
# This code is taken from the evobiR package


genotype.options <- c('AA', 'Aa', 'aa', 'A', 'a')

# Expected frequencies
get.expected.results <- function(x, y, wAA, wAa, waa, qAa, qaA) {

  freqA <- vector()
  A <- x

  # genotype frequencies
  AA <- A^2       # p^2
  Aa <- 2*A*(1-A) # 2pq
  aa <- (1-A)^2   # q^2

  # iterate over generations
  for (i in 1:y) { <- AA*wAA + Aa*wAa + aa*waa  # mean fitness

    # genotype frequencies after selection
    AA <- AA * (wAA /
    Aa <- Aa * (wAa /
    aa <- aa * (waa /

    # frequency of allele A after selection
    freqA[i] <- A <- (AA + .5*Aa)

    # mutation
    if (qAa + qaA != 0)
        A <- A + ((1 - A) * qaA) - (A * qAa)

    # genotype frequencies after reproduction (random mating)
    AA <- A^2
    Aa <- 2*A*(1-A)
    aa <- (1-A)^2

  # frequency of allele A over time
# Or instead of all the steps above, could jump straight to p'.

# Simulated frequencies
get.simulated.results <- function(fitness, initial.A, pop, gen, var.plot,
                                  iter, heath, qAa, qaA) {

  results <- matrix(,iter,gen)
  pop2 <- vector()
  if (iter > 0)
    for (k in 1:iter) {
      adults <- c(rep(1, each = round(pop*initial.A^2)),
                  rep(2, each = round(pop*2*initial.A*{1-initial.A})),
                  rep(3, each = round(pop*{1-initial.A}^2)))
      plot.val <- vector()
      for (i in 1:gen) {
        A <- (2 * sum(adults == 1) + sum(adults ==2)) / (pop*2)
        if (qAa + qaA != 0) A <- A + ((1 - A) * qaA) - (A * qAa)
        pop2 <- pop
        babies <-  c(rep(1, each = round(pop2*A^2)),
                     rep(2, each = round(pop2*2*A*{1-A})),
                     rep(3, each = round(pop2*(1-A)^2))) <- vector(length = length(babies)) # fitness for each offspring[babies == 1] <- fitness[1][babies == 2] <- fitness[2][babies == 3] <- fitness[3]
        # the sample() function is where the "randomness" really happens
        adults <- sample(babies, pop2, replace = T, prob =
        AA <- sum(adults == 1)
        Aa <- sum(adults == 2)
        plot.val[i] <- AA + .5 * Aa
      results[k,] <- plot.val

shinyServer(function(input, output) {

  genotypes <- reactive({
    paste('Frequency of', genotype.options[as.numeric(input$var.plot)])

  # Drift simulations
  data <- reactive({
    set.seed <- input$seed.val
    get.simulated.results(fitness=c(input$fit.AA, input$fit.Aa, input$fit.aa),
                                initial.A = input$initial.A,
                                pop = input$pop,
                                gen = input$gen,
                                var.plot = input$var.plot,
                                iter = input$iter,
                                heath = input$heath, input$qAa, input$qaA)
  # "data" now contains the number of A alleles in the population

  # Expected calculations
  expected.A <- reactive({
    get.expected.results(input$initial.A, input$gen, input$fit.AA, input$fit.Aa,
                         input$fit.aa, input$qAa, input$qaA)

  # Plot the results
  output$genePlot <- renderPlot({

      # Set up plot area
      plot(0, 0, col = 'white', ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, input$gen),
           xlab = 'Time (generations)', ylab = genotypes(),
           cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.3)
      mtext("Based on the R package popgensim",
            side = 1, cex=.8, line=4, adj=1)
      lwd.expected <- 5
      lwd.simulated <- 3
      # Plot drift outcomes
      if (input$iter > 0) {
        for (i in 1:input$iter) {
          if (input$var.plot == 1) {
            lines(1:input$gen, (data()[i,1:input$gen]/input$pop)^2,
            col=rainbow(input$iter)[i], lwd = lwd.simulated)
          } else if (input$var.plot == 2) {
            lines(1:input$gen, 2 * (data()[i,1:input$gen]/input$pop) *
            col=rainbow(input$iter)[i], lwd = lwd.simulated)
          } else if (input$var.plot == 3) {
            lines(1:input$gen, (1-(data()[i,1:input$gen]/input$pop))^2,
            col=rainbow(input$iter)[i], lwd = lwd.simulated)
          } else if (input$var.plot == 4) {
            lines(1:input$gen, data()[i,1:input$gen]/input$pop,
            col=rainbow(input$iter)[i], lwd = lwd.simulated)
          } else {
            lines(1:input$gen, 1 - data()[i,1:input$gen]/input$pop,
            col=(input$iter)[i], lwd = lwd.simulated)
      # Plot mean fitness
      if (input$plot.choice == TRUE) {
            y <- input$fit.AA * expected.A()^2 +
              input$fit.Aa * 2 * expected.A() * (1-expected.A()) +
              input$fit.aa * (1 - expected.A())^2
      lines(1:input$gen, y, lwd=2, lty = 3, col="red")
      # Plot expected outcome
      if (input$var.plot == 1)
          lines(1:input$gen, expected.A()^2, lwd = lwd.expected)
      if (input$var.plot == 2)
          lines(1:input$gen, 2 * expected.A() *
                             (1 - expected.A()), lwd = lwd.expected)
      if (input$var.plot == 3)
          lines(1:input$gen, (1 - expected.A())^2, lwd = lwd.expected)
      if (input$var.plot == 4)
          lines(1:input$gen, expected.A(), lwd = lwd.expected)
      if (input$var.plot == 5)
          lines(1:input$gen, (1 - expected.A()), lwd = lwd.expected)
coleoguy/popgensim documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:53 p.m.