpSolve package
			# prod.sol <- lp("min", f, A, constr.dir, b, compute.sens = TRUE)
			# obj_W <- prod.sol$obj.val #objective function value
			# w_eta <- prod.sol$solution

			#another approach:
			# nrow a nonnegative integer value specifying the number of constaints in the linear program.
			# ncol a nonnegative integer value specifying the number of decision variables in the linear program.
			lprec <- make.lp(length(b), length(f), verbose="important")
			set.objfn(lprec, f)
			for(i in 1:nrow(A)) {
				add.constraint(lprec, A[i, ], "<=", b[i, ])
			# for(j in 1:nrow()) {
			# 	set.bounds(lprec, lower = c(rep(0, nw), -Inf*rep(1, K*D)), columns = 1:length(b))
			# }
			set.bounds(lprec, lower = c(rep(0, nw), -Inf*rep(1, K*D))) #				set.bounds(lprec, lower = c(rep(0, nw), -Inf*rep(1, K*D)), columns = 1:length(b))

		   #set objective direction

		   #solve the model, if this return 0 an optimal solution is found
		   lp.control(lprec, timeout = L1.timeout, presolve = "rows")

		   obj_W <- get.objective(lprec)
		   w_eta <- get.variables(lprec)

			# %                                                           lb(w, )                      ub
			# %             % Mosek solver
			# %             prob.c = f; prob.a = A;
			# %             prob.buc = b;
			# %             prob.blx = sparse( [zeros(nw, 1); -Inf.*ones(K*D,1)] );
			# %             [r,res] = mosekopt('minimize echo(0)',prob);
			# %             w_eta = res.sol.bas.xx;
			# %             obj_W = f'*w_eta;

            # recover results
            w <- w_eta[1:nw]
            W_tril <- as.matrix(sparseMatrix(row, col, x = w, dims = c(K, K))) #W_tril(row(i), row(i)) = w(i) and K should be dimension of the matrix
            W <- W_tril + t(W_tril)

            # warm start #it seems that the matlab version ignored warm start with the interior-point method
            lp_vars <- w_eta
    else if(gstruct == 'span-tree'){
    	    ##########################use mst from igraph: ##########################
		    g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(Phi, mode = 'lower', diag = T, weighted = T)
		    g_mst <- igraph::mst(g)
		    stree <- igraph::get.adjacency(g_mst, attr = 'weight', type = 'lower')
		    stree_ori <- stree

		    #convert to matrix:
		    stree <- as.matrix(stree)
		    stree <- stree + t(stree)

            W <- stree != 0
            obj_W <- sum(sum(stree))
        warning('graph structure %s is not supported yet.',gstruct)

 	res = soft_assignment(X, C, L1.sigma)
 	P <- res$P
 	obj_P <- res$obj

    obj <- obj_W + L1.gamma * obj_P
    objs = c(objs, obj)
        message('iter = ', iter, ' obj = ', obj)

    if(iter > 1){
        relative_diff = abs( objs[iter-1] - obj) / abs(objs[iter-1]);
        if(relative_diff < eps){
                message('eps = ', relative_diff, ', converge.')
        if(iter >= maxiter){
               message('eps = ', relative_diff, ' reach maxiter.')

    C <- generate_centers(X, W, P, L1.gamma)


    return(list(X = X, C = C, W = W, P = P, objs = objs))

#' function to reproduce the behavior of eye function in matlab
#' @param X input data
#' @param W the pricipal graph matrix
#' @param P the cluster assignment matrix
#' @param param.gamma regularization parameter for k-means (the prefix of 'param' is used to avoid name collision with gamma)
#' @return A matrix C for the centers for principal graph
#' @export
generate_centers <- function(X, W, P, param.gamma){
	D <- nrow(X); N <- nrow(X)
	K <- ncol(W)
	# prevent singular
	Q <- 2 *( diag(colSums(W)) - W ) + param.gamma * diag(colSums(P)) # + 1e-10.*eye(K,K);
	B <-  param.gamma * X %*% P;
	C <- B %*% solve(Q)   #equation 22


#' function to calculate the third term in the objective function
#' @param X input data
#' @param C center of grap (D * K)
#' @param sigma bandwidth parameter
#' @return a matrix with diagonal element as 1 while other elements as zero (eye matrix)
#' @export
soft_assignment <- function(X, C, sigma){

	D <- nrow(X); N <- ncol(X)
	K <- ncol(C)
	norm_X_sq <- repmat(t(t(colSums(X^2))), 1, K);
	norm_C_sq <- repmat(t(colSums(C^2)), N, 1);
	dist_XC <- norm_X_sq + norm_C_sq - 2 * t(X) %*% C

	# %% handle numerical problems 0/0 for P
	min_dist <- apply(dist_XC, 1, min) #rowMin(dist_XC)

	dist_XC <- dist_XC - repmat(t(t(min_dist)), 1, K )
	Phi_XC <- exp(- dist_XC / sigma)
	P <- Phi_XC / repmat(t(t(rowSums(Phi_XC))), 1, K)

	obj <- - sigma * sum( log( rowSums( exp(- dist_XC/sigma)) ) #why not \sigma * log (p_{ij})
	        - min_dist/ sigma );

	return(list(P = P, obj = obj))
cole-trapnell-lab/L1-graph documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:50 p.m.